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Show 10 THE INTER-MOUNTAIN REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1907. BRYAN DELIVERS - SKATING CARNIVAL SILKS AND SATINS SAYS OGDEN 10 EZ, 66 WORDS OF CHEER BRINGS SURPRISES OF BYGONE DAYS ae | --- Nebraskan Also Sidesteps the Masquerade Party in Utah. | - DIFFERS WITH | ate ROOSEVELT ROMANCE OF A MILKMAN tion, ‘ Says Leader" With Side Issues, a Paramount Trust Will : esate want © . . are thelr . =? auemtian:fon, party.a In | Fr ae ‘ arise aA ace iati he lo justify ° the / "ak 1 do cominission "Between he. es ") ma I the Jargest before But. successfully favor the -.o- "re-! . over one establish | i Neurly Cause too and the} of Fiji, Fea attered yp; and garb 7 7 | rorojentat ens 300) §and bho candilacy ' lo talk of mapy Demoeratic on the ag Weary elabor- ideas "Tos, there is.) OF) trig ; Ber ‘Ol some advocated indorsed by adopted others 2 most s 5 a dame knight ue . these are some been "billing and and in which to eateh For in-| adv by Her from baliat which xe the state eee We he eediffers. and nation. differs a Herca in of The party Views on arbitration Democrats platforms, of our- and POR Thompson house has not veeeived The | was} the jsed na ee har cad os . oe ae the' pz in and pan, help Nor ior he 1 Othe jet bracelets, not known, is i s oned fans worn ‘belonging jn. turn eS = handed heat the important tariff. Gaeetione. of question id ore the and Ce and. tatefederal Hootspower?" - policy of know you "Well, saying statement, to shape a jan. bury the. anc straw Oe i that more curls by Mrs. aS issue 4 x withdrew Deore ane React govern powers delegated to I Siprtpd ma he federal cise the the states should exercise board adont wen? EVEN of City. Bids tne Sea fp the} Mrs. Gates, Marion account for Groesbeck, Mrs. Mrs. Heber M. Bpprwe - 11 7 No noes Place the io -d'clock ome did <a. Like woman der that congress may exercise ‘the ‘shock a car for home, with a long suei|«nir what eM have v ; you obser¥ed en SoS for y views-on Tlese o | come !tles call at the S--| any announcement concerning the de-jand the eres town wants to get before with which he has made contrac Goe \ ReaD the home yominent , Junction 3 s to Grand Frank B. Stephens, inte Monday Bryan eehtf ee a)m ae Where|ehurch Democrat, stopping we Bryan te and Mrs. int thelr stay in Salt Lake. He aur I) gor Grand Junction, Cole, inorhing, yl Mrs. Bryan in take rand Mr. this Salt Seip ue Fran whe oe arrived - 2 tne' Wivat BER he delivered Fee ven| sress. groad.. Junction tonight ecw and will re-) and Mr. Bryan entertained for. an hour or will deliver a Demoeratic will d went i seoctodTal oe a lecture.| he mihing eto ae editor nes wd o ML.r. "SpSprague apie , Four two: two r . renewed renewed Muay Talk witness Legislature. | | Pacifle) rais-| Lake $250,000 awarded. that expires carries} the on of of J. J.0. D. Jonah Wood for | | qiars. j iene Pe to residence be -a of Jonah Whose -years y-Judgé D. the de- so assembly total} the} on while to saving that George, in iding the rom looting which ofwere the the first much Supposed wi se in- } hall. G fookiDg of was Parlor at were beat-) interfered. ag Insane paren : vere ‘a ‘hospital 4) c t a ae Gane |e vas ite ir nla Ltini Pee : sickness aot raette re re nde7 a have : Notes, Attorney's requested | even and in authorlties the same cell| are} the See tG Ne beehind or sow not he] prisoner] > dccibes Tu oboaa fy °. ¥ degree 44 beea ACE é to Salt Lake ee == TEMPTING VALUES oe Iu fur from irs specials, ees direct ace the| tor; rier, now on sale. Knutsford Ac-| red| justa5 Mehesy, the a: Ean aaa ae HOFFMAN hse a ON the first1e of rere Accumulated snow; the a month -- and This of " inehes cloudy.! Smoke evening in he ie wallace Leeture. the TRIALS chemical lee-|jjcious GRANTED forae Arrested Couple r in eee ¥38, remased Car | was Burning Court and his wifef Gusare charged with ma- W Ho of property, Were) buteher ott | right. for ond executed his first. note| $3,000, Dee. 16, 1901, and his see-| note was delivered Noy, 28, 1902,] $2,000 His third note was ac' : 9, Ade, Investigations that have been con-|¢o leave the court room ducted on the Injucles produced by .the Little smelter smoke, After the paper is}{hat the read It cussion will be open for general by the audience Set ae ee i ea remegememene dis-| evidence. was given showin06] woman was in any way COD-] . arranging with him deliver his tha ae ons of the Y. M. G. A. is! to have Mr. angen address on famoug Prines of Peace' ei:the ¥..M. C-' ditovrlum Sunday afternoon. - If a" can make train connecwith Laramie, Wyo., he will Rciees all "the engagement. body, in will meet him. the event Saturday that the morning legislature | to hear| "1 would,be very pleased to talk he- full the butcher, jected with the fire, other than that she had called at the Oregon Short Li ne office i one Max Coannd sald that ren had called at the store ar j » store and bought lot of goods which she had promised PERSONAL ‘suspected him and swore out : Louis 1901, Peterson Sinee for that the Peas, leuving the cated, nds $100, time on Dec. Peterson 7,|short time. took the Best" WORST OF "Hat " Vienna bread.| Bakery er ene ALL law N. N i ‘anal, in ' Jan the students at the University grip of a what the ays in doing. of the winter. railroads nave presented present will bel andlegislature of weeds, subjectsto the the set Da . bliz- forth In The Jaw." "Weed the as kiiown | various are in DAKOTA 31.-Nor BL. North be on lawyers BLIZZARDS SWEEPS OV OVER Min kota as Law 2Students oe After Weeds i The it was on yet been this young document of in the a fire the passing] byadvocating the present legisla-| ne ee from to stand who te which qo her. after she on seward ane ape aonie d says that It was] wrung her under case was from continued over ‘ received SOCIE issued ELECTS Marriage, OFFICERS Jeweler , | trains in many be disastrous, blocked. cases, should Se the the ame result: lines may be cense to trade? to marry this afternoon Gal-|ed the following officers to serve for inetead Goal, the fave alto Northwestern in Towa is 100 from the Iowa coal fields, and gallons of ofl have been found tHe: work of de cre one ake Sete Pereaes, ROG ear OREO; Salt rs, ern s ye tin Tiouse ¥ é _- s 10S -EULLY_ FILLED e BY CAREPULLY-RIDEED SB 4 PLUARMACISTS. - |j Only pure drugs ee ant care ver ll - p our A x ; delivered parts of the cit 7 i q chardes = reasonable eas all one cons tye addition are to taken error-this Is the of our success. scriptions Pre- . va free WIL 1,600 to do E BY pouede-ercnet THE Deseret 0 - : Bell | { MONUMEN' j 4 News 7 Phianes: 374-1830; ind. . Ulde ‘ $7t-1470 : + y . ie 4 et ‘ miles SEGRECree e Aa: eet FUE. Bo eee Na A | When you order bakery mpode from Lake Photo Supply Co., Ko-| us, you are assured of "The Best."- Addres P. O. Box, 293, City.' Barrow Bros., Stationers, 15 W. 1st St. daks and finishing. 142 So, Main St. | Vienna Bakery, Ind. ‘phone 15. MAIN, ri REGISTERED In i SEER Tah wag OR, this North- | Se ee area. EAE Cha road | See eee) = 1 : prevent keynote : President, Mrs. V-| latin's great grandfather was Albert|the ensuing year: Gallatin, secretary of the treasury un-!B. Cutler; vice-president, Miss Maude} een Pe ee BR ‘Me Policy King: MRA Fare ees Sonoma extreme with| onmonths its west- "all use.of. oli. for Re 4 oe E Price Jewelry rescit § prepare bank- and Diamond Broker, ee \IN 175 SOUTH : ‘North- ;. Bros., -------- for: the of Nothine Us { Walker fhe Popular a to . Pars 3 been have orders zee 5 ‘locomotlyes: in| | and ee zy the Wyoming aaa the ate a thelocomotives. past three diviaien) . W hich id . OIL 31.-The for wee pe Officials Hlaave Ne SS Decided) e Engines. for Fuel ry the years, . Oe Reference: ona Ft hs Nai Aneetiodt "the experiments which it has been carryern Ty USE - Change Le oy For the of taking a warrant. WILL , ~Northwestern duress.10 a The] on for until ™. | ing oil-burning oe o-____-- MISSIONARY three , written a r ‘ of-M ral expiration the at : ithe ere it aria teeta ihe et ROAD to illness paid amountit meee , was MW refund ; < . oy wae from all the] took Nevada, arrested,Hazen, hexdelf ana adinitted putting nas einen ener rT Gallatin- Adams but no one has} "A 5 confession ae At . Se statement and ne a spent The storm ts the worst Inasmuch as the ef- blame the 2% Broadbent, Dentist, 600 Scott Bldg. cov supposed brought shebackwas where laws relative to weeds whieh force in other states in the/ine. Union of this and laware fire. brought can: give any evidence as tothethe woman origin though ‘e itself, ‘ of Utah are preparing a document tolsecured hands, Nie while -_-_-_->o--_--- lawnoteandon lng adjudtBeckstead's 6 Thirteen a to 1} lAManads an acs oO Bry: the Limited ryan on H) i ° am . ary: selected ie iv- Aubin ha. ie of in the complaint, that) he had an ; tu."liave shipped.as per instructions | °°). "TT. Cavs the service isexcellont overdraft of $121.38 Sept. 28, 1904, Miss Minnie, Lenhart of Denver is] ¢) 4m Cohen <nd that he had'a most enjoyable trtn which he hus refused to pay, Beck- eae with her sister, Mrs. Walter Several witnesses testified to seeing) rom the L: and ef Sunshine and stead also went on a promissory note|C. Gunter, After a few days' visit she the ® calcar. on flré and:to the finding of Oranges . ee ae | of aha the Ssa Saints, for $100 which was accepted from wii &0 to Southern California: for a}, five gallon can of oj! in the car) Bin hasto the just City completed tour Mtof core the: legislature." he said. "Does oe selling out my home, IT will that body meet on Saturday" If it} sell fine new Player Piano worth|*™* does it could probably be arranged] $6660, very cheap, or what have you "He satisfactorily." | brother 5 Murray, Y at accused and will leave in the afternoon for| legislature, and said that if he could| forts of the railroads ure centered on]. Previdence, BR. I.. Jan, 31 James) : vi nocjoincod (tae haneclie ynfuel tnsteadcar buys Ogden, he will deliver another return Junctionbefore in time bringing food fuel byandpassenger freight) Nicholson Gallatin and York, Ida. Feobertson Missionary of | may have others its own fuThe coal usec»d by' Tecture. | where he wouldfrom makeGrand an address that| cars are being and hauled Adams, both of New got a li-|the the WastWomen's Side Baptist church society has eclect-| ing from. retary Cox guarantee of +l to the room during this time and Hoff-| nan A 1 serious || taking the money ma January San mes ho - 12, - 1907, the ean ‘jal teed . , caren bail ioreman, dl { the eee Le, Straw, 31.-John otf . with Sold BAIL his .is d aoe ( his recogulzareown Geace Heffman ye furs, ° fine \iche pm+> « the by them from upon eee Armstrong sali Wallace destruction o { prices president -_--- \ eo Smelter ea excess a colder 4 Salt} the changed| bezzling $1400 2 meena ieee Hoffman, Frank ' a ; or ‘ hot $17,000" | 5a SEPARATE rain assortment { casione:] 1 The| cipitation 41 inches since pitation Forecast-Partly* since Jan. 1. .41 Weather C rattehy for rot and killed nimRepublican ans of B.. We Fosstore self in the drug |:ter' tonight rhe suiclde took place Phe Of four friend Desence 02S is despondeney,.Gesurmised Motive: Accused of Taking 31,100 His Brother | Had Concealed Under Mattress, ‘Take' Hoffman, charced with: em- ches precipits 1d at i WE ARE OFFERING lurge vice 4 4), your grocer for Vienna Bakery They're the best.' cakes bread and2 with G street Knutsford seta-. olitictan Jan. Chicago, Ttelative} degrees, sinc o on ae ee A orecipitation fr € a rie. ° Hac6 trace. Jie Accumulated excess of I pre: ih re syoheelee +-t-o Mer, ea OUT two soll of Jan$2 908- 3 nat OF FURS eee OUR: QUALITY always prices our wins, Always TAMDRCe The: BIGNTIEO RT EERO RT Fur Phks work. lo make any Deseret National bank tosthe McCornic k ae and company from the house of faceal se ; Ou ught matchless closed agai for the month decrease of Ww Ini potent Holmes Columbia Av Prizes} yea the month $29,252,981.70, : the a temperature of excess >a" 33 degrees Aes Agi emi for to) last day corresponding ‘he clearings vmounted 382,161,628.19 uary, 1906, a of management The penitentiary, | 946.49. has been Lake clearing house just} released at the rahe was Gibson Gibson which mith from et EGS eas ul it he be placed Now Oe aoa. oe this city. ; Bas aye cre Meteorological Report. previous to coming Yesterday's*record at the local .of-|| Riss was watched by the Ogden} noltce for weveral days before he came ae Leeds a ee «2 ee ate 2 sa Sica ; cumulated be-| Tnterest b'ces _ err arcbiie PMc haven to 110 character Fifteenth hall.lonight. amusement sold' Sa pees ot wey) ropes 1 i hint to vas Jet The 1 oe NAVE ' it Ses Sinn in Characters-A_ for the in be given Prizes ‘all will who tate " a et Rey ee See His unbalanced up ts renath ago by Tom Hendricks (o Wilolan Basle Badly for 336.000. |e 5 erie the to rae of Hs upon the best uses tO to. prepiat hen put be statement. -Jamie ary res Reet aa it and foc one-star property the builders to set the #1 is as faras he is pee nee ,| -hils ‘own on released Cone aries to the decide mas It was}! tows s0x100 Is mall t Co permit is, it as boot-} Ig Greek taken Seal. the at occurred too valuable ee | Nevada by building *alrez Columbiana Gof which: Helin Mr. to his eee "isthe oecupied "now wooden Koochop-} conier streets. property, Nhe eS nici Ides estate By the Ramsay is and) wire. two Tentos . for ; WNevaga inel re Owing "ot;. lot ee copper Insulation the 4) in oa Wolni Goldfield axe ttt whieh from e n $25,000 Lot Lot aaah Town. Taylor) icer | by sell to mentally: yard charge, foreery invited | > attending the funeral a Center street cars to Peach och Elie ! ays C orner lie wilh cutis "thin suite, Spear Jolie at. pen | the an Holmes Gus ‘Crow, | of quantity \ehiudged : j 1 "ht foundsal- be, sthis..cans of Veviileiiec, January Seal dreet. -ecognizanes ee ae Merritt, a James the two Greeks boy when Seal Shining Miner Ase iss Riss that. dad Charles i Hound amen iu Mix-up-Nick trouble sehuan ys guilty which cai Crow. he shown that ng a litle shoe saa RTY Ape Pit LDFIELD Me were arrested and H. P. with station . that on McAl- | who escaped recently from the peniarenes] Panenn iis DIT elsy2 Buea ic TD OSELINE: ave family, the of Fit it. an ; 1€S hell Le rt. building took Jum and [he various entered trial on not willing to plead complaint on was but burglary to} inhad regard been 8; which Grecks make | McAdams arrested) he attempted blacks police give the| Mt ‘Mitchell - plead in Trouble was Judge | vihe to. 'as' or 'Tribune then and] for} Walter te Qlatciottoourt who: Charm to} guilty he could aceak sane Kee assembly the in o'clock tf 0 Y al =i mot Lo ‘lo spools of -the ens wat denizen "pS20) fined distric 1e Crow claimed refus-] before information That while he court yjpseir no at St. in died who to Tames sha toa vee by | street the | ld com- afternoon penitentiary refused Riss before. rested. yeply, ds Jim regard in pleaded burglary of charge Apmstrong Thursday to the sentenced Was terested ena is anes BECKSTEAD baa i St. Cl e Townsend a colored woman who arrested. charged) with attempt- rho trying. hotel, Riss, readily himself the while information any Wood collarette $20- Diehl; ng-to-ki}|\ over os arrested thief the. | Ray vas four the Knutsford quartet... give to ing in sable a. the seems ee aggregate becaus time Wheeling of in furrier Wood burgiars, FUNERAL SUNDAY |ie tua teen trosnt into court 12:30 th >toWaerpeeud' displaying aati a deadly weapon "Onis ioe. sentences: doing. Riss. Charles Detective qjspose Mitehell suilty "Gommitted. home }coharge, te the Rica ices Dean Vitor ‘ Main 13 ere who was arrested harged with atte to wife msyirm : .ohi district. licht ed Bur- J. ei for "total are: Proves When asked by the court | of | seven years. and/as to whether he had ever been ar-]| rate next month. ae ea a ee $2] fi by/to Friday Mion) tated of temperature sin¢e degrees. 108 month, the ofexcess first a 9 ) of | jiepes Feb.) on iInereased M'ALLISTER'S I ) | Those take the together ; : 7% DOW. N WI R OU N | DISPLAY E TH | | | | action in Salt expires MRS. fat Goods. | | funeral. ames ag : SUES Promissory hours Mr. Bryan was told of the invita-| tion he had received to talk before the! and Up-to-Date f AG) Rae ,rae to call at the home and to: attend the he| the Shirts--- Remember, | Mrs.| Lion|{ historie . Men's Wh Mr ha | zard which bids falr to unde In a few| to of PRICE. Gordan S.. Beckstead, rn ture room of the University of Utab,|prought to trial in Judge Die shl'S court money. from: eollections made from near Binghum Junction, was maaein Professor Clarence E. Ebaugh, head |pyursday morning ‘aborers at)-the smelters on payday te Wak too late to bank the money and repre-} who Christensen, X. Soren re-| Of the department of chemistry at the |defendant Thursday In a suit to |cover $6,121.38 in five counts filed by} University, will delivera paper entitled | sents the defendants, asked for sepal-| yorrman placed it under his pillow |the Utah Commercial & Savings bank,| "Gases vs. Solids." beforé the West-| ate trials, which was granted. Allot | ipot night. The next morning when The bank is suing for Judgment on] ern Association of Technical Chemists! pey Hansen, for the county, dee 1860) eerenturned to nis room for the mone four, promissory notes, and overdraft|@nd Metallurgists. The paper will deal| (oq try the woman first. Sixteen Wit | i nag disappeared ake" Hoffman |antattorney's fees for $250, and costs| chiefly with the results of the various] esses, were sworn and then ordered was the only persot who had access an maid waseeea candidate 1 © The. The nike. be two. He| address,, oe ered Sprague. last Republican, who ran on the same ee sei Bryan mi Nebraska when ful 1s being arranged by a committee oerats Wyomlng| 8 wae Angeles Los where yabr. iootatio. year. ae 22| ee fon the lunch at theee uniay Alta club at Democratic in Pee O'clock Saturday afternoon. The af-| an old. friendship, of | the noon at This in amount cepted March 3, 1903, for $500. As the fourth cause of action, it is stated A. 5, Fee Ran on Sume Ticket. x Beare ectiire,‘ went to of Salt Lake to the bringing for too such rare. an BANK for 5 Tine watch ‘eee will express my views later.' ine s Jeweler, No. 12 Bast Iirst Sout Mr. Bryan would not out 2 the a TGpIE to We Oieciseed In "the oe ot speaks at Laramie Monday night, and magazine debates he ts lo chrry on|speaks at Laramie to Monday and | i that} hasor some attend night, to there -with Senator Beveridge, saying a. iedbusiness RRTMUn Sue sorting bates should come from in 43 er ed iy a ) [Residence srounds of the on the of quaintances Whitney Pyper, Wells, v Ogy YS eo February ist and 2nd. though a request for Merritt's deseripheld at the Nineteenth Will be 24 has been sent.to.the warden-of | |. Ward meeting house Sunday afternoon) | didn't have a very good time, | with Interest on the principal of each| A new milleman wil home in the futu ---___2.<g-0 ve been expressed. I um now investigating Japanese immigration and| living ~ success." and T don't care if I don't go out again | note. for a month. Beckstead as to immtiniieention , Line 1a oe | Lake edueation Insurance $500,060 account 4! many of the older people who took of Utah,or and _ 2 7 hose In thete settlement part the .¥younger people, whose _opportun -she rain- : a HALF S choice T ik MEN and be received will 1907, rates SITTER TEL 2 ; of out stepped years forty of had Book GETS when intowillthonever face beof known. the traltoroug What] eheratd Wet to walk silently away and board world: i j,| now B . Home. thought ers reserved to them. ae Pani: coat coneealing her costume, Her eoneurrent remedies, h t ta ought| PUsband met her at the door, the masquerade," didnit"YT gofelt toa Mttle ae of for acne the taeond he "{ said. pS to. exerciseBb allalrite Its. power sick, and so nihilation of private mon: »polies eae { came home to stay with you. Where congress should gaoplement We have you been? of the states. It Is not neces naa hat "I've been over to Annie's because state powers should be ee n Or-|) didn't want to stay alone," she said, authority as is vested In nate In your ‘travels. aroun i ‘s: vided looked: cman and Pant are sual the hour Out Cost) capac action rates which Maxii whom : Ciose - Your + these are all New, Clean wee John Mrs. B | Groesbeck-McCune, Lou if she as Jooked Ladies' Godey's eeiiee . Sizes----AT NOTICE ny esmb Salt of education. insurance insurance listel was combs, Young Susa Spencer, 2 SO + Suits best. sustained) vill be given for the . at the)™ be viewed may The body much admired spit curls that accomharacters. With Gibson. to Bunk Wanted street, First North West beauty spots the indispensable Pallied or patches of court plaster If it} home, between 232the hours of 9 and 11:30,| Bee ee ee Li hea aaah Jail Riss matic Glearnes Thursdays local <to>$903,-)/ vessed:a desire: to csge "Doc" Gib-'|:bank clearings. amounted All friends of Mrs. McAllis- | injSunday. vere possible one would mention for| $1,216.590.18.. any on | 509.89, as against. particular the effective tollettes wor] ler especially the older Intimate ac- | ae who is in jail awflting wy. oS ' Child's Will All a the: cue ‘don of a hair-dressing antique by * sub-}| INSURANCE SU nel i cc d marl and showed of the same of We e Underwriters Board as ; an than more "until What deer "i It Te of ; for and come. 7 the ‘ evenge. Nol +.) .his nat Saige 1 A.| aa Wells, wio B. Mrs..mmeline Mrs.) veo, floor ~ | wore a handsome set of ermine, and little | PUndreds of others equally worthy off nk : ‘ntion, Perhaps the crowning fea- twocwere constantly together, ° : 2 ‘ ane cuddte eo eund.:" glide oath 4 . aro Seere- 0 ' line in| as wonderfully carried out,| clusters| predominating, held Ann D.Clawson, are Mrs theto uae policies ae than s ‘ithe: either) pa Judicial and committee, the The board | of muil embroidered' - SAY" reduce to was compelled pretty] was}amount of insurance $50,000the such fashion style ‘The of proved t was and}on Rute " ¢ OU ge gn. -isurance:_on: Eoin jew-] unde thed 'strings, , ers -panni 1 of fearfully and long ringlets rd lia When] ‘ lied ue poke, ribbon \ vith womaif date, nee aon is a real, ™ s commission is ETS G The mitts, | flre Then. began a series ofquick firtations | SS08 gathering "In thoball'historic was "old-fashioned Theto re-|* was Uncle Sam whieh to the.vextension he ne national . revenge spond, secre t Fe MEA serve proposition." tariff the jall 1 . . car i doer: you taink abou! What ee labor) fortunes, swollen in a commis- the exp ires WITH chemi-| the which from degreesstyle, all Gypsy a has| legislature i Gk ‘ eng Shas Sank BOARD and] The i | think legislat Sislature » - the law and the Baa 1908, lace}ing drops ear S ! OpiMen: POSBEO, before fey Ov before betore: pretty)in the arrayed finery, e! offered. ve- Thompson of members P Sree by fale young}!1, to were her | duarter of a century ago el | the dainty pointed slipper oa residence next woman o eno Se hadn't a oe 1k cee r ne oo or tr Then there will also bewhich the} involved is Issue, railroads | delicate rese coral brooches, | without any greater hagard the board} with id 8 |Sc'™ came- his own. fun ot the tor placed palm Old pretts to weal used grandmother leaf and embroidered shawls, events that he decided! a little not) "an The premiums have graced a loan exhi-|sehool buildings. old camoes, long drop ear-| this. amount of insurance is high ogee chin ar tt fact the but by subsequent 3 volves Mi ayor| stitutes another law. It. is» probable that charges of _ ompetence will be made against Judge Grown as marked or et ie Supreme court decis sion mt chemille} and goods fit so far Ililes''s to communicate opinion to of Judge until the‘ Wl or repeals ey'-\of-the ade old ul ‘ Also commission dld write Mayor t : Broy rown amends ele long and necklaces, bonnets of close-fitling suid broe and rave fichus grandmother's vings, wear, he. called at eng told other _ in much who PTY Would Dillon, fine "Look for Unele Sum." ; , Whether the milkman is a witit pyYY} | ;nature, or whether he conceived the}! idea while ruminating with his cones on in- air silk dehnans, undersleeves, thelr xe- é t t a 2 venee: ae to seer result the ee Roni beaded rich mantles, retieules at outline osshe inspiration th very were and 5¢ttes. dis-| , : And v7 2s the not the to. and A is ae Changeable shawls see oe sb do Seiw hao nile matter, a)f31,\ iat an 4 " een ees mantles him.| -no'. ‘made hee ‘contr : of s S egis- Thompson, chairman of the j jboard sees no need of fe calling a meeting at this time The namimitesitn will enka no further steps toward ousting Judge SO ono ee var ® _ oe Rese gowns, satin 1 1 sive ia lett eee o ‘ - a But " LTS dence. say that she] A. © briltiant| oy kor class legisla- } the that fact to the Owlng Sess t and a ymie . legisla gishi-| ture 3 "Isis in session, Omar { } ‘nile t} mar Seetnia eee (a ne tw i M A showh| \ Ue attorney the ston afthe dinner sit of dancing ho ites-] ae ah She 10 ests ; Treasures eg: Fe were \ , the a ase 2QOnelse. so} myure at the Aud- axe ue ana city worthwhile by] never. Compl a opportunity of your lives to two- | communicated the: anul Opinion Hitten pleasing) used the , suffi- Police, Georgo. MMWhat. will be the big issues in the) Woman's lips as she glided out upen OO: a cette wae the tale ana| fours ending ‘at:6 p. m te eee Maximum descendthese of personality happy 4) Was there but floor, polished the campaign next oo "] think the trust question will be} twinkle in her eye that seemed tol cits of the pioneers, very few of|Witimum temperature, the aw deem Dy been <Chiet"af by of the o they 4djcurned pending his decision in. authorlsy to thelr gard : Beare Didu't Think It Worth Wille. were \ notable becouse) hse abn fashioning. The man-| CUR AS Ae pA husband would zo to tae carnival eet faye never} swollen to prevent tax He the next generation, heritanece tunes for second, « opinions men ane cheats could snaedly ee toate ae fe eS Se itherare nd i Lait fh : ae . my ‘inn iy cd the of ied hadn was-on milkman _ The for also taken up the Democratic dcetrine 2 S-- Uncle Sam that corporations should not be al-75 or ae a put ori eed BIE W to campaign] cA contribute to lowed nds." eae ae ee en . but. Wolted ae vew a spends {s accompany hed } rn Dna platform. | ty have He has strengthened our position predatory wealth by advocating an ner -wife His "it designed three in it was Republican a in demanded it demanded We platforms, sho! abundan An nove as : uve L2QMe par aie nd he costumed ae ae beef, ir. S-- definitely what costume indorsed railroad We indorsed the income tax. He has indorsed it'in 1896. , en liim-}: schootubulidings was..cut down |e": Po. "parwculir= |) pic. a aan Ue Sa vin} 2 Vi BS 2 aN Gowns be an impossibility would flounced to the waist were worn on) Thursday afternoon $50,000 (by othe) i one the masquerade tm the' he must The disputes of labor three nationas It in Roosevelt urged President nas regulation. or In each house ote The at pin yher pondering on the auestion flowered "and of system the advocated -F: the clothe' yourselves at such ridiculously low prices ize, however, usually aafter a "hubb: ara hi recom- has He trusts. the to recently vote ads would | + "Old you considering the ecurbpointed out MRO hue being: first, by belng misdemeanor, thirds ithe: Daughiilo elther commonly sc1100] And clilef afte ywecame the ; EN ey , Co ty Crea 3 Vorgotten out skating, at than ork of c the a milkman. Trusts. mended the license system that was) in the Democratic platform in 1900, He goes usually bedy 4 muine ea : "Mr, Roosevelt has; however, adopt-) seme of the Democratic views in| regard he week v Gomediatchy e ed a tea 1 but Ouse n Jays ago,of | 2ughters, was announced.a declared ‘his few intention mothers to vue es aes: is with Others 0 quaint 7 : SROM EN, in S----Is a eee ¢ the] expressly denied to. delethe | not C he roller of that ey rovision|. ‘and ta. thie obtatee the a rights res "when Mr. S----.. not does ves Demoerats tional 2 ec mn o tae renervee Pern fond home oi of the positions of the Democratic the |} Or oid - ature " In' From Hiles will give Hitta my the Senuie tr'seaens lf LOO Young Men's Suits, sizes 14 to 20 yrs. O.75 as, Sama te ae (iene girls Happencd, to. exept. Pibineiratee: him... with would go @) one is part We the slow) lature for any cause numbers | éfent for his-removal ner of hairdressing, with the. novell combs wort, he Iped to heighien in-| tere st in the pieture Visitors toowhom. theinterior of :the with} husband while that nights Mrs. jtorium yy eked the of that and a | a home, indeed, rings in} of some has not senators He pat Republicans. cated the clection ‘of at appears has| | fond, instances policy the in aequiesced the people, -yore-of enet It that) me and good foumowlipg fabric ee ee of their eats: weetarta her the boys-or 7 Jlow It AW is advocate not doing not so, he tariff} has| does by wife indorsed) several the us, his are | ticularly anc there is harmony. he and nce, reform, no} which not to peopl epee ay us their & o'clock. refreshing : cha- cooing' tice asinine |} carefully has are from differs he which of is platform, occurs It jrefused however, to tender jstone, Mr. 3eing an. old-fashioned affair, the} v guests began arriving at 6. o'clock,| many of them In costumes half a cenu-| turv. olf Many were of nomespun| ofAGHA forty- | waat ees surprised PU aRIELCecTi Roosevelt, principles that by +} took bread, rhe aulfare heath | a €) ! 8 aera ‘ ta7 ad clung to a supposed years, gazed with aor- the The features statelyof Boe ee not con-| with Democracy, Democrats. by hundred ee far so | OA tin er nuns Hae Or Late eis moved. In the pioneers, which brewed from lea leaves. Shattered. are yer own milkman She had let. ner partner In the skate ‘go farther' than | he done, See ould have aN peenad sane not been : as to his knowledge her of feonfident _ there same Mr. if. and ett ned person on the floor was a little} she that found who woman, Side ast candidates. he could you andl veason Why run on the sistently ihermcon Worn Ma polmlls Tals ae a might she that im order Conditions make platforms and plat-| flirtation, forms make candidates." |have an opportunity to impress upon ‘Tf President Roosevelt has adopted) yim her opinion ot tae man who leave so Be, coy und, abounding eee the rollers) from goof the for/pad value Effect. that early the ' five s iy}? ae the} house, least : to un D.} commi Llee: nt unm and‘ : J tert‘talnme : o'clock. 11 at unmasking The Whitney, Beatic Marion Groesbeck, speople idisclosure. | the of ie the veal be-] a Y , 5 a Whitying the false faces brought out many oung x Spenec Spencer, Emma vi A Pyper; 8 ¥y Jones Clawson, Lou |shrieks of laughter, and, likewise Gicee vee Mecone Bree : gIViNE| But tariffs must know to the state oy about is ‘ Into tue at Idols | power to tine commission hope can tie comroission railvoads, it the railroads "How Bin At were:in)coatumneion Princess his} u ra aoa of on triumphantly er Pinery Produce Smith, was served In-the north room! contests aftorded| F uncheon feature of the} use for fitted been has vhich Pens ree to » "pe betaine etme ‘ 4 ~ ‘ D L. the of class science | domestic te ntGi eeeV ous, ranging from the decor; Ray inva : 1 saa adornment of Lady Washingto: 1| STN OUSILY cluded nate bil o1| fare was old-fashioned molasses gin-| that | to the gel eh umbrella skirt of the} and & o Chests F eet you stand on _the railroad | bougit ue les as j = Ean eee st jsodas during the evening, stoor AgAst) proposition? a at the sight of delivery boy, when the the two bills." replied the ean sive veil was taken from tne face. Commoner, "Tt aqcy. of deg eer participate in carnival and Cedar naene That crowded 3 Reet: Gepubucets © hin. tere was et "rhe e Ne: < ) se ma cae Fe a : fenien ee te a ei ments, ot | for two hours, emocracy : vs n D heratic inaid of tender aDnis sailing victory, al Contict p yu seas. Attics dis-/promptu over "'stand-pat"' e 2.000 people 3 ae eR erat eocurt commission, the commis. | ; Sion has no power to remove Judge Arvay! Willis Brown, whose resignation has! | be fen asked and which Judge Brown} eat any- om them told ; Ie ‘ Democrats. to cheer was In the ascendancy that Demoeracy ‘ : veaty and that at the next national conven-| : re tion there would be 4 re pee ‘tween a OK Fully Soe cee hight to witness er ae Democrats crept Joke to! ; kd ! And thoogh the floor was too crowd- Feat CPG Pioneers. The dance pati Sheets or Superintendent D. HH. Chris-} | ed for pleasuve in skating, a merry lot the program was opened by tae 'lensen, the other two members of the | ' march, ae by President Joseph!) commission. Mr. Hiles was asked for im-| lerand Races and in was indulged Utali! time . ‘ ‘clo 1) a written opinion ane > con issic | in message a leave Through , Turned Yi lo- tne justified Bland amile i 1, dc aig At | Mr.) persons with whether be would Nearly = His f Case. PRES. SMITH 4 LEADS MARCH. by Det 20) reply} j masquerade the I Know until and banding, not like to sak I would situation. thing about it." ‘Do you know of any condition eould Tragedy | rorost biggest] night. enouga say to conditions Democrats | Comedy || this aubjéct,. Bryan said Thursday Gf amcnotfamilial cal Be earth, Rules our Hac n-| to Utah Democrats who! to-disband a » pve Domestic Issue Next Year. William Jennings Bryan, tie Democrat op couragement Ques- "Renders" | Ball. | arse "Peerless aes: I Opinion on Juvenile Court Annual Old-Fashioned | Princess of Fijis. | ‘City Vary Daughters of the Pioneers in' | From Martha Washington to of Disbanding Proposition Riera Costumes "THEY CAN'T BO IT" " * § a "4 : : |