Show IF YOU PAY CASH If you pay cash you owe it to yourself to trade where you ou get the full benefit of cash prices price Not only are you entitled to lower prices but lower prices on high quality foods Such benefits you'll find in our cash and carry O. O i P. P Skaggs gs System Store OR OI IF YOU DONT DON'T DONTIe If Ie you dont don't pay cash it to yourself you ou owe to try our moneysaving money sav In ing way of shopping See Sec how our ser self vice cash prices reduce reduce re re- duce the number of food dollars you have ha been spending the charge it way In Investigate Investigate In- In our claims Experiment You will easily see sec the greater value each dollar brings paying cash cah and shopping the O. O P. P Skaggs System way Cedar City and St St. George GeorgeO O 1 Sll GGS Fools FOOD ES A Surety of Purity Who borrowed our Linoleum n Please return it 1 Leigh Fun Furniture ture and drys Adv M M REMOVAL VA L S SALE ALE GREATER REDUCTIONS We must clear all of our spring and early summer apparel New Merchandise has just arrived that we were unI un unable I Jt 0 able to cancel from New York manufacturers Come every day ansee an ani see the new values S Spring C Coats oa t s New Spring and Early Summer prIng D Dresses S Sacrificed Of 0 d' d 1 New Styles New Materials Ice Both and Misses Sizes 94 1094 94 1394 18 2350 4 98 6 69 Val to Val to 1675 1675 Val to 15 Val to 2 25 Val to 35 Val to 50 r Fur trimmed and Self Trims A small deposit holds your choice tt s 1669 6 69 c l T om x Val to 2250 Val to 3 Plan your Easter Wardrobe at These Great Reductions r ati Included are Printed are Printed Silk Crepes Rich Plain Flat Crepes Fluttery Flutter Chiffons Ex'S Exquisite Exquisite Ex Ex- Ex- Ex S S 'S a The Smart Silk Plaids p Jacket Styles Normal Waistlines Peplums y Tiers Boleros Latest Sleeve Treatments Approved Ap Ap- s proved Princess Lines Tunics Evening Gowns Etc Hosiery I 1 Our A All 11 nl f t Chiffon 1 Service Hose HoseA e 44 lO per ec q Sil ilIK k to U top tOp lOp 1 I d- d Buy y Y Your Easter Hat full heels fashioned Beautiful slenderizing shades Buy French them 81 T by br the box At This Great Removal Sale pr Unprecedented in value giving unequaled in selection this Regular Allen A. A Chiffons sale brings everything that is new in Millinery Mil lift Sheer chiffons Picot with sible liner to only circles bu buy a small a at hat a price outlay for each that of of money makes your outfits it Every possible pos pas 3 O 0 5 5 A heels French carefully Chiffons heels selected All with first picot tops quality panel tops of 1 23 I wanted style in straws Values to new spring shades range pr pre J Genuine Irish crash Linen Dresses Lingerie en erie at l Bergstrom have secured twelve distinct st styles les in Sleeveless Dresses to feature in this Great Removal Sale Dresses 49 79 95 c c C 19 made of Imported Irish Linen Suitable styles 2 49 for school chool street and home Regular 4 95 value Brassieres Teddies Gowns Slips Dance Sets Combinations BUY YO YOUR un SUMMER SUPPLY NOW Hand Bags Bas Bed Rain Spreads toe Coats 1 s sI I i MJ 2 Price Price l Modess Modes House and Porch Frocks Kid Gloves Values to Girdles Ih 2 price Regular Value When hen you OU see these Values to RE REMOVAL SALE SAIE Pillows z l Price UE REMOVAL SALE snappy styles SALE you ou will want 3 or REMOVAL UEl 9 99 9 c Robes 2 1 and 2 Price 2 c 4 teed of them fast color Guaranteed Guaran 8 8 C 1 29 Reg val to COMP ANY Cedar City Utah tah EXCLUSIVE APPAREL FOR WOMEN YOl Thorley |