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Show ItOTAKY CLII1S I.EADKI'.S. Recognizing the Red Cross as "the otllelul disaster relief agency of tho world," tho International Association j of Rotary Clubs, In which many clubs Jn Colodado, New Mexico, Wyoming and New Mexico are represented, has agreed to await American Red Cross reports on all disasters before any Itotary Club Is asked for relief funds. The. suggestion to leave first action to the American lied Cross was made by Albert S. Adams-of Atlanta Ga., past president of the International Association at Its laHt meeting of the board of directors. Mr. Adams In making his suggestion sugges-tion pointed out to the board that the Important things in disaster relief re-lief administration are immediate omorgeney aid, unified administration, administra-tion, trained personnel and observance obser-vance of certain principles of relief such as Individual treatment for suf-forera suf-forera with tho view to restoring them to the point being able to support sup-port themselves. He also pointed out the confusion and inefficacy attendant at-tendant upon distribution of funds controlled by several crops. |