Show Recreation Center 1 I Plans Progressing I Representatives of community clubs and organizations met as a committee for the Cedar Community Recreation Center Wednesday evening and discussed discussed discussed dis dis- cussed plans for the pla playground ground program program program pro pro- gram for the coming summer Plans for numerous projects such as Stor Story Telling Drama Dancing SewIng Sewing Sewing Sew Sew- ing Classes Band and Vocal work as aswell aswell aswell well as outdoor play and contests in tennis baseball volley ball barnyard golf etc were planned and the Central Central Central Cen Cen- C Committee charged with the re responsibility re- re of working out programs in each Playground work which Included games for everyone from children to the tired business man proved very successful last year and It Is planned to carry this work en Cu only on a larger scale Indoor baseball proved especially pleasing to the business professional and working men and faced but one difficulty that of getting in enough play before dark To meet this problem problem problem lem the committee authorized Its It's chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man I. I Y Y Bigelow to appoint a committee committee committee com com- to Investigate systems costs and feasibility of lighting a baseball diamond This committee composed of Darwin Nelson chairman M M. J J. J Uric Urle and Dr John Beal will thoroughly thorough thorough- ly Investigate the matter and report to the Central Committee at their next meeting The he election of officers for Ing year jear ear was postponed until a later date |