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Show ee THE INTER-MOUNTAIN WATER COMMITTEE ROUND THE WO RLD OOKS i ENUE ametold WITH W. J that last year':99, Eine Per Cent Mu on | ment. aa i arge A u - nvest a Store nee Carried by 00,000 ' Globe GALLONS A DAY FROM THE udes, Litt mount NILE TO NORWAY the as to0 I Force Plan Gistance from Bills or Supply . Will Lake Be Tahoe Comin hte : the cit y is assured more than Led > per nt on the investment no|several water ae extensions will be made, |to the retemmétidations a report which Aten waterworks Where of by around "I . . have been made more the property owners the William hundred : he We emphasis contrasted In "Bad Jackson, Eye,' yonn i any }come box making a life arSiup and to known he is as not] in the 2 miserable sity =,one. ay with whom in "Blacktown," him in the "may ns shins and| Chris stan the life, customs, in| 5 the teaching. immortality and they foul blow, "I'd like to ife.| smita when ee with the life marked by tablet not is a sut >» Himalay as, which tee scen-| that nigger these districts is not have use to where more will be raised the propert required the per| residents water and or the assessed : Suggests Tuddenham : ae " the paid, forget will|a taxes Before mountain _o and view I twice saw a of or| ~Iag high the 7 . . ment we can force the other it onto shutting off said. the water," This , > ment of aASsec Bet wateCey Saiboa 1e cougp ea ae them by} severeaction lla Me this , nents other Orlando things, W. he Powers is easily but intro-| ft a tt Pe fq ieimball by' ein ris aad hr iba assistant organista - a a ep ieneor. oanuit rh mighty, e Tabernacle, entertained ne audience with a concert on the pipe organ for the wasCouncilman] the sentimembers of the r fuddenham among with can't rising| three- ters of } and M arrest-{in' questioned about glad we "aidn't passed passe was oe Mr. there in Oriental Bryan can fore scriptures,| have that « if in His the told of could mission the af-| royalty i a dispute B s of tions, goon the aid of public : : ee See without the eae assistance of is 3 : ce € 0 position, ie : witawealth, a on, an ' es peed that S pe eror there MeGhat caps one A - " the Buddh = any went day, ee said of nineteéen the ae tapld Nevada carloads city. DOESN from Owing T the ur- of up Franklin the to fava court ¢ a every I Bs one from the INTO N avenue 8 New Mc HOTEL ~-- te oe Yor before an. : 2a e are beetle * . LOBBY ew gd RT zi minutes} fz nny more of smokeLimaash basement: filled .: COF ree FRESH ie a .31.- midnight ° vorumes. rales ap Fk knows. mah a stale fa rat (oc ART FOR COLORADO Denver arlses 8 be-} to could Md. b _ for Artist Added be for him pie be sub- kwith other - settlea by! remot¢ oa re > POS" I heard the! saline of his = eK i; 7 Oia his we : beautiful " work with Uh THE addition! ae Sueur, of: Lake township, oe 2test effort will in no way detract the fame which his other works i hills at the head beside the Frying inte ‘ cated by the rise from is ae, no of the canyon, chile tonal ¢ tates e palnt eeWorld. the mie uticni Sears ;Ue tae fee net ae C OMY, ~ , Be ‘ and oF having been coming built of A KS | 59 manner lake, ee j j Action Against . ee City that M X eaivel os C mp Thomas ee Contractors for in anticipaHospur the Burlington and aftera arriy waiting ‘ Me develeced eve was going that took the the vee. of the Chicago, railroad, butf . > years -faagg hed the|of more Work j ateria nearly Osgutherpe ' a mile away. 559.51 for work ila s "by joba? genta Ghettee bought Joseph ; 5 and material furn , Cottonwood conduit. in the action are a : ot; Harel . . time. ta aan ans - eeig abarraeus Moran, and Salt Lake <the nom a and . Thursday in the to recover $1,- < as. from well|)) : . as‘might to be: just. cut off ished on 1°",the Work Bigj the lake and all the| The defendants and and | S. to put it in along a|Ossuthrope filed suit it on the other side} Third District court war soi) ofthe thebeautiful ise highly ofcolored, It} LakebeenPenton . } Russia leiregion coloration . I the am proud between of the fact that and| MY |> was soll sim-|have dead |; President has attained such interna-!j)4) to this region that gave to the state| the railroad by . SUIT 21,-The} in Biddle off is worthy of notice the eastern shore astt ore of of the the same name and was : the branch Quincy hre lower of Red Rock canyon,|pany Pan river. As is indi-|route name TOWN Minn, Jan. , Penton, out : Dee by| growth, His|tion of from} have) the WHOLE ' |} Le Mid-|town made a reputation landscapes in color. | brought him phe seven Castles en © : aes ware a higher are because de a world if next Three-Crown Coffe oe a a Se sheer ye ero ee HE mae to goven aes Cergairae sienice an of its taking cig ' sock can.| It stood on cliffs at the entrance anD yon, : Colorado, ‘The e paintings : the : lake of the . ; : This the j¢ al- coffee MIDLAND. MOVED by coffee, Yoour time WLETT'S you say dress and the remainder ran sereamang, the Jobby:'y the Into basement. It wasThesbiteey only the wasworkite of a few minutes to extinguish the flames, = t - oe than it ls worth & great doa) more Sia; Thanks- | all ‘97 hotel and a Only panic a seized the guests.)to women few walted ivin' in jail, bein' -- that they didn't have ‘no big erie akin mb. dCause a dey "leans" on me every time dey gets me in dat place ORE! SS DRESSED WOMEN RUSH "that COST M Omaha to - made upon the the train compas transportation, is sched- sas SCANTILY p keepm of morn Jackson, when in \the|#!atling opened. cantroversy and if it earls fat {spoken ¢ of Chi shina dispatches} Ghat anehas wncat ' be treaty {eee acd ope Pbiertiadiatrrtet tata peg in Japan re can make arbitration war wou ea sibility. Everywhere I went ; . ‘ . work." Lands. ; hostilities 7 ation waiting thee "aistinguished temples the near ruing Peking, in Assyria,|tion ait or ‘ she ad I leesn]oe & for. sung te 3 Altar in to Java, Heaven and |. J: apan. In "Without what he hurtin' one stole an ‘overcoat on ‘Thanksgl= 7 the head of the King of Norwsy.| nob nobbed informally wat ne oo © ci Oscar. After.all, he was was eee eins to break ee ee and of the Al]-/ glory In "5 Men the stand against}duced Mr. Bryan, Mrs. C. G. Plummer Bet the cae sang "The Flag Withouteae a Stain," ac: cha ail ee . ac-lan ail to see , Way. a at we can't sell them enough water] an extension to pay for the invest-] on that, politician. bunch whole to return have das ain' chance chan "Tain't t ago,"" shines ing these recommendations pass the!ery and government of the old counae bh ae soe we pcoked Up at the/tween two countries, and if it can Mot) c means that about one-|tries with those‘ of the new, It was|P°" se we . saw the Sacre change from pearl) he settled, : : rhite. Yee e » itit mustmus be submitted to nleu-| euler Sidkacie the outlying| clan tral powers of foy'warinvestigation ricts eee w e shut off In no In disparagement his travels, to Mr. America Bryan did not figr deen tie meurie : sides a5 oninethe! qeclaration can be made betors and be-« centage shin, you "Rockies The upper 12,000] United States. Furnishings of Local Office. 7 sar, snACe "2s £ A nee are in eternal was al the peace congress at ryJlon-|= phe jocal office of the Colorado e stood on the side of an im-/don last July, and there a resolution} jana nas received a. beautiful ™°US® scen- Ss, © a) Se me mah You on know months Smith had| again, before away then ran minis ter-| on {ently recovered from the effects] Sermon 9 IT : uled to run from Green River to Reno niggers sonhittin' them on de head seh: a Wfetance Sane . eee of 715 ue iniles,at in sixty S abou refuses anything coal will be distributed for comhe cause of "the trouble, but! | The does may that the negroes of the Somat |mercial use -_-____ >. for] ue TET a ok elleEe kicked atlev train when a comp ylaint sworn to by> one Whalter/the - slightes g anis | Smith, who states that Bad Fya@ ran/ him in jail will see a change of sometimes who, when a strong "brownie" in contact oe the notthe a of Ta' am the the For hundreds of years ministers have | eq for assault with intent to kM," sald] Whirter brothers down to Chief Sheets|°Y@'Y floor of the Martha Washing-| POC) O0b0, Cup oe cot emphasized world with the great Comportantly last night. The tour began and|Christ, is at the First Methodist church enapel "There _ the and service is gant, excellent. I having a very enjoyable trip from land of sunshine and oranges to City of Saints."-J. H. Burtner." Ft now beginning to emphasize life This point, where the Sermon on the te he hit you fn the head,'"asked| Mountcan wasdraw delivered, and where of anyJennings Bryan,|9ne an inspiration the some eng oneie . sel a B yan,|© No seh, he did not seh. He done} persons travelea|SUbIimity of the scene and its ascae avere®) sociated memories, this point so im-}|-- and was conducted under the auspices| Provid-| essible Mount. oe hot paying the 6 per cent on of the Epworth league. In all hisjas the cale ae pe 0 ov eae the water will be = shut! t'4vels, Mr. Bryan found nothing quite eee © deficit 1 9¢ ~=«assessed|So attractive as the United States and|..,.. against on 7 1, 1907. SAND HE'S STILL KICKING :22."%::"%s.22.2%%" Some |A PENNY | ruins the Nile. Of Less visited along Jerusalem. this! sermon FEBRUARY af and Awakening Interest. FRIDAY, ' spi health believe the time is coming eortomnaga ee will make and|the Going, There's No the was adopted before| ™Oner committee Thursday|¢nded extensions : the = fac am .we come-andwill hear more Killarney Place Like Home ; according G & or Shut of. a Surpasses seat where the was delivered point umers to Run Large Cons per- fo Gelliee nt Iese | occupying alilee, and ‘a ofof this less than_100 than ; : stopped to; visit7 the Mount of the Bea-| jail, is busy Comnioner' S Lecture. -. , Tafied "the than 4,000 . d nO Trotting SHIN Saiyan Mistesee? from "tne Hols| ow UTAH, BAD-EYE JACKSON KICKED SMITH'S | tne cares of the day are forgotten in - rest ere is one Heer grep spot in Pal-| estine never mentior t en P roperty REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, 7 : seasThe City. : ee com-9: " stopped. Where the oe district! comes to i ant e first elteen rine toe aoe to Confucius," he sald! «pyig pation leads the world in all|ning water, making out of his details a|07% the other side of the lake, cut plaint alleges. four, calms. OPaaciion, exthe plaintiffs it upVv into building , lots and offered to!|Itay Veis stated that harmonious whole . goes toward the making of a great| very lead osc Cont ic ‘ue fae seecinan xTons 5 , Se aMr. . ¥ WJof ac Sace- | that pa = Powers, Pr by2 way said a)jand," pay for oe ‘ lo eae long extension the residents will have! introduction. "He has made his name rifices to ero nehh te he "be. | ition. The condition of women is betThe picture is 4% by 6% feet. and is Searc Lv es over. |there For vhat|/cavated under the sub-contract of po water unless rey pay a special! known ‘wherever aspirations are high} ljecve that is a good sign If Tl wantea| ‘er here. The condition is gradually |inclosed in a fine gilded frame sidaratt o out ree Feasone bis cCon-|Showell Brothers & Belcher and that a . for a nobler manhood e is the idol]to say ] ainael improving in Asia, but in China and tation, taking into contemplation | there js still due them $869.51. The 3efore any extensions are allowed : : s Ee wort against the . oe - the fact that he would have to go the engineer will be required ; of those who believe in his faitn, and}Chinese I cartidate say anything worse | India thei condition is unenviable. In About four miles-aratind: 4 inienn claim of James T. Taylor for backmate the amount ei ne che nie in no city of the United States does/than that they are living up to the lrurkes girls of 12 are taken from soof: the, Ion pte a ac ae end | filling amounting to $408 was transuHed: by .the fodene wkoe paiton he need an introduction philosophy of Confucius, and that his|¢lety and are not allowed to see men RAILROAD NOTES. rough coubiis . Bn eien | verue ee 2 tae elaine for collection. y the : : : ee a nee : rar ‘ and submit it to the committee. UnMany Admirers Present. philosophy is largely responsible for| except of their own immediate famuly Practically" every family in town Ont cee a) hase. claim of : the fact that ad Cl ee ] In E e the condition of kiglte is $171 for team work and es less: the city can realize an income of : developed |in, Europes ti : A map showl i rover e a contract with him, he agree-|/paylor's elz $1 he 6 w©r cent it will be denied. Scores of Democrats were in at-|as rapidly as it should they con-/high, but in no place In Europe are} 4 map showing all the government ir- In not to aoe them in the occupa- | ; ea s claim of f $101 for > hay furn~ Under the1e . listr tendance, among them many ae of the|sider eee partacl and are satis-| they anywhere near on the plane ‘of the|Tigation west byof the the Southe Missour!|ion of. their stores and dwellit 18) the shed suiton for the collection.' contiact; areTheaiiataaaas proposed 1 new distribut_ . fied river has projects been isaued errant ing. main Cottonwood of water fromconduit Parley's Big|™0st, the and daily the supply Mr. to the city wil] be increasea| Prominent in the ovation state, and to/fed was given an which with coe tha Bryan *¥45 Supplemented by others who Faces |eae women yor of isthe*United' States: not respected Crisis. are w orld, as it is here, and ins the nowhere day which will be received es er the proposed system 66,700,000 gallons. Following of the distributing mains, inthe proposed main ‘and the of each: é Gallons. ecludin capacity 5 High ees from City creek, 12Twentleth ‘ward, from. Clty e ere ne, from. City st is = 1,900,000] City ¥ » I4- & old City reek, eae City creek. B-fhicht pilpe:..:.-cchcec sees: Saas F eet Bouek. from Parley's, 16L509 ae vitth, think a ar aoa g ema x Po ; ae 1,900,000 delat come acd ri P times peed they ae are ioe eat aiin at "home town wail FT Su he Lene heya for - or rcain * He ' the te welfare pictured Aone sean of the fortune those still had been that ublic schools, Coe eee and file natives ie penemaint paw waar aa czar ‘The provement. oy pullaine ering kee nae Reroce peice ww was re > ‘ r ae a not. are are is en- better Russia hn: frat Pike the dissolved has Aineis ane ay. bien song ey's. apt he _ 4,300,000) | Ment league im Ar avitedr a re talk ae Pe ceimmense temple.in the Widespread ignor-|douma and theprepared for another elecpublican lawyer was red = was shown fact that there om but ezar's party will not be Total from City creek ~. . 18,400,000 | the subject at ene oe sop ee rath We? To? provislOn. = Toni: CAgoatGneaK ong. The people will prevaiL In Total from Parley's 9,400,000 | Fe eee Ee ee eT Republican| Sreater tribute to woman would have fow years Russia will have free speech, The next day a prominent Se aterenn bee ae Bees e _\a free press and then universal educaT 1 79,000) was abusing me o the streets for en to spend the money r the educa " ota Parley's ana proposed eo,¥ Cottonwood 38,900,000 Taam Gan A ae i 00.00 aha Bids ssirmaiaat oerhe for Liberty : petition lease . desecrating the interior of a church by I met him making a political speech. He said that on told him I did not main, James park te ett Poe Fant the bestoer: man foree mayor., He-sald Democratic candidate was the Park. Q of Liberty for Perry lo} years was five man. ¢or and hence, him. I urged them Wearlyta: tion Sr eoreottn ry Perry pans ateKO ae pariahbe recelved') sao out school went of with us , SaEO fe Y| best are tne) best years nig four yeas. of the streets comof the protests the to listened mittee street against East Ninth on residents r macadamizing it protestants} frontclaims that they control enough ake to defeat the improvement. The upandthis be checked will Kelsey Engineer Thursday on settled customsto J. ‘ rranty deed, 34x10 the rds, dress. but costumes the theirs. |.hether A dress it 19,2, b-acre A. Mary B Sherrill to Almighty's was In . oe ee adopted the have for W. M. was started Commission staf Mining Wantland a lots 5-9 Miller eyes I C. Bush, and W. Nichols 0 of of the ee daughter the Allis when Chalmers|¢d that UT from the buildings | ask that the defendants be held mt he the cold should weather gates and, contract have face TemaLodterouhine ii imenna Bullfrog and other camps set as meee amount a ae ao out of quite a little river, was soon raised bp the protest or the ex-| the company The eight feet were sold} from payi the matevas vehi amount, shall. be final estimate. SLAIN "MAN? S FACE HAUNTS of ‘ in Convict der ne Jake the sur Driven to Confess Mur- Done at Tuscola, Leavenworth, higher, | alias ee ees regard furnishing tha out ee John IL Kan,, Jana) cae Ryan, an inmate of gone an operation for catarrh of the smoothly acr Pana she la < rain pleces te schemewiihout a sich rfect success nose. Several of fb bone were re-|,4qThe worked All the moved from Mr. Drake's olfactory orbulldings were moved and set in place gan, «and his condition is much imYear's before New and Cheffer had prove mad e a lot of mo ney very easily, beselling out sides the land. again for Mark B. Kerr, a brother of Itenneth the Montana-} nite n lots for five times what it cost Kerr, and manager of has been ap-| hin Tonopah Mining company There was only one doubting Thompointed chief engineer and manager o bought aul ane the railway, and tir her rolling Anas stock| of Meve the) buildings Way and Bodie ew ‘Lumber arid. Railway company | safely tract, awn ere of the project will ex. Trane ED the | for could he but The be moved refused to in that | Where make a and made ready will begin as soon as the best route has}/cunk down in the to center se. . as c ; Mh trasted with in verse the scenes New) The West of the of these line that struck me most was ‘Where the hand as 1; of many _ ‘| jin all the thvali'the 10 "T will surprised on God is evidences seen of There the hand are of you of on our and se saw the ; are | In sul- Big Cottonwood E canyon. eae EE Deserted without was ihe ozar, closeted thereby half an | years and accepted and friends: sald he) Seven rhe ; i ame keep off | tells pat thet us of the place »s ar | he have Wonder, | Austin Ago. ago. He saw the © Mitchell deserted yeat that tS time \ she ris her. supported. nar aga chari | lature > surrounding mineral belt. will Since} yy, be its articles with) jn the » Ne districts and The NE asked fitted crown Lyapiaty H. W. Here. Branch ria of of te's the to pass the sgriga a bi Wife | general investment project offi jn au will ie counsel chief Baldwin. is backed by! cavital:;and A if é ap neko * and He all}S| victed ave came to Kansas and was ; dent King scramble, split | rece ently of Oberlin ‘college called the greed shown corruption'and in American life the crown- India, Jan. 31.-The for eae ae ae uy ¢ ONDER ed one rhe » CO even ne oie toe, the civilized mah death e er of William Nee aléle D "% epee "tpn -_-__+-»-e---_-_-- that a foundation It is a natural point Kast t 1¢ Soyer Egypt, and to L were jing country & l the| for | . g days at Omaha, a fewoffices nion is for with city the Pacific, Kenneth C. Kerr. traveling passenger sis. |agent of the Salt Lake Route, recelved| Ae wr ny the following telegram Thursday from| on| Bryan, Jennings Milford: | | No sen are ele-| A carre trains ‘Your limited 8, says:"William business. y ibae her India, the two Taare enh leet several trophies pret eae of Maharajan ofthe the viceregal family They for a month. mir tal sport among the het great Mr Sa his |} froin a magazine hit ofattacking minune ror irr € Elliott | arin continued "Although the fortune Bye enjoyed big abounded in the mountains Kashmir, of bears Minto of fineLady number game the which| they and forests} a} shooting are likely to get eit os) ; rs naturally has : Cee ----- the He « Pend OS aarth ‘ was . eh ¥_| a cuimbe berer of ; where most mer homes reds sites hun the beautiful oO for were islands sum- choose a lish t Impressions i ithe colonists} impressed. was "T z | Tiber : old of world eas that wa ly it T = Rivers. 1 xy rivers‘s the it I was tions behind thy Meontinent by fsisour! way of| he aes OE bias J course the hk and the the men & who Fe rtockles.. & oe ere eT fof the ag arrived classes baer - a but, tion ignorant new fe were in Is that of many d, it does not on oe 1 the the American | immigrationt-po Og intermsstrike of po U Canada, sd in immigraEnglish welcome numbers eynin ser OF ination. pictured the er pate | ' , awe akes of art die! ‘and as | WE'VE a its banks| Sean ta creme NECK THE | but Laé t « BEEN POURING BARGAINS AND BARGAINS WEAR, BOYS' CLOTHING, ETC., ETC., BOYS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE TO os REAP UPON OUR PATRONS. HATS, DEEPLY OUR GOING QUICKLY ATOF CUT PRICES. THE . i SHIRTS, SWEATERS, PRICES. CLOTHE YOURSEL UNDERWEAR, F--AND CLOTHE CUT BENEFITS TO » MEN AND BOYS to the is dre on CLOTHIERS { beautitu 1. is far more of the land the "J was in eae ee whe the sun descends midnight sun, horizon ane then starts| we glad am I aa upwar d : ee arts hy ‘he globe ive on a part awn at mg curtain S . t It. | globe to see Killarney, lakes in Norway, t a disap- Rhine 1 along "Ss Sane of the r mall ae hard- eee of the naa |!s Ff of | the albelt some England: Mirable settlers, conditions o neon 11 wonde are & ° vercoa an k | of 4 0) d Ss WiC 00 $25 00 8 9 t S ul ° ° i ass 00 And fit he team. ‘The Columbla river | had} it if and beautiful, fought gh-Cl 5 Vere P° ntec th came the elk f themselves; the most |asthe ated an é Seed © - ower theatin" Danube, © fromag the ay to better th i ined the water ver art andto eagel a paren ra-|and PANE work, but in fitness ir pace imagheard of the are ‘Blu Ls Danube w 1 an of i the . imagination was an Immens¢ saw H ur 20 00 3 0 centel the enital 4 oe progress no spelled ever. a and make | fs apital typical who livedEnglish on monea. subsisted chiefly on pane Se . the * mittance aaind oer. 5 Eng-| An eB i - meet | hemisphere. eee the for iere Is ia would se select Constantinople conIf the three no other place for it. am English government, one under come. -|tinents ore past wiwill ‘ red i ; be. the ogica Constantinople Hey ¢ eT pire new: the that admit aan a made neither migrant thelr futurere fol a . On ; ae rata the Canadla but sentiments, ‘ in affairs in aad vias ‘the ‘fresh. Done Has Country for for » Little Canada He in Caunds Settler a greed for money is more ee tha e nds to ease it portepopulation what foreign soc alta" and the SUITS AND OVERCOATS IS NEARING ITS END. CROWDS AND CROWDS . OUR GREAT $9.75 SALE OF HIGH-CLASS OF BUYERS HAVE BEEN BENEFITED BY OUR LOW PRICES-BUT THE GREAT SALE IS DRAWING cara- salt water and that un- Legelads the : severest a fan self-disc fortunate. It Set hiscl ipline silt "and any cap!-| training as if for a king f caak. Kash-| were| S eals 12 \ of Marshall the fact made, cleanly was Viceroy} Field the left it to his grandcaildren was re_| he eae accompanied Minto Lady koe KR ieEH initia Fs ar Pane gions,guests and splendic of daughters ‘Ruby ix 3 toe an@ In sskin With poate read between where wher choose att C. Whit- - eal at |i sys on oe Stockholm. BRITON A POOR IMMIGRANT | ier resort, T would, select lish con- here of a lesser crime. SERRE ERE sR at Yale, Decried eee for Money Grecd Eiger rea Naar s Ting --_+-2+-____of Viceroy Likes Sports. Simla. thie os ee |: bear' Saha Perr COD nsedtHerk fa offices atopen AoE 000 will to} of stock The ak1 bern and concessions Hegel lida ‘ and com-| Of) a copy filed Loan Tniredey | incor or secretary gistrict. herself| parents | N° vada ! Company Denver certificate | capital -thatyhe.wes several charged to the asemtest anarchist, an [dfiot character, things that and try to you Years The of Heiller Colo., Denver, Realty pany hour a nt the} dress that thinking receiving esents. evening} pres with missed. the . las\car home ¢ Character. arate ee years the trip farmer. to Sulu He morning. at 9 in the in evening man a saw morning He the | Surprises \ Few tell us , had together ther. on world the world of the of rest rest we pt a the con-/ had who Crawford, tgs Nebraska' 2 went In 1897 we]party down with curmbersome he had an audience said He to 1899 in the Grand} mikado at Tokio and wore York fF é Battin, ap Ws ae Lanstord, ft of rf to he lay all night, eluding his pur- con-|suers, when the others eae he got out a set of run over himself wished further search the agent came in and grappled with him. Alt was being overd, when he drew a4 revolver and field, to a corn escaped then and shot be- not did who MacCummer, the man he had killed and the matter off his mind. named | POwere man a Penton, Lake George company! new The in Nay vada. lumber|as8,in and railroad organized a Alt says he was in Tuscolu tramping. that a barn in the town caught fire and the station agent and his,wife went to It. As soon as they left he entered the sc ‘ Greens 4 eee to Wills BJ Lincoln "35, 2, As a eee the Kan- sas prison, has made a confession thal lin September, 1902, In Tuscola, Il, he in Nevada, reports that the controversy maintained the water at this phat and killed the railway station etween the Brock road and the Las|stage and when the ice had formed|agent ie did not know nue name of Vegas and ZonopeD. line has been amic- | two a three feet in thickness all ho tho place, but pointed it out on a map. ably settled. Work on as Vegas} had to move the buildings was] Illinois authorities will erait until he branch will now be nualed rapidly, ac- | to. itt them from their foundations.| finishes his term here and will then cording to Mr. hitte ? Rane atenoe ane posts Pay lower | come for m. z . r or, the bu ngs onto runners, them on Alt said he ceuld not sleep, that he the Drake. district passenger agent the ice 3 ove tooo easily and [was haunted day and night by the face F claims in and ovides clos- | Kunsuy the nits ae He to be aoe ed. Be orien Ph a newly for manager with the Ume moved. stipulated c turned a &suit traffic Midland, being He rite of Flag-|has Sale Property. brought were five months' time in which to complete the entire contract and all the ee were eee ae the first of Oc day tober last y His first Cala was to build a ee a but very strong ei am, high, across the outlet from Ene toke company, and Mr. Nichols' sister, are en route to Tahita, where they will spend ae of'so Much heard. and enuch about a iT "ia Coats u eee appe Aled . Damascus that remember 1|/I ey :. is school in I was when me. to 35H "Martensen, A. Phere world the in city oldest the 0} Park where city a be necessity of nust 7 ‘Co. Inv Reggel Sam rds Reggel 7a (t to ne. fr. ew 2, A 19,920! Damascus stands If it is destroyed Richurd 8. Sutton to Richard J it will be rebuilt The present city, ] old as it is, was builded on the founda; 2w 2, Is., pt. Sutton, tradition it and before of a city tion LD f J ara ‘Tu ddenham 1. William underites sT.. Hugh on Wi Colorado comes Sale our} Sulit womenalw still } ee that reform $5,000 houses during him, erate waving on horseback.| MitchellDistrict filed suit Thurs-| granting lines a right from of way for Stcem and|ofroy Minto, of the a new Vice-| Déce! forth lament a servant a red|dayMrs. in Minda the Third court for|electric Austin to Chalk! of India,the is wife as skilful sportswo-| a called a ie aiant offromtne press ,add . _S \ . ue ; > > "7 t é « 5 5 e 4 umbrella, the aalenia of royalty. He} divorce from Henry an ttehe ue, OD Be jones Peppa wine eno | man as her ce American ane predecessor Los | A fortune might have done, but 5 gee ai great ee 4 Lans ce Lanes, ee be with Tonopah, ind eee eeu ee of desertion. \| grounds Piang, also with the Datto later saw 3 7 , t 8s O f | back re € ¥ e 2st Sp King had read a quotation President i aid u ee 1S bits r > fy bac camre other and Fairview a eae ri anc 1893 11, October ried the} loaded the datto and umbrella, red - to Val how royalty. He tan visitedby followed re > tally. 4 te Ww feat ie s afin se s.of the e beauti-| the i k handiwork Jack scout, at night . Sa e aHe wont told , , Canon | dress Grand Whenme I ofsawthe thelines byY|Canon. week never of the poet| minded matter|\) Miller, blias to oO 1 J. Mary ion Ch, i rk HP. tl WANTLAND _WANTS Dreas. ne ready to he was using the about ec a. ae bal a eon line ey the and against the|| commission through was time start t Cheffer there!| $5,000 but women, oeeras aie ago, years ait from | ‘Tonopah Japan In Oeythe/tend company, Flagstafffor Mining American a protest |was who didn't want the Japanese women} Vincent and Everard Bierer for sell-;tive routes for i. e pag 3 worn | lak e as a highway and so blew out/ Ice| the and. dynamite with dam | his work and active constru tO]}surveyed, belonging claims of group a know|ing don't I did they. a to dress Ss 4) structures of natures Yellowstone the to went the Yosemite and in 1904 pe Taylor ; George c : boys and 0 of cling been a ahought year and that they the é : . Gos Watetee Oe tine United . ar States ns part, -1n gi ern Pee ES Transfers. Estate Meal Brown to Dora R. Croft, Mary and Customs ee SaDBueee men have "The to vote| Wear education they could get ae =1 could fn eenot ayhelp ee ane fe thinking yp th the , Tet ake vee remaim-|\-orjq, * eee for We i S ees s Way a ‘a holt ti \ aiid, wl ace poe the year aand 4 $350 soo forfor be girls cdivoonice companies, The annual coal shortage in fall and winter throughout the Western states has had the effect of leading the Southern Pacific to consider the advisability of using oil burners on as many of its divisions as possible sermon He said /asunder at the shore line In great fis-; {ng disgrace es and|peen selected It lasted | porjence that made the Japanese worn=;|\to Everard Bierer April 18, lor a -trip around the world. 18 0). DE tend. RAPA Is still over | be fore Yale students in Battell chapel: MacCummer 4 cording to the Fairview Miner, steps; sures and C. Vincent) Minos and © back to thelr old form of dress.|the company and we' visited every os a year, number of other Improve-| nearly last few revelations of the ‘The its only resident and! for \are soon to be taken toward the con-|in Lake Penton, $5,000 plaintitf The to pay theproperty un-| | agreed and ait hooking is8 not'TS sochemuch me globe. Tr importance..on. When the be themade." specifications will list/ bel, country:-of: rs. Bryan and I -_ our thechildren ; a ahkee! ae yeast the sale of the Se ls truction of a railroad to tap Fairview, much dissatisfied with his location ( Segte have shown a disgraceful greed ere built anda will' ments is completed ist the On Trip if Lasted yON I used what ees andene bidsCros to say I was Bc Be "Now, will eee, regrounds publie commended. The committee will}i, say, people would accuse me of| But} Roosevelt. President from quoting cerover look and grounds the visit tain improvements which are con: want to tell you of my impressions City will of 3 ee Bryan sald ind Union Paste inion Pacific old|4" but who admire the}, "Jar san has a great crisis before her not Democrats, labor regarded as honorable as in the That country has borrowed much Nebraskan, United States. from us, anc the great question "Being overpraised my good by "This country leads in education. is whether Japan will also borrow our friend,"' said Mr. Bryan, "reminds me "If I left this country a pessimist, I or whether she will attempt! of the story of the homely girl Sne returned an optimist, for the world is the symptoms without taking had been told by friends that she was growing better the underlying Acaton. beautiful, and after all the compliFrom Japan, Mr. van. took the ments she hid herself in a closet and Disappointed With China. audience into India, told of Benares thanked God that love was blind. One and the Ganges, pictured the burning "In China the education is narrow,and "T have two kinds of speeches. the| 0f bodies and the worship of idols. He was disappointed to find so many the non-partisan speech and is told the great temples of Europe of is the partisan speech. Some otner and said he was pleased to be able to| schooling. Don't be alarmed at the reopportunities to talk times I have worship in the little church at home, ported boycott. There {s nothing in it may have within party lines, and you < urch » didn't for the size The education in the Phillppines is the Maced eat a qneve improved. them my Sane, so much xf the spirit of the best thing that has been done in the islands since they came under our supolitical speeches are appreciated eee thao ea te the tombs o the manner of burials and pervision. There are 400,000 pupils in the election returns, I so judging from 38,900,000 gallons. This distributing main will be made of 36 Inch pipe and laid in Fifth South street. It will 11,100,000 water a day than ‘| Which now of water. The total amount 45-47 MAIN |