Show i I I 1 MUST SPEAK ENGLISH IN BAMBERGER ERfER MINES Foreigners Foreigners Required to Understand Understand Understand Under Under- stand Orders Order's to Prevent PreventS S Accidents S Park City Jan 31 Arm U.-An An announce- announce mont of ft made great grOat Importance was In Purk Park City i today a- a when It was was' staled that that her hereafter no foreigners will wl ho 16 employed ell In the thc Bamberger cr r pcr tIe th in iii this cl city who vho el do not nol speak English This measure is ar ary stOp step t p taken to prevent or ot at least lessen er accidents through a n mi misunderstanding standing of orders J f Manager na et Ernest Bamberger was In Paris Pare City elty f I on business s son connect connected on n ct c- c ed Cd ll with wih th the mines s and this decision of the management ment was made shortly shorty oter hl his arrival arrival In Park Parle Cl City there ire are ore few foreigners employed who who- do donot hot not speak the greater g number num num- ber bet being in the tho Dal- Dal est Daly properties Austrian Austrian- Italians and nd Finns arc are th the pre predominating classes es and n n nearly every accident the eaU cause t. t ma may be he traced to tim l the fact that the these thee c men did thu not Understand the time regulations of the mine illume or Ci the orders of oC the Iw mine fore fore- I forc-I man mOi S S Park Jark rk Cil City Briefs Park ch City Jan 31 Uintah lodge Xo No 7 V. V and A. A It M. M 11 held a n special ml meeting last evening venil to 14 confer conCer the P P. C. C decree on n new liet w mem members helS Tho rho at attendance nt- nt was large Jarge showing the thc nci ac nc- ac- ac i ive Interest taken n by the time members tSi In the lodge bilge whirl 1 Is growing steadily v I My Wife's ies Family was wa I to lo a n full frill ful house houe at ut time the D Dewey w theatre last Ins 1 evening the tho enthusiastic audience j appreciating CUl fully tin tin- tw comical situation situa Lion tion un and anil alil bright ht dialogue e of tuf time the play c ai as well iveli wel a as the tw date up mu music l hurl pretty girls They h have VI mIan arranged to Iii n play flay another night In iii Park Puk Cf City The Fine Volunteer met mcl at al the City Cily hall hail hal last evening In response to 10 Wi lii c call l of If of fire llie chief chi C James Byrne Hyrne and null uan transacted business of or Interest to to 10 lh th Lh department SI spending time the greater part of ot the time e evening in jn ses session lon with wih l light h refreshments to add 1111 to tl the tire JIn ih-asure ih UI of the event ent |