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Show Montague Singers . Coming Tuesday "Just put it down that the whole company is par excellent," is the way a California critic praises the Montague Mon-tague Light Opera Singers. "I can say with full assurance that this is the best organized mixed, quartet that F have ever seen on the Lyceum platform. plat-form. They established immediate confidence. Their voices and acting were superb. They pleased our difficult dif-ficult audience without dropping to cheap and popular airs," says Chaplain Chap-lain Allison Hayes of the United States Naval Hospital at Las Animas of Colorado. These are only two of the hundreds of expressions of praise of the Montague Mon-tague Singers which will open the Lyceum course in Gunnison for the season 1920-21 at Peterson hall next Tuesday evening. The committee in charge of the presentation of the opening number are exerting every fcffort to enthuse the public in the matter of high class entertainments and while the first, number will he of j the operatic class, it is of the highest high-est order and promises to surpass any of its kind ever brought to the city In order to have the proper stage settings, making the presentation much better, Peterson hall has been secured for the purpose. An elevated stage will be installed and scenery befitting for the occasion will be arranged ar-ranged and this year's performances will be delivered much belter Hum those of Inst year. Remember there are to be fi"e numbers for this year and with the price of admission not materially raised if behooves nil w ho favor bet- -j ter plays to support the movement.; If you have not already secured -":.r i season ticket, nuke a saving by buying buy-ing it today. |