Show ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE LUNCHEON Miss Mary Palmer was hostess to th the e members of the Wednesday afternoon Bridge Club Wednesday at the Lunt Cafe Attractive Easter symbols were used with Easter given glyen as ors Following a three course luncheon bridge was enjoyed High and low score prizes were awarded Mrs Jule Lamb and Mrs Amanda Petersen Twelve members were present Mr and Mrs Lafe Barr Barron n of Buhl Idaho are visiting with Mr and Mrs J D. D Foster Mr Alvin Ipsen left this morning for Colorado Mrs Ipsen and family will leave in the near future to make their home lome at Colorado Springs a B. A. A C. C FACULTY ENTERTAINS Thursday evening the B. B A. A C. C faculty faculty ty entertained at a formal dancing party The hall was lovely with Us colorful decorations Refreshments were served to two hundred guests The committee of arrangements consisted d dof of David L. L Sargent General chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man Mary Bastow decorations Mr and Mrs Henry and Mr and Mrs D. D L. L Sargent invitations Howard Linford Lanford music Rose J. J Thompson refreshments II H. II CLUB ENJOYS LITERARY LESSON Thursday afternoon Mrs Zetta Smith was hostess to the members of the H. H H. H Club at the Eden Apartments Mrs Mary Knell interestingly read The The Life Ufe of Hellen Henen Keller KeUer The hostess served served served ser ser- ved a dainty tra tray luncheon to nine members of the club following the les les- son |