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Show Thai Nagging Backache Are you tortured with a throbbing backache? Suffer sharp pains at everv sudden move? Evening find you "all played out?" Perhaps you have been working too hard and getting too little rest. This may have weakened your kidneys, bringing on that tired feeling and dull, nagging backache. You may have headaches and dizziness, too, with annoying kidney irregularities. irregulari-ties. Don't wait. Help the weakened kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. They hare helped thousands and should help you. Ask your neighbor! An Idaho Case i iw.CMl xrv C. P. Rodgers, ! -r..,-A 5aMain St.. Wardner, ' flCWlV J'dho, says: "By fZ -f V Jr sPe"s my kidneys Z ,V v irT didn't work right. I V v I v I had to get up fv"Jr t i ' i i often at night to jr v"v !. y pass the secretions, ; r , i ' J which contained a J y 'L ' sediment. I was y OV i ' hardly able to get aV P : around because of 4 'xt& , yt the pains in my uJr " A back. I used '"X' ii'Doan's Kidney kWlVtiwI Pllls and tney rld f&Sxito &&e&i3z.( me of the kidney trouDle entirely." Get Doan'i at Any Store, 60c Box DOAN'S "p'.WV FOSTER-MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. I For Infants and Children. IP BflfS Mothers Know That f t yiiggl Genuine Castona bfMfil AVetaWcrfcparationftrAs-; iLlWaVS & $mR&i Z f W $W i Cheerfulness andRcstGoiitains, lif neither Opiam.Morphlne no. II C J Mineral- Not Narcotic Ul i j F 1 jbfiwM&'a& AsJ St & M i ,n n IS Iftassas nd- Use liliLs Ur for Over II -J Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. the centaur company, ncw yobk city. CASCARETS "They Work while you Sleep" Knock on wood 1 You're feeling fine, eh? That's great! Keep the entire family feeling that way always with occasional Cascarets for the liver and bowels. When bilious, constipated, headachy, unstrung, or for a cold, upset stomach, or bad breath, nothing acts like Cascarets. No griping, no Inconvenience. 10. 25. 50 cents. Adv. Women Made Young Bright eyes, a clear skin and a body full of youth and health may be yours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking 0LDDAL Th world's standard remedy for kidney, livar, bladder and uric acid troubles, tha anemies of lite and looks. In usa ainca 1696. All druggists, three sizes. Laok for t nun Gold Medal on every box . end ecceDt do imitadon KllCr., SWOLLEN GLfiNDS .- hat make a horse Wheeze. KIV'" Roar, have Thick Wind tVJ Choke-down, can be i-1 educed with ft r i U ilso other Hunches or Swellings. No blister, no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Eco-jomical Eco-jomical only a few drops required at an appli-ration, appli-ration, f 2. 50 per bottle delivered. Book 3 R free. IBS0R3INE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for man-tind, man-tind, r-dwrrs Cysts, Vens.yS,', Swollen lVa:Vlcars. l-2Salf Vealers or That Wholesome Table Drink Postum Cereal ains new friends right along becausa of its pleasing taste healthfulness, and saving in cost Postum Cereal is delicious vhen properly made: boil fully fifteen . minutes after boiling begins. The more you boil Postum Cereal the better it is. When ordering be sure to get the original , -j-l Postum Cereal tll H A 50 -cup package S' GERE&p usually sells for 25$ Urg?"" K Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., 'l--? Battle Creek.Mich. joap iior rw'oaP i without mute . fc"verv"whre '.15c. " Craae. Send eMf-Rd-l nvt'lope iIkM now for fren f ft Studio. Anbury Park. N. J. POSITIVELY REMOVED by Dr. rrr' M Freckle Ointment... Your drtiff trial or br irriil. :. . r.-- hnota. Dr. C.H.Brry jf Co., 27S Michigan Avcnu, Chicas j Bait Lake City, No. 41-1920. |