Show dies adies Plan Tree Planting Is City Womans Woman's Club is 1 Cedar j arrangements for the carrying of their project for planting of trees along the highway city The committee has rob iii of the cod 1 with the Mayor and City who ho have pledged their sup- sup I r r. r W. W Seaman of the Forest Sera Serain Ser- Ser a tin ain select and help with ith the plantIs plant- plant Is ne le tree bee select selected d I is the efe red ed c cedar dar or orand orand orand and typifies typifies Cedar Cedar- Cedar to to to the 1 IS who ho our oui dir city It is the thebe theof be of ol the ladies ladies ad S' S So to o iti t le least st r trees The size of ot oftE f the trees will vill decided Bedded according to the best judg- judg of those selecting and and will vill be unIS uni unu un- un i u IS far as u J possible lotto Other ladles ladle clubs of or of the city hope plant at least ono tree to represent coup Wm Flannigan has i l hit his assistance and other men are rind and willing to help with trucks J labori labor the ne i trip strip of road where the trees treese e to 10 be planted will soon be under on and as soon as this is 1 the planting will be done I B ilia b proposed to call the strip of nr fly where here the trees are to be be 1 the Stephen Mather Drive in of the former director f I Parks |