Show Junior School coo Band an Goes oes To o Boise oise Idaho a o Thirty Piece Band Will ViII Entertain at Rotary District District District Dis Dis- Convention May lay Broadcast Over Radio Local Club Fosters Move l The Cedar City Junior School Band composed of boys and girls of upper grades and junior high school age will attend the Rotary District Conven- Conven lon at Boise Idaho April 16 and 17 by Invitation of the District officers to appear on the convention program and ando to o entertain at banquets and other en- en Of a much larger group now In the theand band and thirty members doing the best work will be selected to make the trip and they will entertain for the convention convention conven- conven tion lon city possibly Tuesday April In n a special pullman that will be chartered chartered chartered char char- for the trip and return homo home the he following Saturday evening The move to send th the band to i the convention has been fostered by the Cedar City Rotary Club and they in inurn turn urn are being assisted by the Chamber Chamber Chamer Cham- Cham ber er of Commerce Lions Club Elks Club Oil Co Dr M. M J J. J Macfarlane the he Cedar Junior High School and parents of the children participating The Tho success of th the project is is' the result of six months month's hard work by the Rotary committee In charge composed of N. N J. J Barlow chairman J. J N. N Smith and Henry Petersen The band is the product of a co comparatively com om- new Idea in music teachIng teaching teach- teach Ing ng that of group Instruction The work Is s under the direction of Melvin Done who has developed a well balanced band and Mr Done has received much valuable valuable valuable val val- assistance from Walter Peterson during daring the past winter Fine cooperation cooperation cooperation tion from City officials who have ar arranged arranged arranged ar- ar ranged to have Mr Done continue the band Instruction through the summer months has added much stimulus to the organization of musical groups and aided greatly in securing the backing of organizations of the community for this undertaking Th ft J u 1 b hn d h hn ft ft toi A o f e v t i a reper Vo about 20 good numbers at least three of which are contest numbers for high school bands throughout the The balance of time remaining before the trip Is made will be devoted to polishing up on these numbers that high quality performances may be as as- as The band will appear in concert before be before before be- be fore leaving for the trip and It Is hoped hoped hoped hop hop- ed that suits can be obtained d with funds hinds received at this concert If this Is possible possible possible pos pos- sible the work of making the uniforms will be done by the domestic arts de department department department de- de of the Junior High School As an added feature of the trip arrangements arrangements ar ar- ar are now underway to have havethe havethe havethe the band broadcast t over the radio probably over station in Salt Lake City It is also planned to have them appear before school assemblies in Boise It Is expected that the pla players ers will willbe willbe be accompanied on the trip by the fol following following following fol- fol lowing Cedar people Mr and Mrs Melvin Done Mrs Henry N. N J J. J Barlow Wm R. R Palmer and th the three candidates for president of the local Rotary club Henry Petersen Dr J. J W. W Bergstrom and John S. S Chris Chris- Two members of the St. St George Rotary Club will also Join the group At Salt Lake City the party will vill undoubtedly undoubtedly undoubtedly un un- join the Salt Lake delegation delegation delegation tion on the balance of th trip |