Show National Guard Inspection April 17 The annual Federal Inspection of Battery F F. of f F. F A A. Is scheduled for April 17 All men and material will be examined ed as to neatness cleanliness and general general general gen gen- eral military appearance The men will also have a chance to demonstrate their efficiency as soldiers and and officers will have havea a chance to show their fitness for their positions The outfit will be Inspected by a regular regular regular reg reg- reg- reg ular army Colonel and the grading re received received received re- re here will be a large factor In either enhancing or blighting the as- as of the outfit of winning the efficiency trophy In June In order to perfect the organization for inspection the attendance of every ery everyman everyman man is required not only on Inspection night but for all drills between now and April The Battery extends a special Invitation invitation tion lon to townspeople to visit them on the he night They are glad to have visitors any time The terms of Corporal Albert Nelson and Sargeant Boyd D. D Carpenter are soon up and these men will be given honorable discharge They have both been efficient soldiers as evidenced by their heir rank and the Battery says goodbye good- good b bye e to them with reluctance Howard P. P Hanks Banks Conway E. E Parry Leonard J. J Smith and Max I. I Wood have all recently joined Battery F of the National Guard They are all takIng taking tak- tak Ing ng an active Interest in the work and andare andare andare are only sorry that they did not Join the organization sooner Major Carroll a aster after ter a stiff personal examination passed on the fitness of 2nd Lieutenant H. H E. E Christensen for position of 1st Lieutenant and 1st Sargeant Vernon A. A Jones for a commission commission commission com com- mission as 2nd Lieutenant |