Show WOULD PLACE BAN BANON BANON ON PAPER PIPES Represent Representative tive Croft Crof pf Morgan MorI Mor- Mor t. t gan County Seeks to toBar toBar toBar I Bar Cigarettes TOBACCO TRUST IS BUSY Ill tern on I Subject tu to II lie Be ll II Imig Against 4 Measure Iel trl W Will I tic He I t I. I to II bo lis Il 1 driven rIven In Iii II exile i fl time the stale Slate Will 11 the fond fUld worshipper of If My ly Ir Lady Nicotine be lo tu seek solace In iii lil like time despised im- im tn- tn hop humid lend who his cilI darkened ned iu hunk nl to to lo h hit hilt It time pi pipe pc e C. C M. M I. I Croft Clr of Moi- Moi gan COUII county has hus Introduced a H measure In hi II the at mit It Thua Thursdays Thursday's session making it i a misdemeanor to tu sell sel or ur urI gi I awa away cl cigarettes el cigarette papers pallIS pallI'S or ot time the Section I 1 of the time proposed pro pro- In law reads posed w thereafter Hereafter no imo person or oi persons in inthis this stalo talo shall sell fel keep for or sale Ie give U 1 or Ui furnish to 10 al any ammy Je person on or 1 persons cigarettes 01 or c cigarette pa payers pa- pa l' l In an whatever TIme The IJ II Tle penally pen helm al ally alty proposed cl for fua a violation of time the del acl Is hr IS a line dime 11 of f not hot less Ics Utah than or 01 nol hut lul mon moie than thun OO and amid alt the Iho costs of th time prosecution Having 01 c advance Information tion tiomi lon thai thiat an aim anil ant bill hi would be introduced Sit at tt the time present session u of time legislature the tob tobacco tru trust l t thas humS has formed fOllet a lobby that will wi make an aim al effort fort to Interfere with tIme passage of time thc bill bil Some of the Iho some mimic U Used ec in Indiana when a f like bill bl was un under I c consideration by time the legislature of thai state stale will ivill wi be he Intro introduced uc Several Sev Sc cr eral 1 bul bulky packages of literature upon time the of cigarettes have been shipped to lo this cIty for fO distribution I in hi ti the c emmi eminent me medical authorities are nrc quoted as us giving their thel opinions that hut that time tho paper pill I It is no more Injurious to tl health than other othel forms forums of tobacco Ono One doctor goes gues guestt It to tt tIme the length of or saying that less iss tutu UILO I Is Introduced Into Inlo time Ihu system via th timO cl cigarette than lhnn by the time U use ut-e e of or cigars or OJ of pipes i I Indiana's I Cash arguments failed to 10 convince cun the l I legislature of or Indiana that lhee time the te l e cigarette huh bill hi Introduced into that thai bot body should hould not nol Ia las s. s Il It 11 Is e belc believed by those who watched time the lobby's work thai the offer of cash premiums for tor torvOl vOl tat votes vos helped the time pa passage of the thc law lawIn lawIn In fri that thol state Cigarette Bakers Baker's crl raw rw work finally accomplished his lila in indict lct- lct ment He Tic I It Is now flow supposed to lo be so sojourning so- so In him lolling easily in iii his lila d alc bon gondola ola smoking Turkish h cigarettes made In time the United States Stales and amid ways was to lobby against cigarette le bO bills 1 and amid ant I keep ep l o of Jail Jail wt 1 I that thai that the Iho rumor I this dl city to lobby against t Representative I tive Croft bill is without roun 11 tion t O S I a-I A measure at nt time the methods of or SUI some sommie chi collection agencies was sub sub- by Dean It I provides that time plaintiff in a civil cl 1 suit uit must bring bring the action acton before the Iho jU Justice tco of the Hie tie peace in II tIme the precinct where tho the defendant lives Speaker cl Joseph JQseph framed the thc measure and tild t 1 says he believes ves It will wi interfere with wih tho the collections while you OU walt wait of or time the agency In iii question Section lor 1 of time the e bill 11 reads An Any 4 cLon plaint I IT in iii a caU cause u for an aim al action acton before be be- te- te f fore r rC a of the thc peace who files s his suIt s with wih a Justice of o tho time peace re residing ye- ye 10 siding in Iii a precinct other Ihan time one In Iii n which the lives or Ir m ihan time contract specified inthe in m the cause of action acton relates shall shah be Il guilty gully of a misdemeanor no Railroad Committee CO Enlar Enlarged lIThe lI The ilie communication U lon from time the senate cna tl in hi i relatIon elation to the appointment of a u committee of lr lime n n e to lo act acl wih a a like house hout to examine from vomit time the e Into and amid MX dx the tho blame for fur time fuel ruel ant Ix famine was as read and amid ant f favorable action acton l taken l en Speaker Joseph ac added ed to the time committee of or three already appointed time the tie names of two iwo other members The lime members of if time thc committee now no ate arc Representatives Robinson un Tolton olun Hone Honc Downs Bowns and anel TIme The They will wi meet mcl with wih time the from time the senate j and amid summon witnesses witnesses- and anc ma make mal l' l whatever cr other Investigations I they dt deem m necessary 1 The Time huu house e bills favorably favl b by committees were H. H I. I B. B n No o. o 9 J b by Robinson appropriating appio to LU Lafayette amended to ll road read 2000 2001 claims and amid public accounts II H U. U 15 i b by Croft Crof changing changing time the lime for fO t taking th time school census of city schools Census et H. H B. B No Xo 1 15 ii h by Croft Cron changing time thc timeline line lime when the Ihu clerk of f If Limo Iho school I b board shall hal transmit to the county count supervisor the time report of the tho school chool Census 11 1 H. H B. B No I 18 8 b by Croft Crof changing lime tw lime for fOl laKIng time the school chool census of 11 school districts of time Iho heat l cn class f Census Census H. H I B B. No 37 37 by hr Richards increasing ing time Iho of Iho tho state lato enl of public Edu- Edu Icu Icu- amid art art II II 1 B. B No Ny I. I I 1 2 by hy Clegg Clegg requiring bonding companies s to bo hum Incorporated Private PI ato corporations The Time special I committees on 01 al lands reported lint II it I had Imad huc met with wih time tho senate but was not hot r read ready lt to lo a n report jcl el After ler 4 I J. J H. H B. B No No- XI 21 1 b by b- designed lo tI ll wild catling caling was laken up tip upon on oh a special order 1 of time day a an and re referred ye- ye cried to lo time thc public nubile corporations com Iii ml I t t teeS ee H. H B. B No 11 I 1 t t. t b by Jackson providing for fOI an aim al of OUO to tu ex- ex for wan waters alel's will wil be taken up at 3 J o'clock afternoon Mr tr Ja mado matu a speech in which he ho argued that that that-If If time the bill bi Ila passed ed hey would make time the desert blo blossom om as tho limo muse Iose Representative Tolton said Iel if you OU to lo kill ki time thc 11 m refer It II lo to time the appropriation cum com e Cles Clegg who made mace the time motion to tu so refer II it I said thai il it I wa ivas not nol lila his purpose In making the time motion motul to lo interfere with wih the pas pas- las las- ago i-ago of time Iho bill bi The Tho speaker said dd that under the Iho mules lull S that that action would have lae to lo be taken a as rule Iulo 16 provided thai hat any ammy bill bi reported favorably by the thc claims and und public accounts account committee and amid anc adopted b by the thc house b bo be referred lo to lo the Iho- tho committee on Representative c Tolton Tolon and ant on said sid that this would be tar tary al and amid the speaker r said that such action u lon would be taken unless the I rules les were amended House Joint memorial I by ly Downs memorializing the tho national congress to lo fa Iasa Senator Smoots Smoot's bill 11 o a pension for rO Indian war bill veterans was pa passed cu The sub Nub committee composed com Coin posed of or Representatives Long Doul mind aind HUc Taft Tar will 11 report repent with the time bill bi re relating me- me lall lating to o the duties of Imp state coal cual coalmine mine milc Inspector that thai time the Inspector be lc ed Lu to make a u report quarterly to In the time governor o concerning lh Hit amount of or coal cual on omi humid hand at ni the mines This action U was suggested ug e tec lo to th time committee b iJ hy Speaker Joseph House t joint memorial by Jensen askIn asking ask ask- In lug ing that Prell President ent it Roosevelt rescind his order In iii relation to the Iho coal lands lunds of the sUite state was wa pd passed The lIme committees on un mining and smelting from room time the and senate visited time tho slat stale school ached of mines yesterday yes yes- e I took luncheon morning They at al time the school Dr ir 1 Succeed Succeed- 1111 I I Governor John C C. Cutler Culer a sent time the name of Dr Ii 11 G C. G. B II o of ofal Salt Sail al Lake lo to II the senate as a a successor lo tO lenne X Smith on the lime state slate board boan hoalt of if corrections Tho fl appointment wa was confirmed In iii II executive s session Senator Sen Semi aLoe ator resigned a 4 j short hort time a ag ago o because of it hi hl his Is election to tu lh the lie senate |