Show I LE G LEL NI s S t I I 4 su SUMMONS SUMMONS- IN TI DISTRICT OF Tin Third Judicial district o of th the Mt ato of ot Utah county of oC Salt Lake Peter F. F ar plaintiff vs 6 Rose Pose de dc t Summons Time The State of oC Utah to lo the Said Sll De Do- You are hereby summoned to appe appear r within twenty days das after aCter the tho or this summons upon you OU if served within with with- in iii 11 the tl him count county in which this action Is brought otherwise ther lse within thirty days after service IN anti ami defend time iho above cn n- n titled action acton and In in ca cario cao o of oC your failure fall fail ure so 80 to lo do Judgment will wi be rendered t a against you according to the time demand of oC othe the complaint which h. h within ten lays days after service of or summons of upon said you court will 1 be flied filed ned with wih th thO clerk JA JAMES S F F. S SMITH nTH S Attorney PETER F I Plaintiff tf IN TIlE THE fIE DISTRICT COURT THIRD Judicial district county of or Salt Sal Lake state of oC Utah Notice I 13 hereby gJ that a petition has been filed tied In the tho District court court Third Judicial district Salt Si Lake ke nt cO county Utah praying for tor an order of or said court to change e tho the names name of oC JO Joseph fh Bull Dul jr Elizabeth A A. Bull Bul Joseph W W. Bull Bul P. P Dut Bull Ruth hull Bull 1111 Elsie Bul Bull Walter Waller R. R R Bull Bul Sidney y 31 M. Bull Bul and Ind Melvin L. L 1 Bull Dut to r rJoseph Joseph Elizabeth Elzabeth A. A Burdette Joseph W. W y R P. P fur Bur detle dele Ruth Burdette Elsie Burdette Burdete Walter aler It H. Burdete Burdette Sidney M M. f. f Bur flur eUe dette and ln Ie I. I L. L L Burdette Said Sid petition potton will wi be brought on for hearing at nt tho the court room oom of or said court In the time city ane an and cour courtly cour building In said It Salt Lake county on Saturday the day of oC February A. A D D. l 1907 All Al persona persons lay desiring de de- dc- dc siring to bo heard on said sall matter mater will wi take notice Witness the clerk of oC said court with wih the tho seal therea thereof url affixed ed this day ay of January A A. D 1007 1907 Ii S Seal J. J U. U ELDREDGE JR Clerk By fly W H If I. I Farnsworth orth Deputy t Clerk petitioners McGurrin and Gu Gustin tn Attorneys for |