Show IRON RECORD RECQ D entered as uj Second Second Glass class Mail M Mutter Matter in Cedar Ci City Utah Decem December ber berJ 16 1893 Under Yoder the Act ot oL Congress of March 1879 Wednesday and Saturday t y of ot Each Week ROLLO ds SONS DONS PV PUBLISHERS SUBSCRIPTION BATES RATES KATES- DM OM Year Tear Strictly In Advance tta Montha 0 SUO fern rbra Months Month om ADVERTISING RATES BATES nATES- nATES OUTLAY M M cents per column Inch Agency commission 15 IS per cent Cash discount by of month 2 per cent JOB FOR CALL BALK WANTED AND EXCHANGE readers 10 cents cent per line Uno first In in- in S b cents cento per line Una each additional Insertion of same copy CARD OARD OF OP THANKS TANKS each PROFESSIONAL CARDS 25 25 cents per Issue i rt u IM Wt 1 g 1 r A A r fit WRINGER v- v vv v v f S 4 ti t 22 wd L. L w r V. V 1 1 i 0 The Maytag Roller Water Remover with large lam T T. T Tom I Ii In Enjoy nj oy flexible top roll roU and large firm bottom roll wasp the M. M Maytag M y U e I a all aU parts of th the e garment even overtly evenly 1 Y dry Enclosed ta tda over Radio N. N Hour B. B aCa aC C. C reversing drain and automatic tension Tb The toil II 11 Cout coc to Coat may be quickly y separated fi five ve an and d a h half all inches be ba sl Blu a Nu Network 1 tween centers Exclusively Maytag superior Maytag-superior Every Mon Monday superior to a t d. d day doy 9 00 PM P.M. other methods of drying s. s BS S too T T. T oo C CS CST s. s T. T NEW MA MAYTAG AG TABLE MT 00 P P. IRONER C. C CT T. T Can be used wherever there II b is an electric wan wall plot Has rapid rapid heating heating an an May Maytag c feature for or atrial t trial home hoe washing If I it itself elf dont don't keep it Divided payments payment you'll never rover mil aim THE rANY r y Q t rn e 1 R t r Medel r A Y TIlE THE MAYTAG Sh SOP SHOP e OP f f Cedar City Utah Jl art are maUMi II bl t ritA ilA in i. mil S ramr ru ram TILE rt I I lint fN rn multi molar r jar lor koma J I W WASHER l PORTABLE OaT LS tRO IRO I ROME x a Rare Opportunity t Own tOwi OW Modern J He Ho Two beautiful new m In mw homes on West and North close to schools sale Each contains a 8 air li Ii room two b bed d rooms ki fate breakfast roo room n and p SmaIl Small down payment Fless Bless B F less Jess than trian n rent Warren See Se W l' l n M. M Cox Coz or M. M N- N M fuw ather 4 s l M. M G. G ITa A 4 At t e CD end pH k ka oS a to afa 1 o I 17 Y al Yr r folk fob of er C Call CL l 1 t a your f |