Show FISH AND ND GAME OAME LAW LAY PROPOSED I License Fees for Sportsmen toBe to toBe toBe Be Used for Propagating ing Stock The he and amid ant ga game time hI ii II Introduced by 15 Ir Representative amends the present law IiI In many particulars A chal change e has been Jad made in se section 1 I lo lu l 1110 provide e a u clo co close c season sealon lot for bass hass from 1 1 to July 1 i. 1 The Ihme close chose Reason cu for trout js is between December i lo H and amid ant Jul July 15 as os at present 1 S Section cl im h 1 H 4 Is proposed proposed-lo to bo be amund- amund ed cli by making time the mesh for foe the time s lne 1 In talking carp CUIP chub chub- mulet mullet bullheads bull bull- heads fish car or sl suckers sucker crl shall b bc OIO and amid one half one hal Inches Inches' Instead of of two Inches The rime following pl provision I lol IS added al at the thc clo close e of the section as It I ot cc now exists And each N of or such parties par pal ties persons sha shall 1 before commencing s such ch seining apply to 10 time the anti and procure from Crom the time count commissioners of time the count county In which such seining Is to be IJ carried Oi on a license which license shall shah be bc l issued suet upon tho time payment payment pay pay- ment meat of 25 G and anc shall cover cuver the time season season sea sea- son on for rO which It Is applied for during which reining Ja may lawfully I be hC carried on Tho county commissioners commissioners' l Issuing Ing such uch license mR may revoke u ut un iiii on proof roof that thai time the person to whom it has bas been Isue Issued ha has been I by b acutt a. a of or competent jUrl Jurisdiction lct n convicted of df ofa a violation of any aimy of or time the pro I provisions loIS of this chapter I Il l of f Money Time The monc money received recel ed from froin rom such li licenses 11 1 cele censes shall hal be expended e by the toun t ty 3 fish and amid game warden wardel time the Jalc direction n of or time the county commissioners for the time protection and propagation aton of or offIsh offish f fish h and amid game In iii the time count county In which such uch license fee fec Is collected Provided Provid Provid- ed ec that that such juch pel person on or 0 persons 0 over o overtime the time age of 14 4 shall Ihal procure from the time county count clerk 01 or other of officer I authorized authorized author author- Izet to lo Issue the same a license In iii time the sUm of Jl 1 1 for each ach and ea e every sun gun or om hook and amid ant line Inc used by such person ln f r time the sc season on of each and every I e year Provided Iro that non non of or time the state stale shall pay par a a lIcense c In II tho time sum of or orG 15 G before being being allowed to 1 kill 1 wound or shoot at or 0 have han In iii II his IIO possession pos POE session an any aimy of the time game gamo or 01 fish sh mentioned men hemmed in this section To section 19 Is proposed to be added alle au- au all ad- ded e this provision provision- That any amm al' al resident of or the time state stale of or Utah ma may be bc allowed the time II right ht to kill kl not exceeding two male deer teer with horns hOIns during the thiC period pe pe- nod from flom October 15 13 to November 1 13 of each and amid anc e cr every year rear Change CUI e for tor Voter JO 1 I. I It I is proposed to lo change tho the clo doted closed et se season on for duck ducKs an and other water fowl rowl as provided In section 23 of the time pres present ent law mal making It I as follows Between Between Be Bo- tween the tIme first t day cay of December anti and the time 1 th ua day of or February following and amid ant the ca day of or March Marcim to the 1st lt day of or October following The ca present pres pres- ent closed season cason is from January 1 to October l. l 1 lj o r TC o o extend the open on for rol q all Hi all al ate cle e. e iu to t. t l till as well wel as t l m I Salt Sal Lake Cake Weber eber and ant Davis counties Section 29 I Is lr proposed to bo be amended amend amend- ed to read as follows cc It I shall be unlawful r f for r an any amm person or sons persons at ally aty time to ship or cause to be shipped transported trans trans- ported birds or ot fish sh or 01 an any aimy part or om parts thereof dead or 01 alive alvo mentioned men men- honed In iii this chapter provided teat carp suckers mullet mulet an and chubs ma may maybe maybe be shipped after being being first Ih inspected by time the s and game Jume warden arcen or 0 Ills deputy where such fish sh are arc rc taken and amid such fish and ant game warden or his deputy shall hal attach to each parcel or oi package of or such shipment a sUt statement that the same ha has haS been inspected and alid giving the 1 kind of fish and amid alc tho the weight thereof which statement must mut be signed signet b by the time fish and wal warden cn or his deputy making such inspection |