Show I RAILROAD NOTES OTES I IA 4 A map showing a nil all the government Ir Irrigation Irrigation Ir- Ir projects west vest o of the Missouri river ha hans lias been Issued by the tho Southern and Union Pacific companies Time The annual coal shortage e in en fall amid winter throughout hout tho the Western states has had time tho effect of or leading the Southern South South- era ern P I to consider the tho advisability of using oil burners on as many of Its Hs divisions as ns possible It 11 C C. C Bush traffic manager of or tho time Colorado Midland with his lUs daughter and antl VV P. V. V Of or Ailis Chalmers company and Mr Nichols NIchols' sister arc en on fO rOute te to where they will spend a a. month C. C O. O Whittemore who has hans Just re returned returned re- re turned from Bullfrog and other camps In In Nevada reports that tho the controversy ers between tho the Brock road and the Lat Las Vegas and Tonopah line Une has been beci amicably amic arnie abl ably settled Work on the tho La Las VCRa brunch brancha will now be pushed rapidly ac according cording t to Mr 1 II n. n Drake district passenger agent 01 ol the Rock Hock Island has recently under under- g g Kono no an an operation for tor cat catarrh of oC the thac nose nose Several pieces of or bono bone were removed re to- moved from roan Mr Drakes Drake's olfactory organ or or- gan Kan and his condition Is much im Sm- im- im pro proved pro cd Mark D. D Kerr a n brother of or Kenneth Kerr and manager of or the time Montana Montana- Tonopah Mining company lias has been ap appointed appointed ap- ap pointed chief engineer and manager ofa ofa of ofa a organized railroad and lumber company In Nevada Nevada- The new company has hag bought tile railway rolling roiling stock equipment and timber lands o of lh time the Bodle Bodie Lumber and Railway company compan Thc The n w owners of the project will extend extend ex ox- tend the tho line to lo a a. Junction with the Tonopah and road Prospective Prospective tive live routes for the thc extension are arc being surveyed and active construction work will bc begin ln a as soon as the tIme best route has been selected According to the Miner Minor steps are arc soon to be bo taken toward time the construction construction con con- of a railroad to lo tap Fairview Wonder onder surrounding districts and the Austin mineral belt Tho TIme Nevada legislature legislature legislature legis legis- lature will be bc asked to pass a bill granting a right o of way for or steam and electric lines front from rom Austin to Chalk Mountain thence to Winnemucca Reno Rena and Tonopah with branch roads to Wonder and amI other camps campI of oC tIme the district The TIme project Is backed by Nevada and Eastern capital and I if time the concessions asked are arc granted the thc work of or construction will be bc pushed rapidly V. W. II H. Baldwin chief counsel for Cor or the Union Pacific with offices at Omaha Om is In the city for or a n. few days das Kenneth Kennelh C. C Kerr traveling passenger agent of the Salt Lake Lako Route received the thc following telegram Thursday from Milford William Jennings Bryan on onNo limited trains are arc ele ele- No 8 says Your I r gant gain axial and service is excellent I t am nan h having boxing a very enjoyable r. from theland the tho tholand land tumid landof of sunshine and oran c to the CI CHy f of or J. J J. J H. H To Tu Q alleviate lat lc the shortage ot ot coal oal In Reno nerio the Union n pacific is hurrying a n arain rain of oC nineteen en carloads from Crom Omaha to the Ni city Owing to the thc urgent ur ur- ur- ur Kent gent ent call cnn made malic upon the time company for tor rapid transportation tho Ito train Is In scheduled scheduled sched sched- to run from rom Green Grcen River to Reno Rena n. n a distance of ot miles mlles in sixty hours The Tue lC coal will be distributed for or commercial corn com mercial use corn I |