Show I SUPT SOFT OEO GEO G fe HALES ENDS USEFUL CAREER Widely Known Utah County bounty r Citizen Dies of monia c. c SURVIVED BY LARGE FAMILY Ia t I. I Wa a Prom In Public Places anti Head or of f T S Y t 5 n. n 5 S Provo Jan 2 31 1 t George Ceorge Gillet Giet Hales Hale of or the courtly In Infirmary In- In a esil ho of S rk tiled died this morning of pleura monia at thc Uie n age c of JG tC G years Mr Il Hales had been ill J three thre eJ jil hilt but it Was not not that h t he was fn in lit a tt dangerous Yo Yesterday he appeared to bo ho as ns well wel is as he had been for several days das past and his atc meals regularly Early In ant the morning he lit began hegan suffering greatly greany and md his hia hiE end nd crime came cun at ft 3 10 a. a in mn rhe The arrangements for til the funeral are pending pending th the ihy ad advice advice advice ad- ad home vice of or relatives who are aro awn away from George Hales was tho son of laC Charles Benr Henry Hales and Julia JuHa Ann Aria Lockwood Hales and was wn born horn In III Nauvoo Ill II March 19 19 1844 H He lIe and his parents are are- 10 members of or tho tire Mormon Mor Mor- mon men church anti and settled in Utah at an early date In iii the history of oC the he state sUte Their first ironic homo in this Stat stale wa was In B Hip Big Cottonwood moving to S Spanish Fork FOJ a n few years year's yeas yea's later Mr I Hales ales Is survived st hel l by his widow twelve chil chi chi- dren forty forr grandchildren un and four great groat grandchildren oth other l' l relate relatives He lie le has been I bent in lii fi public life for man many years Yeal's and for the tho las last l three years year was superintendent super SUper- UI and I of the time county Infirmary Court Ol Provo Prove Jan Jun 31 Thin rho Tho following olo c. c cases P were wre d disposed of nr I In n I the he Fourth th Io District l court today l l' l lale of ii- Margaret II McCullough McCulough deceased deceased de de- ceased CP petition J of oC Eph Eh 13 ph Nash for Cor an nn order onJel ln alo allowing hits his hIs hIs' final account gi gl ante n tc S g latu of it ll J J. J M t ceased b-ceased petition of oC I. I R. R v. v and anul J. J 1 K g Booth for 01 confirmation of or sale alo of f r i-Aal i IMI eState to William Viam Smith for fur granted v S Case CaRe of Exchange e anti and Sav- Sav av- av InK ings bank hank hanks vs ts s William ilar P P. floyd Dovel ord order or or- 01 der le d i for 01 foreclosure and HI sale granted g 50 f 0 attorneys attorney's yg f fes lo es State SaU of Utah r vs WJ a Preston Pros Pres ton Lon nn continued for o the tho term terni by hy con con- rent nl of or loth hoth parties S of Bronchi Branch Voting iii of or tinie In winch o 0 r file bill of ot e x x t to In i b. b G. G bil tu J i S c x Cj c i 1 Koy- Koy ever ev or r vs vs Jis Jh K r tl for n 4 tl on Cr r dr ch or to- to to pay 6 Ti C per per- ei lc sti sU ri i d 1 1 until hearing hearing- o ci tui trial I S 11 0 PIU o Bf r 4 Pl VO Jan 31 Georgc 31 George ie Geor Storrs of or Baxter axtt Sti Straw Staw ait arid and SOI Storrs railroad con con- Is homo from vera California where hero ih the company has contracts for Cor foro f jO 0 o miles of ot road for tho tIre Western Pa- Pa iti Mr h Storrs Storms Pf- Pf i reports the work as s sll being eing ll In a V very flourishing condition Of DI the GOO men employed on tho works LOll LOO are aro Utah boys S Marcuson 1 Hoylo and ArYle Ar- Ar Yle or ot Leland Iceland are aro in jn the city toda today to arrange for the segregation of or the thc Leland district from fron oz the tIre Spanish Pork ForI school district district The Time matter flatter r wilt will Ibe be betaken betaken taken up with the county count ion ion- sion- sion ers at the next me meeting Mayor J. J II H. Frisby has lias returned from Salt Lal Lake e City where he went to tn complete completo the details of ot the transfer of oC the Federal site sHe to to the Ut government o There were two judgments against the municipality which the te ted d district i 3 attorney rne ordered cn before before be be- fore the government will wi accept the property Marriage licenses censes have havo been issue Co fo 0 nO Roy Rub Ruby of or Ital Mo 0 and anti Mi May Malmstrom of or Mapleton Utah Jonathan S S. Page c and anc Clara A. A Hulsh Huish both of or Payson It I is expected that a large bunch of rooters will accompany tho the B. B Y U. U basketball team lear earn to Salt SaIL Lake Ike to morrow morrow mor row when they go to pia play tho time L. L 1 D. D S S. U U. I 1 |