Show T a IE Y E LY r i. i V 1 all l I U know knowIs ow Is I. Just what I read rend In the papers paper And AndI jI iI I dont dont mind telling you ou that since nee Congress Congress' boa baa a ad adjourned adf I am no notable not notable able to pick up much Scandal left leet nj awful ful r lot l r to be car car- tied on during the summer for tor they had to have some ome someplace someplace place to go They L call it Junketing that thata getting a trip at Government ex n. pense pease They investigate Investigate everything from laird Gird life to pro pro- historic and radio wave lengths Mr Hoover seems to be doing a little littie lit tie tle better since he be got rid of the Gang A President just cant make much showing against that Mob They just lay Iny awake anake nights thinking up things to be against the President on Work all round the Country I Is kinder picking up Los Angeles Angele voted five million the other day to be spent right away putting men to work on street treet and municipal Improvement improvements and mo most t towns have done the same ame We are liable to run into some pretty good times times' this summer er just lust I tally rally Of course the big time l Is going KA h. In 10 si 32 99 2 That Thata th th u. u raw fit of OVMand and as II 1 i lave have ave always alwan told you th the Re Its ae see th that things are are arene arene fine ne on on election years ars Oh I r guess guelS In the long longrun longrun run this w whole ole thing ha had bad been to good flood d forus for tor us I believe bellere we we all all' got a little more DOf common commonsense than we bad had before we weare are kinder more down to e earth Well p Democrats m rat met in Washington Wash ington recently to dig up wa ways and aud means t to get do dough gh to to carry rry on another Campaign They bad had bad Just c called nel the gathering to order and said aid We will take up the business of ot the meeting and somebody blotted blatted out What about Prohibition and aud oratory denunciations threats and almost mayhem was before they could get the hou house e. e to order Then to add to the dog fight lIght Mr Raskob Ras Ras- kob ob got up and delivered himself of ot ofa Ia a a speech that he had been cooking up all winter lie He told em em It was Just his Idea and that it made In the nature of an Amendment it was made Just as a personal suggestion Well that matter what it was made as as It could have bave been told as a dream or a as a fairy Story The minute It was told Democratic bedlam by the wa wo way what Is bedlam anyhow well it broke loose It always does when anybody Is writing about something that come up quick My mighty good friend Joe Robinson was on his heels In a Jiffy Jury Joe was wa for Party harmony and hf hll knew there could ua lie no harmony whet when the mention of Prohibition had been allow allowed ell to Course Joe was right It have been among anything that had anything to do with harmony cause harmo harmony y and Prohibition ion tion is two things that Just wont Jibe Say what's what that jibe mean I 1 always alway hear It used at places like this 80 BO so I know It is used right but what I 1 mean Is what is it Well there was a lot of ot support for Joe and his hI arguments to sot start anything that would be an argument Well lt that was fine line till another Gen n arose e. e You would think that up to now you either bad had to be beon on one oneIda side Ida or the other you rou have hare thought Here was another aide side would you Dut there re was was was' and that wa the theone theone one one Al AI Smith was Vas on He said sald What is Democracy I thought it wa was to discuss winters whatever anyone wanted to bring up up When did f we get so 0 that It If was a crime for tor anyone to mention certain subjects He lie Just juat wanted to fix it so 0 they would b be there all the rest reat of ot the summer Bummer Hi lie really speak peak for or against but he did speak for tor arguments areu meats ments take sake He lie wanted to see lee e the whole thing dragged out and tart the split t In the hie Democratic Party right away He lie see ee an ant use In fn waiting till voting time to spilt Get it over oyer earl early and see ee how they ther stood But Jo Joe and the others othera were for a late split But they finally got the thing kinder r half halt way way war straightened out and then somebody proposed that they raise rats six Is million dollars dollan for the coming Cam Cam- Well that flabbergasted not only only oD one Il side Uk had but 11 of em em Six fo tot for the Democrats Demo Demo- grata erata Why they were here re b becoming com Re- Re over oyer night If they bad six million the they want the residency Presidency fr Where was wal they ther co going ng to get It ItT Nobody knew any more about that than they did about bout where was prohibition coming from rom But Dut they ther decided it was a good fantastic Idea so 10 they are now DOW on Oft the search earch of ot it it and the Republicans all laughed and had bad a lot of ot fun at the Ole Democrats plight cause th they are so united on the subject of ot prohibition They Ther cant even eTen find lInd out how Hoevet Hoover Hoe Hoo vet ver stands much less leu the rank and file of ot the voters But Dut slut it wonderful wonder ful tul to have hare something come up In a country where you rou can find out Just Jus how bow many Political cowards there are are areS 9 S II t 1931 Jl SD Ins Inc I I |