Show Taming The Colorado Engineering feats In the United States have become so place common-place in recent years that It Is seldom that the average citizen pays more than a passing thought to them But the building of the Hoover Dam In Black Canyon should create a thrill for any any- one The biggest contract of the kind the government ever let before was for fora a six million dollar dam In Id Idaho aha The contract Secretary Wilbur WlIbur signed th theother the theother other day for starting work on the Hoover Dam called for the expenditure of of nearly nIly fifty I million dollars The government will supply the cement cement- freight car loads loads' or thereabout thereabout a train miles long lone I What stirs the Imagination is n not t just juat the size or the nature of the un un- A lone engineer r walking to of the canyon and saying to that flash nash and treacherous stream old man my friends and I 1 Iare Iare are arc going to tame you you The fellow who stole fire tire from heaven was hardly more presumptuous Engineers will soon be swarming over ver those canyon walls like spiders Like ants they will look to the airplane observer when having diverted divert- divert ed the river into their heir rock tunnels they start carting away the debris from the bed of the stream Eight miles away away awny a- a way In the bleaching blenching desert rises Boulder Boulder Boulder Boul Boul- der City as comfortable as it can be made in temperatures which run up to in tho the shade with concentric circles circles cir cir- circles cles one outside for builders of the dam one inside for tor those who may elect to go on living there A model town defying the sun aun with a belt of forest trees about it space for tor play in every residential block all corners comers cutoff cut cutoff cutoff off and no parking So Boulder dam drops for the moment moment moment mom mom- ent out of politics into the lap of the engineer To be sure the lawyers will willbe willbo willbe be bo arguing about it before long in the Supreme Court to determine Arizona's rights Senators to their oratory lawyers lawyers law law- reIS reI'S to their briefs but a stout spade for tor the engineer Let him but dig a achild achild achild child In the sand and he Is happy And there is going to be some same glorious digging dig- dig King ging In Black Canyon this summer The ladles ladies of the Parowan Literary Club and their husbands were entertained entertained entertained enter enter- at a Five Hundred party and supper Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs Georgia B. B Mitchell Mrs Berta B. B Mitchell and Edna 8 S. Hatch assisted as hostesses Decorations and i score cards were in Easter colors Paul Adams and John H. H Pendleton wo won n high scores and Dr Clark received th the e consolation prize Friday afternoon Attractive Easter decorations were used In the luncheon and candles High score prize was awarded Mrs Orace Grace Snow and low score to Mrs Della Delia Olsen an invited guest |