Show r DECLARES THAW TIIA A k MORAL EPILEPTIC Cesare World World- World World-Fam Earn Earn- ous Criminologist Explains Whites White's Killing DE DEGENERACY WELL MAR MARKED ED r Halll Kl Hl c to Wealth of Cr Father Hud Its Is Elect on 01 Son SOl Says Sars Italian IulI It I Turin Italy Jan Jan Cusaro n. Lombro fO o the famous Camous crIminologiSt believes Harry rry r Kendall TendalL Thaw who Stanford l White to be a a hereditary d de degenerate c generate an epileptic and a a mora moral C maniac maniac Dr Lombroso's conclusions as to tho motives which actuated the young roun muli millionaire mil mu- ml- ml li lot lu re to lo commit the tho crime for which J ho he must stand trial ulal for his life are arc In one of oC the most remarkable remark remark- able papers which has ms ever er e come fr from n his pen lien Ire as that Thaw was born rn a le and that his whole lire hF has boca been dominated b by a spirit 01 or Jr rc CI revenge e anti and hatred He Ito le thinks the madness which controls him is Traceable not not so o much to to the fact tact that Thaws haw aunt d d mail mad mal as ns It I Is Isto I to the fact that he Is the child of or his father who b by superhuman workS work In iii Ina Inn few rew made himself from rom noth nothing a n years himsel In ing into a millionaire He lie le argues Jn In n support of or this that history demonstrates demonstrates demon demon- support strates that the children of or persona who exhaust their thel ener energies ies by enormous enor enor- II US work worl arc are often oren eIther cither morally moraU bador bad bod bodor bul or imbeciles In giving ln i m my Impressions of or the I Th Thaw W case casc be begins Dr DI must not ln Ja having mado any physical examination of or the young youn than tonn man and not ot h having heard m any oral tc testimony reserve reserve re re- 10 serve myself the right to reconsider an any ICI e conclusions should any fresh r sh e evidence be o adduced r I O K The after reciting tho the circumstances surrounding the commission commis commis- sion slon flon o of the murder In Madison Square Garden then thou continues In the tho Cafe Care Martin on on- the da day before bel be- be l fore forc the murder Thaws haws notice was vas attracted at- at J by n an nn unusual sual display of oC emotion emo emo- l 1 tion on oil 01 the part of oC his fc who replying rc- rc I plying plIng to his inquiry as to the cause 9 said thI L That pi pig Is here hero This reference was to Stanford Stanfor Wh White I e. e and It would I appear ha had been the last circumstance i I In determining the crime which was WIS to tot t follow T But Dut even en If It this last meeting was H doubtful It was nevertheless ne certain I that Thaw and his wife were displaying unmistakable evidences c of or harel hatred i mixed with wih distrust and apprehension tO concerning White Between themselves es I. I thc they spoke of him himas as that thai and that blackguard Perhaps In the wife C this hatred was feigned to avert her hu husbands husband's jealousy but in Thaw the bUls bUl's hatred had hol existed for or a lon long ong time At length it become becom a homicidal l sion slon k I II Ills HIM l R Rent nl It love 0 c Tho causes of or Thaws Thaw's hatred of off f White were wore mal many an and probably Intensified I J sifted by the suggestions o of his wife who was anxious to concentrate her e devotion to herself l I r The first element to be bo considered red in in analyzing this hatred I Is Thaws Thaw's Int ins In- In- In t lq Evelyn olyO esbiL e Thaw had had many debauches man many love 10 1 affairs af af- a- a fairs but before belore he met her he lie never nO had a continuous love Io e for any woman not even en c the countess who tried to 1 kill 1 herself hersel for Cor himA him A t few V months after aCer Evelyn eln E Nesbit and Harry Barr Thaw were married it app appears appears ap ap- ap- ap p pears that tho tim Thaws Thaws' chauffeur d de deposed posed o to o two or 01 three friendly meetings meet meet- S. S 1 ings between Evelyn and White I It I Is certain E Evelyn I n heightened Thaws Thaw's Int In- In t for her b by boasting of oC Stanford Stanford Stanford Stan Stan- ford Whites White's good ool qualities Then Thaw too had hal been falsely told that White had bragged that he had had nad certain relations with Evelyn before she Bho had hads wih s been married and that he lie could re resume resume resume re- re sume them if I ho he cho chose e. e i t Cur Curse ei e Then rhen t 14 Madness alness on Thaws Thaw's part wa was taking form He lie demonstrated It when he lie i hired a 3 detective e to dog og Whites White's foot- foot 1 steps steps A It I should be noted here that as erl early as I Thaw went vent to the time length of or enlisting en- en n- n 7 listing the services of or a a hypnotist at a heavy fee Cee to influence Evelyn eln to break breakaway 5 2 i awa away from White While signally ril iI In Ing the morbidity of oC his love and Jealousy jel- jel Jeal jeal- ou ouy u even eyen then Finally Finaly he took tool not r t y only nilly to lO cur cursing his rival rl al but lut threatened him with death Whites White's contemptuous 4 t treatment of these these- fulmInations only ony r served to accentuate Thaws Thaw's fear fer and hatred of or him i hatrel b i Now If I Thaw grew glOW furious Curious for trivial triv u ial lal causes for causes causel for getting a bad cl cigar l' l finding lindlag IndIn Ind- Ind find lind- In lag ing the sc scat t he ho wanted occupied or 01 In Intercepting intercepting In- In a passing glance cast at his f loved el 19 one ong ol what must have been his emotions against the tIme man whom he actually ac ac- ac 1 t Jt i- i feared in relation to the dominating domin i nUnS passion of his life I If J any other evidence Is needed to lo 7 j explain esplain crime it lies les in iii this s fact He lie Ie is a born to degenerate lo b be b s smore more e precise an un epileptic a u moral madman mad mad- man mall revenge rc and amid ald hatred arc excitable by I the lie smallest cause or 01 even cn without L apparent t cause cuse Merely b by unconquerable instinct his madness is traceable not mint so 50 much lo to the fact that hl his hil aunt died lcd mad as It is t i the time fact that he is the son of a n man luau who in fa n a few tew years year ma made e himself from nothing In Into to a n millionaire million million- at aire ruNow ru Now ow children of oL of great great geniuses and 0 of tho those o who exhaust their energies by by cI enormous work often are ale morally mad mador mal or or hn Imbeciles Pet Pet leter jr the tIme Greats Great's son was and an epileptic Sons of Cicero Socrates Scipio an and Goethe I were l idiots lols or madmen Time abuse of or alcohol or narcotics especially when begun legun In youth Inevitably Inc l tably H Intensifies epileptic tendencies making more frequent tim the various out- out I. u of or that moral Insanity which J cobl discovered and Illustrated by byn n numerous instances of or hereditary degenerates degenerates de de- de- de gao generates crates There arc man many reasons which make mak me mc suspect that thaL Thaw has ha the thu tie physical characteristics of ot the time t Iy degenerate From ITom his pun photographs emerge the tue sparseness sparse o of beard the tho i car ear close clone to the head the time asymmetry of oC face Cace the species of or fore fore- litt hc d l. l which bul bulges s on the right t rh temple almost almot like the Then 1 I find a most Important subject In iii 11 th the great projection of or the time Jaw The ie instead d of being In the cen center leI of the ocular cular globe Is dl displayed pla cl to ono OliO side I e and tho time eyelids fold told like Iko those of ofa or a MongolA Mongol JA A minute minute examination I feel sure would revil a a symmetrical u u. symmetry of the chest chesl want of ot hair on time the body or a feminine distribution of or the time body hair u a alert left handedness am and insensibility or dullness to pain with will considerable of or vision Interruptions li i litho t tho time Hold field fell Like nil all ni congenital epileptics s. s Thaw c commenced to give evidence of epIleptic outbursts in his carly early youth Though educated In a n religious and abstemious household he developed a a violent Iolen t cray cray- hi tug Ing for stimulants I It was common fo or him liim to work worl himself himsel Into a ferocious 1 w when wien Hn denied them S t S His flis passion lon for cigars was Insane Once Once lie he made a a journey to lon LI London and r remained awa away from fm home a a whole jar ar r h b caI Im hu he could not mini get ot tho limo par kind kind ho he needed 11 5 I hav huy not nol seen an any description on a ato as to Thaws Thaw's motor epileptic accesses c o or 5 S giddiness but Incidents have ha c been described such as an his conduct at Bancroft's hall hail hal where ho he acted I like c a 3 lunatic Was wan thrust out of or tho the ballroom and amid mil was subsequently el discovered co in iii the time dining room roon exchanging gold guilt pieces for or copper coins these coma these are arc precisely typical of or this latin form of ot this disease Thaws Thaw's aberrations I It lt 1 Is evident c was that somo some time before the commission of or the murder murdel of or Stanford White Whito his mind was lapsing Into vacant state stale mind wa was lapsing Into a 1 vacant state only recovered when el E Evelyn n spoke to lo him That is another proof of or the time ex extraordinary ox- ox Y influence liis affection for her on his mind Apparently Thaw mw perpetrated perpetrate tho time murder of oC White In a moment when b by murler abuse of or alcohol and exasperated ed by malignant t stories of or White conveyed con cel to him by friends his persistent hatred hatrel of oC White translated n Itself el Into Impulse It mo may be objected to the theor theory of or epileptic mania that Thaw acted with wih calmness and careful fr premeditation but Lut and others have ha 6 shown hown that in cases of epileptic attacks taking tak tak- tog ing the form of or crime acts of ot violence have been committed wih with the time utmost coolness and deliberation S.- S. I a ted i i iI I 1 can cn not say with wih certainty certainly that this crime clImo was premeditated but It I probably pr was as for fOI months Thaw Thaw had hal provided himself with a u revolver re against certain enemies He lie chose a n special pistol also to make certain his hla shot shot S Epileptic mania does doos not debar a madman from Crom studying beforehand tho the best beat way of or making a homicidal attack l effectual Crimes cleverly erly clo and In Ingon- Ingon n- n planned b by madmen are arc numer numer- ou ous s. s Gay meditated his ferocious project of oC slaying the tIme for or five days lIe He Jo even en went vent so far Car as to devise de a special cloak for Cor the crime to lo be cast castoff ort oft should It I become bloodstained Other 18 Otherwise also he ho schemed schemed his attack with diabolical ability v Ver the time of or mad parents who strangled several women through h erotic er- er otic tlc mania mania and the time lust for killing had laboriously i 1 an nn alibi albi for fOI each case as aN well wel and other means of ot de- de 10 Irl nf or ii I Holmes Homicides have ha e been committed ot II without precautions or 01 an any attempt at- at tempt at rl fight ht b by men macit whose hoe diseased them believe their minds prompted thor to e bele cause just and mil that it i would so appear to o the Iho worldOn worldOn world On the other hand It i is not uncommon non mon for fOl criminals to stimulate mad mad- mal mal- ness ess One I recalls cats how ably an arm American Ameri Amerl- can cn named Holmes tried to make himself himself him him- self out A a madman Inventing crimes he lie lad hail hal not committed Thaw did lid not mint lot feign madness but ut indignantly nant repudiated at nt first the su sug- sug c Uon Judging b by all al of lf Pt tho the non non- official documents available 3 and the time reasons above o aIo stated slated one Is driven en to toils this ils conclusion Thaw Is a true epileptic a moral man maniac inc S I |