Show STEAMER GOES flOES DOWN DON WITH LARGE CREW Fifty Believed to Have Drowned When Broke on Rocks London Feb 1 1 rhe The Captain Captain Barton In charge which sailed from froni or Yokohama and other I Japanese ports went on the lie rocks In InI Inthe i I the North Sea al at the mouth of Tees bay today during a blinding snowstorm snow snow- I storm and nd It IH Is feared that thai the 10 I passengers and crew are drowned four Fifty persons person were on board when the ship sailed from Middles Middles- borough and life savers succeeded In H 14 In one boat load Before they could couk return to the iho wrecked vessel yes ves sd sel the ship up It was impossible sible to launch her life boats u as they capsized as noon as they were placed in the water atc The struggle of the Iho life savers to rescue those on 00 board showed rare i fortitude and It IL was with a small chance chalice of reaching the wreck that they left the life saving station After working about the ship for moie titan than an UI hour they finally took look 11 1 of the tho passengers aboard and made their way to shore with then them second trip was Wui too Oo late however as the vessel yes ves sel broke to pieces when they wore were several miles away and none of Ilie or r crew could be found on the troubled waters It I thai all cre vere drowned |