Show I ROW ROUND THE WORLD WITH fj VJ W. W J. J DRY BRYAN A Large Audience Carried Globe GlobeTrotting GlobeTrotting GlobeTrotting Trotting by Commoners Commoner's Lecture FROM THE NILE TO NORWAY Lake ako Surpass anti and Coming Coniing or Going Th Theres There's rc's No Xo Place Like Home Led Lcd by William Jennings Bryan BIan several hundred persons traveled around the world with the great Commoner Commoner Com Corn moner last night The tour began and ended at Il the First Methodist church and was conducted under tho the auspices of or the Epworth league In all his travels Mr Bryan Bran found nothing quite so attractive as the United States and ho he contrasted tho the life customs scenery scenery seen seen- ery cry and government of or the old countries countries coun coun- tries with those of or the new nev It was no disparagement to America In his travels Mr Ir Bryan did not forget torget that among other things he Is Isa Isa isa a politician Before Defore Orlando W. W Powers Introduced introduced Introduced Intro Intro- Mr 11 Bryan Dryan Mrs 1 C. C G. G Plummer sang The Flag Without a Stain Slain accompanied accompanied ac ac- ac- ac companied by Mrs W. W LoOmis E. E P. P KImball assistant organist at the thc Tabernacle entertained the audience with a concert on the pipe organ for forthe forthe or orthe the three-quarters three of oC an hour spent In waiting for tor the distinguished lec lec- tu Without the aid of or public position without the tho assistance of wealth without without with with- 1 out the tho power and Influence that comes from Cram position William J. J Bryan comes to u its us s as the first citizen of or the theland theland land said Mr Powers b by way of ot Introduction He Ho has made mado his name known wherever aspirations are high for or a nobler manhood He Is tho ho Idol of or those who believe In his faith and andIn andin andin in no city of the tho United States does docs ho he need an Introduction Many Admirers Present Scores of oC Democrats were in at attendance attendance at- at among them many of ot the thc most prominent In the thc state slate and to Mr 1 Bryan was given an ovation which was supplemented b by others who are arc not Democrats but who o the Nebraskan Being by my good goodfriend goodfriend friend said Mr lr Bryan r reminds me mc of the thc story of time the homely girl S She had been told by friends that she w was s beautiful and after all the compliments I ments she hid herself hersel in a closet and thanked God that love was blind I have two J kinds of or speeches One I Is la the non partisan speech and the thc theother theother other is the partisan speech Sometimes Sometimes Some Some- times I have opportunities to talk within part party lines and you may have noticed that I have Improved them somewhat I dont don't know that my political speeches arc are appreciated and Judging from election returns I some sometimes times think tile the they are notTo not To show you ou how n an Innocent speech ma may be bo misconstrued I I. I will point you ou to an incident that happened happened hap hap- In Ill riy rin home town Lincoln wan B. B civic betterment better better- mont ment Oi league In our town and a Republican Re Re- publican lawyer was vas Invited to talk on the subject at one o of the tho churches 1 was asked to talk for foP the Democrats The next da day a prominent Republican was abusing mo mc on the streets for desecrating the Interior o of a church b by making a political speech I met him and told him I did not He lIe said that I had advised the people to vote ote for tho ho b host best st man for mayor He said the Democratic o candidate was the best man and hence I urged thorn thom to vote for him Trip Las Lasted Nearly a Year Now ow If It I was to say what whal I used to say people would accuse me of or quoting from President Roosevelt Roosevelt- But Bul ButI BulI I ant sant ant to tell you ou of or m my Impressions of a trip around the world It lasted nearly a year and we visited ever every ever country of oC importance on the globe Mrs Bryan and I took our children out o of school for a year and they went with us We Ve thought that the best education they could get gel In a year But Bul In all my travels over the world I could not help thinking that thal God was very good bood to us here in the thc United States especially in the Western West West- em ern part in giving us glimpses of ot the Almighty's handiwork In the beautiful ful Cui UI structures of nature In 1897 we went ent to the Yellowstone in 1899 to the Yosemite and In 1904 1901 to the Grand Canon When I saw the Grand Canon It reminded me mc of or the lines of oC the poet scout Jack Crawford who had contrasted contrasted con con- in verse the scenes of oC NewYork NewYork New NewYork York with those of the West The Theline Theline Theline line that struck me most was Where the hand of oC God Is seen There are areas areas areas of or the as many man evidences of the hand Almighty In this country of or ours asIn asin as asin in all the tho rest of or the world worM together A Few Surprises of the things g that l I will tell lell you ou surprised cd u us on our OUI trip and try to keep of oft of the places you OU have read Tead I Iso so much about aboul and heard of so 50 much 1 I remember that thal Damascus appealed to me when I wa was In school school- It Is tho the oldest city In tho the world There Thero must t of or necessity bo ho a ell city where Damascus stands l If It is destroyed It will be rebuilt The present city old as It 11 Is was on the foundation tion of ot a city before It Il and tradition underlies I tells us that a foundation that It I Is a natural point t between the Ial East t anu ana mv- mv v vans must stop on their thelt way to and fro Cro If I were to choose e the Ideal summer summer sum sum- mer iner resort I would select Stockholm where the fresh and antl salt alt water meet and where the hundreds of ot Islands make most beautiful sites for summer summer sum sum- mer iner homes If H I were to choose a capital for tor the eastern hemisphere I would select Constantinople There Is Js no other place for It If H the three continents continents con con- come coma under one government ov Constantinople will witt be th the tho 10 logical Ital capital It la Is the center I of ui Rivers fliers Impressed by hy the rh en of I wits was of or the imagination the tho old ohl world My Immense s Tiber Tibel wa was that It was an stream When hen I saw It I was th the Danube pointed I had read of or the waters were blue and nd Imag Imagined havIng heard of the Blue Danube pictured the as a And I 1 had wonderful stream The Columbia riverIs river rl beautiful anti and Ir if It had more Is far Its banks castles and along the Rhine people would come the as has to lo see IlI itI u it ur or of the h globe all parts from the lakes or of of lakes lal it in I I sav w r Tahoe Scotland land and Norway but Lake beautiful Is far moro rin In Norway the land of or the was vas I where the sun descends sun horizon and then starts to o oon the almost I am glad we way on Us Its upward P or of the thc globe where the thc live JIve curtain on a is 15 part drawn at al nIght and wh where r. r I the Ule cares of oC the da lay day are forgotten In blessed rest There Thore l IK one beautiful spot In P Pal Pa Palestine a- a I estine stine never mentioned by travelers I ala am told that last year ear perSons persons per per- sons landed at nt the ports of oC Egypt I only a short distance from the tho Hol HolLand Holy Holi Land More lore than half hair of oC this number number number num num- ber went to E Egypt pt for Cor health and visited the ruins along the Nile Less than visited Jerusalem Of this number less than 1000 continued 1 on onlo onto lo to Galilee and of this less than 00 stopped to visit tho the Mount of ot tho the Beatitudes Bea Bla where the thc sermon on the mount was delivered Au A Interest tI t. t I believe the time Is coming when the Christian world will make this point more accessible In the years rears to come come and and I am not a minister minister- we will hear more more of or the Sermon on the Mount 1 We c will see seo a change chane In Inthe Inthe Inthe the emphasis of oC Christian teaching For hundreds of years ministers have emphasized Immortality and the they are arc arenow arenow now beginning to emphasize life liCe This point where tho the Sermon on the Mount was delivered and where anone anyone anyone any any- one can draw an inspiration of the sublimity of ot the tho scene and Its as associated associated associated as- as memories this point so Importantly importantly Im Im- im- im connected with tho the life lite of oC Christ Is not marked by tablet or chapel There Is a sublime view In the himalayas which are twice as high as the tho The upper feet of the mountains mountains' are In eternal snow now We Ye stood on the side of an Immense Immense Im Im- Im mense mountain and saw the rising of tho the sun As we looked up at the peaks we saw the tho change from pearlo pearl to o white and the shadows went chasIn chasing chas- chas In ing down the mountain sides as the sun lun rose In all Its splendor Men len can easily find fault Cault with the tho scriptures but they cant can't stand there In the himalayas as the sun begins to break brea with all the tho effulgence of Its glory and fail fall to see ee the hand of oC the Almighty Almighty Al Al- mighty and glory glor in His Ills work In Oriental Lands Mr 1 Bryan told of the Buddhist temples in Java a the ruins ruIng In Assyria the Altar to Heaven near Peking and antl the he temples In Japan I I notice In the press dispatches that the emperor of ot China has decreed decreed de dc- de- de creed that there shall be bc no flO more towing kow to Confucius he said Hereafter the emperor will offer sacrifice to Confucius along with sacrifices sacrifices sac sac- to earth and to heaven I be- be that thal is a good sign If lC I wanted to SR say a harsh hals word vord against the Chinese I couldn't say t-ay a anything worse than that the they are living up to the philosophy of Confucius an and that thal his philosophy Is largely responsible Corthe for Cor forthe forthe the fact that China has not developed as rapidly as It should They consider con con- sl shier sider el themselves perfect and antl are aie satisfied satis satis- fled fied with that Japan Faces Crl is Japan has a great crisis before beCore her That country has borrowed much from us and the great gleat question now Is whether Japan will vili also borrow borro our religion or 01 whether sho she will attempt to lo lobet get bet the lie symptoms without taking the underlying foundation I From Japan Mr 1 DI Bryan an took the thc audience into India told of Benares and antl the Ganges pictured the burning of oC bodies and the worship of or Idols He told of the tho great temples of Europe and nd said he hc was pleased to be able to worship In the little church at home for or the size of the church didn't count so much as tho the spirit of the worship He lie told of or the tombs o of the world tho the manner of ot burials and he anxiety o of the heathen to care more moro for tor or the bodies of ot tho the departed than for fOJ tho ho welfare of ot those still sUII ln living Ho the thc fott lio UI Uial l laud bud bo boon been n sp nt by y nn n old monarch toLY to pay LY tribute to n n. dead ca wife b by building an Immense temple Widespread I nolan nol an anca co was shown In the fact that there was no provision for education A greater tribute to lo woman would have been to lo spend the tho mone money for 01 tho the education education tion of tho the girls and bo boyS boy On Custom end Speaking of oC the customs o of dress Mr Bryan said The Japanese men have adopted our I I customs of ot ss but the women still cling lIng to the costumes that havo tavo always alwa's been theirs A 4 dress reform was started In Japan twenty years ago aro but there was a protest from American women who didn't want the Japanese women to dress as us they did I dont don't know whether it was the protest or the experience cx- cx that made the thc Japanese women women wom wom- en go back to their old form torm of oC dress There Is not so much hoo and Unhooking unhooking unhooking un un- hooking with the dresses of ot the thc Japanese Japan Japan- ese women omen He lie told ho how a Nebraska farmer armer saw sav royalty He lie went to Sulu and the tIme sultan sultan sul suI- sul- sul tan lan visited him coming on horseback followed by hy a servant senant waving vt a n. red umbrella the insignia of or royalty lb Ho later saw the time Datto Dalto Plang also with a ared ared ared red umbrella and the time dalto datto loaded the party parl down with cumbersome preen presents ts He lie said salt he hc had an un audience with the thc mikado at al and wore evening c dress at 9 in the morning He said he never saw a man In evening e dress In inthe tho the morning without thinking that he had missed the la car home borne Certificate of or Character He was W closeted half haIr an hour with sith the czar thereby receiving a certificate of or character to lo the effect that he was not an anarchist as charged several years cars ago He Jie saw the tho crown fitted to the thc head of ot the king kinK of or Norway hobnobbed hob hobnobbed hob Informally with King iCing E and met King Oscar all After h ho was glad we wc didn't have ha royalty In tho the United States j I was at atthe the peace congress at London Loudon Lou Lon don last Jul July and there a resolution was passed th that t I If a dispute arises between between be be- tween two countries and antl if It ft can not be bp settled it must bo be submitted to rJ u- u powers for Cor Investigation bofo a declaration of or war wal can be bo made and ami before before be be- fore hostilities can bo be opened This nation could make treaty treat for tho the submission submission submission sub sub- with other mission of or an any controversy nations and I if it could be bo settled b by arbitration war would be a remote J pos pos- os F. cr Everywhere where I went I r heard the thc name of at our President mentioned as a peacemaker and good words were spoken for tor or him because of oC his intervention intervention tion In the thc war between Russia and Japan I am proud of the thc fact that m my President has attained such international International prestige as a n peacemaker Lends the World This nation Hatton leads the tho world in lit all nil that goes toward the thc making o of a great nation The condition of or women Is better better bet bet- ter here Tho The condition is gradually improving in Asia but in China and antl India their condition Is unenviable In Turkey girl gina of 1 12 are arc taken from so society ama ama- clety and antl arc are not nol allowed to see men except of their own Immediate family In Europe tIme the condition ot of women is high but In iii no place In Europe are arc th they y anywhere near on the plane of or the I women of th the States I Labor I Is not respected it in- in tho the old world as ns It is h here rc and nowhere no Is I labor regarded as ns honorable as In the United States Stales This country leads In education I If I left loft this thus country n a pessimist pes 1 returned an optimist for Cor the world Is Is' Is growing better d In China the education Is narrow I was disappointed to find so 30 many millions of or people without without proper proper schooling schooling- Dont Don't be alarmed at the tIme ro- ro boycott There Tue-re Is 15 nothing In itt It The education Jn in fin the Philippines is the thc best thing thing- that has hans been beck done In the Islands since they camo came ul under our su su- su pupils In the per There are arc public schools and tho ho oca are arc en enthusIastic enthusiastic enthusiastic en- en for tor edu education allon Our ideas Ien j Ci Or are arc better elter lion on on on- cart |