Show Jr College Bill Becomes Law Governor George H. H Dern Tuesday signed seven bills passed by the nineteenth nineteenth nineteenth nine nine- Utah legislature and vetoed two Prominent among those he signed was the junior college bill which provides provides provides pro pro- vides for the continuation of Weber College at Ogden and Snow College at Ephraim as state-operated state Institutions Six of the approved measures have to todo todo todo do with financial affairs The seventh is the shade tree commission bill Acts approved during the day In Include Include include In- In clude H H. B. B by P. P C. C Peterson Jr the Junior college bill H. H B B. Co jj by committee on education the school equalization fund bill S S. B B. by Candland as chairman of the the committee on revenue and taxation taxation taxation tax tax- the bill to define the powers duties and salaries of the state tax commission lon H U. B. B 27 by Jorgensen increasing the thet A Aft 1 t AV f lL to A 4 fth t s II gasoline saes OJ a IMA ax U 11 tom V 73 3 r. r v T cen cena v a gallon H II B. B 28 by Jorgensen adding miles to the state road system on maintenance and construction of which the proceeds from the fI cent Increase in gasoline taxes must be spent H. H B. B 41 Fuller the general appropriations appropriations appropriations bill carrying about from the state general fund and from special funds for the two years beginning beginning beginning begin begin- ning July 1 next Two bills ere were ere vetoed That by Senator Senator Senator Sen Sen- ator Wilson McCarthy which would have created a a. state board of shorthand shorthand shorthand short short- hand reporters and one by Senator Knox Patterson which would have permitted chiropractors to practice in industrial accident cases which come before the state Industrial commission on even terms with ph physicians and surgeons Who borrowed our Linoleum roller Please return It Leigh Furniture and Carpet Co |