Show Pinto Mrs Irs C. C E. E Knell Reporter Bp Stratton of Central and Ranger came here Sunday Bunday and are going going go go- ing over the Reserve to see what number number number num num- ber ber and kind of deer deer they can find Monday they found a goM go number number of of fawns The men that are working on the road from the Meadows reached here Saturday night and a anew anew new crew w started east of Pinto up the ridge Monday morning John Benson Denson from Enterprise was here Tuesday as assessing Mr and Mrs Karl Knell and family fam tam fly ily Mrs J Jim Smith and Ze Knell ell from Cedar City were here last lut Bunda Sun Bun da day A birthday dinner u 11 as as s served by Mrs w Walter r Knell for her husband an and d Mrs Mn K Karl ij K KnelL eu There were several tara cars pass through h here W Wednesday 1 going to Pine V Valle Valley y to attend the funeral of ot Mason Gard Oard ner Henry Jones and a son and daughter daugh daugh- daugh ter from Cedar Dr Clarence Gardner Gardne r and wife of Oakland were In one car I Mason Rencher and wife and Mr am an and d I Mrs Andy of Harmony In another car There was a crowd of ot young people e from here last Sunday eve eve- ning Vernon Vemon Snow was wan here yesterday looking over his property and went to te the Meadows to work on his f farm where he has ha n R tm rot I. I |