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Show lillGU TIDE T01N60UR WAY ALIENS ARRIVING SAID TO BE DOUBLE THE NUMBER OF DEPARTURES. Thousands Leaving Europe for Land of Free, Many of Whom Will Undoubtedly Un-doubtedly Not Be Admitted, Being Undesirables. New York. The tide of immigration from Knrupe into the United States is rapidly mounting toward prewar levels. Six months ago more aliens were sailing away from America than there were sailing in, hut now the flood lias turned and there are more tlian twice as many alien arrivals as departures. Witli the sudden influx, the immigration problem has become one of the most serious questions the next congress will have to deal with. Kor weeks Ellis island, the great gateway, ha.s been choked. The detentions de-tentions are so many that the island is congested to double its capacity. One night a week or so ago 3319 immigrants im-migrants were detained in quarters with sleeping accommodations for 15(1(1 the largest crowd in the history of the island. A night with 3(100 is nothing unusual now. Ships have been forced to tie up for days before discharging steerage passengers. Thousands of examinations examina-tions haveihad to be made at the docks instead of the island. Cots are still being installed to take care of the excess, and a staff of extra inspectors inspect-ors is being recruited. The destitute and the diseased are clamoring for admission in numbers not before equaled. On the other side of the Atlantic the liars seem to be all down and passengers are taken aboard ship without regard as to whether the United States will regard them as "undesirables." The hospital hos-pital on the island, with a capacity of 650 beds, now lhas 575 patients, many with diseases that will lead to their exclusion. |