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Show FAILURE OF PEACE PLAHSFDREGAST NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN POLES AND BOLSHEVIKI MAY COME TO NAUGHT. General Pilsudsky Said to Favor Breaking Off Negotiations and Reaching Understanding With Ukrainians and Gen. Wrangel. Washington. Failure of peace negotiations ne-gotiations between the Poles and i'.oisheviki at Riga is forecast in official offi-cial advices received here. Continuing Continu-ing Polish military successes and the increasing strength shown hy General Wrangel, anl i-I'.olsheviki leader in southern Russia, were said to be influencing in-fluencing the Poles not to make peace tit this time. General Pilstulski, Polish, leader, was said to favor breaking off negotiations negoti-ations and the reaching of an understanding under-standing between Poland, the Ukrainians Ukrain-ians and General YVrangel. As a step in this direction. It was reported that a Ukrainian mission recently visited General Wrangel and concluded a satisfactory agreement. The beginning begin-ning of a strong liaison between Poland Po-land anil Wrangel also have been laid through military missions, it was added, add-ed, aud General Pilsudski was said to favor sending a diplomatic mission to General Wrangel to .strengthen the bond. |