Show SILKS AND SATINS OF BYGONE DAYS Daughters of f f the Pioneers in iii Annual Old Old- Old Fashioned Fashioned Ball Bail PRES SMITH LEADS MARCH Miles I It ii and I iii Cedar 1 I ics I Produce Produce- tier Array t Ira or oL Finery ii to III l' l lO Be o Woin I n h b. hy Old Olti and i I Nearly 1 0 hundred as- as Thursday night nt ot the l hOl and KO liu 11 far r as Ui I lieu 1111 11 numbers hOIs hOI's and ml abounding good nature would voul took tok part lart In the lii Old Fash- Fash Ball nail provided Hu hi h by lie tho Daugh 1 h. h I j Iel ers of Ut the lie Pioneers The tin dance mice part I of it f the program was opened by l' ti tie the l' l graild rand match march led b by President Joseph l' l F. F Smith at t 8 S An n abundant was waH served In iii l the lie he north room which has bus been heen fitted for foi use of uC the science class of or tho the I. I L. L D D. S. S university it Included c In lii I the lie bill ot ol fare arc was ol old fashioned molasses gln gin gr cr Lr bicad with a a. novel no but pleasing nd refreshing tea commonly used h by byle I hie he le pioneers but lu 01 never ne was waH brewed from rom lea i lit lie I comprised lh lie committee Ann 11 tin D D. Marion Beatle bathe Whitney Clarissa Clarl a Young Yoting Spencer Imma hl IC fey ey Mary taly Jones Clawson Lou Being an t old fashioned affair the Ihl guests began arl arriving at nl G 0 o'clock many lany of oC them In costumes half a cen con tiry old Many lun were of homespun fabric Others were WIO notable notable o e of of f their quaint fashioning Tho The manor man man- inn ner or of with wih the he novel no combs worn ed to lo hn In In- In i ej-i- t In lii lh the picture Visitors to tn whom the lie Interior of tin tin- lie Lion ion house W wj I new n were Si shown II 1 1 Ih the thiC ml museum elm un and the lie mIK iI 10 now I 14 f fil r hilL work worl of If i school And after the lie dinner dancing cami l' l ll thI of oC ho 1 tes- tes Ii H 3 j j- 11 nil 1 t tah iut ts And the lie costumes It I would attics allies and chests could hardly that ml have ha yielded up hip UI lh the trea treasures and amid of or h by gone ulle du days Unit that were vele so be I worn In lii the lie unique a anti and nl n assemblage C T To Tn Ize iz ze would be he an ami Impossibility Gowns to to tn the waist were worn oln on rca H crinoline Dol Dolly Varden were wre very much In evl evl- hence ence sill silk II brocade ani anti and aln gowns owns rich bea bea eJ RI and chemic UI tOld and lit rare re old lace Ine nn and man mantles fichus an and scUm CM and lon long mitts milts an and t fans fais this worn won I b by fair fai- fai young s. belonging ln to the pretty authors mothel who In turn lurn vere ro arrayed In theIr grandmothers grandmother's finery The 1 Jel Jew Jew- Iry eliy would have graced a loan l o lu Illon flue fine old ulti mug long di 41 ii op oil ear cur rings Ings s. s Jet Jel I necklaces ear eal drops and anti bracelets rose coral brooches of all ni degrees Ie from flum the pretty co those lose e Gypsy Gns style which was wu waso 10 o becoming to I. I the tho n clo-n ol old old-fash- Cash Cash- straw law and aull tied lied under the lite theli bin li I ii ivi with wih t Ii real ribbon si t il 11 11 such as l used ell to lo wear veal Old palm leaf caf an and embroidered Iha I shawls pretty lowered and cia CI embroidered mull iii hi Il owns u with wih panniers thai limit marked Sio Iho of hion fa-hion a llon more than tItan a of a n century ago and showed shoved ho et the ic dainty pointed slipper of oC the lie same ulo The lic rie 53 style of hair dressing hal re was W and wonderfully carried out lon long ringlets lell clu clusters of f curls held b by antique combs the much inch admired spit Ji curls that thai palle mauled lie Indispensable ble beauty spots LL r patches of court coull plaster If I It I were possible one would mention In lii II particular the effective toilettes won wOI h by ly Mrs Airs Suta Sua Ut Young Gates Gales Mrs Airs John Juhn D. D Spencer Mrs 1 Marlon B. B Whitney h I I C Mrs Urs r Lou Iou aroc McCune McCule Mrs Airs Anti Ann D. D lh Mis 1 Mrs Airs Clawson Mrs Airs lIeber M. M 1 Wells who looked as hiM If it sho had stepped out oui of Go Godey's e Ladles Ladles' Book Bool of oC forty olty years ago UJO Mrs Mis 1118 B. B B Wells wan a a. handsome set of ermine anti and ane of oC others equally worthy of or mention meitlon Perhaps lh the lie crowning tenure ten Ceu- lure tuc ure of the he whole was the lie calm tall and personality of oC these descend descend- of ur lie Iho pioneers very few COW of aro are now 11 living 1 lo tu witness the lie gathering mig l I In II ii lie tho historic Lion 1 louse 1 Tho Thin old fashioned hall ball was wa u. u 1 de decided de- de e- e success bringing tO together so o nany of the tho 11 older t er people who took tonic I part jart In the Iho settlement of oC Utah nn and he the younger people whoso Hie for fol such nn an assembly have c 11 become be ho- cor come collie too Lou rare I |