Show NOTICE TO 10 USERS STATE ENGINEERS ENGINEER'S OFFICE Salt Lake City Utah Jan 3 8 1507 1907 Notice is hereby given that thai time tho Woods Wood's Cross Gun club by Its president Luher Luther Lu Lu- her ther J. J Ellis whose postoffice address Is Suit Salt Lake City Utah has mado ap application in accordance with wiLls the tho thore re requirements rc- rc of chapter 10 Session Laws of Utah 1903 to appropriate four 4 cubic feet per por second of water from Jordan river Davis county Utah Said water will viii bo be diverted by means of a dam and ditch at a point which lies G feet west feet south of the southwest southwest south south- west corner of the southeast quarter section 2 28 township 2 2 north range 1 west Salt Lake base and meridian from it will be conveyed for a stance distance of feet feel and there used from January l 1 to December 31 inclusive sive of each year to irrigate acres of land embraced In section 28 township township town town- ship 2 north ango 1 west Salt Lako base and meridian A As a secondary use said water v ill bo be conveyed on to the tho above described land where It will be held In lakes and reservoirs and there used In itt time the culture of wild r fowls and amid fish The will also be used to dissolve and carry away the alkaline salts which now Impregnate the tho soil This Thiis application is designated In Iii the tho state engineers engineer's office as No 1022 All protests against the granting of said application stating the tho reasons must b bo made by affidavit In duplicate and filed In this office within thirty 30 M days after lie tho completion of the tho publication of this notice CALEP CM TANNER State Engineer Date of first publication January 10 late date of completion o of publication February February Feb Feb- 9 1907 |