Show I Woman Fined in Scissor Beating Case Tuesday Mrs O. O P. P Bonham of Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle New New- castle was fined or days in jail by Justice of the Peace Samuel Samueli T. T Leigh in justices justice's court for assault and battery on Mrs Geneva Gillies al also also also al- al so of Newcastle Mrs Bonham it is reported smashed smash smash- ed the kitchen window and entered the home of Mrs Gillis who had re refused refused refused re- re fused her entrance because of a misunderstanding misunderstanding misunderstanding misun misun- in the sale of the plaintiffs plaintiff's home to the defendant Mrs Bonham stabbed Mrs GUlis with a pair of scissors scissors ads ads- sors over the left eye and then proceeded proceeded proceeded pro pro- to beat her and the Infant child In her arms Mrs Bonham then picked up a shovel and chased Mrs Gulls who still held her b baby by in her arms As the latter fled Lon Christensen a neighbor and Rass Dalley Dailey school principal came to her aid ald |