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Show SPEND MILLIONS FOR ; LARGE SPORT ARENAS Much Money Being Scent in New York by Promoters. Great Interest Being Displayed In i Various Branches of Athletics Sinca Close of War Tex Rickard j Leases Garden. Mere than S l.i 't v.OHtl has been invested in-vested ilii year in New York c'ty in buildings and arenas to he u-ed exclusively ex-clusively for spni'tmg feature-. This is just one more illustration of the great interest in till branches of sports since the elose of the w ar. An entirely entire-ly new field has been opened for the promotion of sports. Toe ily-hy-nigdn promoter has been shunted on the siding and in his place we have real business operators, organizing to eon-duet eon-duet amateur and professional spor' Ins fixtures on an elaborate scale. The Xew York Velodrome company started this movement for clean and attractive competition with an investment invest-ment of .S"."iO,uoO in the modern stadium stadi-um which is now being erected at Two Hundred and Twenty Fifth street - :--vA : I iii i? il i I ' : : ! " Western Newspaner Unlun Tex Rickard. and Broadway. The huge structure with tiers of seats banked around a six-lap board bicycle track will accommodate ac-commodate more than 25,000 people comfortably. The enclosure will include in-clude a modern - athletic field. This means national A. A. U. fixtures and interscholastic championships will again be decided in Xew York. The' stadium will be in use the year round. It is an ideal place for outdoor boxing box-ing in tile spring, summer and fall and for ice skating during the cold weather. Soon after the New York Velodrome company was organized came the Audubon Au-dubon Athletic club, which has acquired ac-quired title to a plot of ground at Lenox avenue and One Hundred and Forty-fifth street. This structure when completed will represent an expenditure expendi-ture of $400,000. The lease that Tex Rickard has acquired on Madison Square Garden represents an investment invest-ment of about $3,000,000, and now Rickard will spend several hundred thousand dollars in improvements so that the big amphitheater can be used for all branches of sports during the indoor season. |