Show ALPHA BETA PLEDGES ENTERTAIN V W Wednesday ev evening ni Miss Sage Oard ner and Miss Claudia Parry pl pledges o othe of f the Phi Alpha B Beta i S Sorority entert entertained enter enter- t the the the- members member's of the sorority soi a aan at atan atan t an attractive bridge bridie luncheon luncheon u cheon at t th the e residence of of Miss Mass Gardner on 2nd West West Str Street t. t A color color scheme of ot or orchid or and green was artfully used Following bridge a luscious luncheon n was served to Helen Stevens Bertha Berth Seaman Leila Lelia Larsen Wanda Luke Maude Halverson and Dagma Dogma Seaman Mrs Ann Wright and sons Bob an and d Jack are the guests of Mr and Mrs Jim Smith They expect to rema remain in I Indefinitely Mr nad Mrs Elbert O. O Hamblin o of I Kanab are rejoicing over the arrival o oa of ofa ofa f I a son born Monday morning March 23 at the Iron County Hospital Mother Mothe r and babe doing nicely |