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Show We make the grade of our Banking Service our pride. In fact, our Service is subordinate to only one thing your Safety in dealing with us. ! By Service, we mean that correct, willing, obliging i handling of your every banking transaction, j By Safety, we mean that degree of care which abso-! abso-! lutely safeguards not only your funds but your every deal at this Bank. ffc " " ' arfT B II 1 ' i HP HERE is a vital, God-given quality in every per- son which makes him act, breathe, think and ji live. It is called Innate 'meaning inborn Intelligence, i It is an intangible something which is carried to all ' parts of the body thru the nerve trunks and their I branches. All the nerve trunks have their origin in '3 ) the brain, then it is the logical conclusion that the cen- ter from which this life is distributed must be the brain. j It is a well known fact that if all the nerves leading j to the hand were cut, that hand .would be paralyzed, and try our utmost, we could not move it. This is also true of the heart, stomach, kidneys, intes-' intes-' tines, and in fact of every organ in the body, which is ! supplied by nerves and is dependent upon nerves for its proper function. A pinched nerve is only a relative degree of biing cut I I off from the brain. i :i The Chiropractor locates the 1 cause of the pinching and by Spinal Adjustments relieves ; the pressure. is. . j J. R. MUNK D C, Ph, C. I Consultation and Analysis I RREE j OFFICE OVER COOP. STORE, HOURS, 1 :30 to 4 p. m The Dangerous Fire SeasoriaJJv Insure No ? v Progress Realty & Insurance Agw GUSX1SOZ, UTAH 4 Loans InsurarK r r |