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Show GREETING CABLED BY D'OLIER Legion Commander Recalls Sixth An-niversary An-niversary of Great Britain's Entrance En-trance Into World War. On the sixth anniversary of Great Britain's entrance into the World War Franklin D'Olier, national commander of the American Legion, cabled the following greeting to Field Marshal Earl Ilaig and Admiral Sir David Keatty : "Honor to tne statesmen who had the courage to assume the responsibility responsibil-ity of that decision. Honor to the British millions who, with valor unsurpassed un-surpassed and hearts of oak, executed that derision on Britain's many fronts. When we contemplate what would have been the state of affairs in the world today had not Britain acted as she did and when she did. the trial and difficulties of the present hour, however vexatious they may seem now to be, sink into comparative insiimifi-ca insiimifi-ca n co. "L'liited States forces have had Ihe privilege of service on land and sea unrier British high command. The me.nories of the associations of those great days will never perish. They will perpetuate themselves in our hearts and thus serve to perpetuate the indissoluble friendship of the British Brit-ish and American copies." |