Show Second Ward Vard I Honor Night Program Tuesday evening beginning at the 2nd Ward Waid d M. M I. I A A. A will hold their Honor Night and choose representatives tives to enter the Stake Honor contests which will be held April 1st and 2nd An Invitation i Is extended to the public to attend the fl following program Seng parry Jarry On In Prayer Five Minute Minute Minute Min Min- ute talk Berniece e Bigelow Retold story Beth Cox Ladles Ladles' Chorus Clella Clella della Clel- Clel la Luke Idona Smith Sage Gardner Vyonne Madsen Mad Cree Burgess Durgess Norma Foster Maude Corry Beth Madsen Katura Parry Andrus accompanist and Jena V. V Holland Holland Holland Hol Hol- land director Public speaking Florence Florence Florence Flor Flor- ence Decker Sylvia Adams ArNita Urle Urie Fun Songs M. M Men Talk Menzies Menzies Menzles Men- Men Clark Ladles Ladies Chorus Drama Mildred Mildred Modred Mil Mo- dred Bailey Balley ArNita Urle Urie Mrs Myron Brenchley Ted Collier Alice Allce Thomas Lyle Thomas with Vyonne Madsen di directing directing directing di- di Bee Hive Dance Contest Dance Exhibition Vyonne Vyonna Madsen Theo Corry Beth Madsen Conway Parry Alice Allee Thomas Lyle Thomas Estelle Jackson and Menzies Menzles Clark |