Show I WHERE TilE THC SOLDIERS ARE ARC BURIED I D. D Down Down at Fort Crittenden is a bit of ot a cemetery I ii In I which a number of or soldiers of oC the United States ar aro 3 burled They Timey are of tho the command which marched d to Uta I In the tro troublous blous days before tho Civil CI war and thc they were e stationed there there they served their th country b by p obedience to Its orders and there thre they died It happens that tho time land lan on w which they were burle burie ti tiIs Is in a school section which became a part of or th lb e tate state states state's s territory when Utah was admitted to the tho Union 1 S. S i t 5 S. S S. S ti r S S I and It not being mineral mineraI land the title passed to time the state of oC Utah Tho Time tate state has Just made mallo a 3 iced dood to tho the general en ral gov gov- for the time land a legislative e cps cession lon and warranty m of or title and there the government Is going to make proper Improvement it-improvement of tho the graves where tIme the soldiers liehn lie hn ha rietI S Th The state would gladly have havo restored 1 this land to ho tIme ge general Cral government as a Cl free freo gift gin but In order ollor th that t there hero ml might ht never n be he a 0 question of or title tho the lon lion of one ona dollar was passed sed And tho time hallowed ground in In n which men meui who tiled died while in tho UIO service bf becomes th the property of the government they served A little later Inter It Is likely a monument will bo be erected there hero Tho spot will be properly marked ns IS are aro erles teries all over tho country where men who bore arms In n the tho country's cause causo aro sleeping And AntI Utah will bo ho proud to do her hr share sharo In paying honor to tn t the men who I served tho time Hag within her borders |