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Show t LEERWEEKLY REFLEX RUCKSW small optionees, baby furniture uZ"r7' New 1965 Chev ,en ,r0,ler' FfSSa' I.eUr mis- - 18i CFM window swamp 0,er'i-r jond., books, turn. Wise 690 Center St., Kavsville tO-4SOO Saturday ton, complete overhaul, 292 6 cyl. engine, new windshield, battery, alternator, leaf over loads $895 or best otter. Coll R8 Vy R8 1963 Dodge 3. ton pickup 4 speed, dual tonks, runs good, V-- ' 2 Rg oskmg $400 00 19o7 Dodge Vj ton pickup, 318 erv Oine, auto , real good condition, good paint also, camper (six pac) wice box, storage shelves, sleeps four comfortably. oner 4 30 R8 74 Courier truck. It has low mileage, shell, 4 speed trans, R8 radio Coll 5 1977 Chevy van Beouvllle 400 engine AC Cruise control, tut AMFM stereo with speakers deluxe carpeting otter 4 30 R8 Must sell, doing on mission SU595 00 or make otter, Hatrhback, I2 1973 condit.on 7! Chev pickup, $1504 376 4534. R3 'j ton, 8 1 Piano needed by family Do you have one not being used Condition not overly Important Cash R8 deaLCail colled 2 $1500 00 DOWN Can you use if0 We are looking tor a real nice starter home in a good neighborhood location, our aaughter is getting married soon. If you want to sell on a contract please contact us soon. Thank R8 you Ph. 1975 CAN AM 125 low mileoge 2184 Snoqualmie, Layton 3761373. R8 tuned up & R8 773-65- ready ALMOST HEW Beautiful ALL BRICK RAMBLER, 1512 square feel with 3 bedrooms, large living room with KAYSVtllE Is your child having reading or math difficulties We d like to use our experience & skills to give him individual help Please call 7660207 or 3768812 R8 Will do sewing, altering, doll clothes, and remodeling Will take beginning piano students N 2875 R8 400 W Layton, , fireplace High quality carpel Extra large master throughout bedroom, $65 000 For additional details call Bobbie Sounders ot REALTY WORLD Tvplng done in my home Script or regular tvoe WESTERN Street 825 3087. Sunset Layton also done 773 KAYSVILLE for immediate 'i bath occupancy, 3 bedrooms, Rambler with one car garoge Compact kitchen, dining area ond & READY cozy living room with sliding glass door Wading to patio Utility room a on the mom Hoor, the yard is oversized ond is fenced on 3 sides Call 148 or 825 2161 8, yards leveled ond Small or large mbs Free estimates Phone Dean Hamillon 3764105 R7-- 8 Let me help you take care ot summer yard care power call tor estimate raking trucks. Free Holier - 2 Pick-u- o I'll Hauler - R39 "Voi Phon 292 7979 Booking saiory plus bonus Apply in person on weekdays between 3 0 6 pm at 344 N Mam R8 Graduate Civil Engineer For Dovts County Surveyor s of fice Must hove two yeors experienceof in publicondworks superdesign Knowledge visory skills necessary Salary month Applications $1,j7 through April 5th at the Courthouse in Farmington. ture Previous library Duties experience helpful and intorma Answer reference tional Questions assist patrons In the location ot special inter es' ond filing maintenance of records related to circulation ond new materials Applications will be token the throuQh April 5th at room Courthouse in Farmington, materials, Grey female Norwegian elk hound or Keeshound lost m Fruit Heights area Call 3765222 at'er 6 p m. or before 8 a m R8 1 Let us nlm vour next office, o, house party, with sound-colo- r film, 600 foot reels, or, your wedding, graduation, meetings, in or vour family loved ones action We will film almost anything So give us a try, you will be glad you did Call J REALTY WORLD WESTERN Layton R house, ond beach, z acre aoorox Moke otter Coil Rutn Ann 376 5186 Telford Realty ' 7661333 my home Babysitter wanted School 10 month Near Vae View old babv, 3 days week 7 30 to 5 00 Call 3769989 alter 5 00 R8 ' AVON Get back on budget with money to spare Sell aualitv products in your own area and eorn extra $$ for fuel bills, taxes, savings No I unit has ih own furnace and gas water heatet and elect) melefs $48 000 To see thu super duplex cal1 Doug 393 5253 or of fic.e W 3d' R8 9 AVON Sell Something that really se.is Millions ot people buy Avon products all the time You gel vour own Territory and the earnings are good Interested0 REALTY WORLD Call 3763352 35SSI47or R68 bearoom lorge oeiuxe 1J. boths, appliances Air condi course 376 4332 J? rr!r 1 fj honed near goit R8 or COUNTRY HOME Kaysville rambler with horse pasture New carpets drapes nice fenced yard w patio United Rentals FURNISHED $)oQ all utilities poid1 Extra loco sharp opt m Roy Perfect lion w easy access to HAFB United Renta's 399 9627 R8 Clearfield, $250 attractive 3 bedroom rambler on large lot Fully equipped, huge garoge beautiful fenced yard w patio Kids Pets Singles OK1 United Rentals 399 9627 R8 Four bearoom house 915 Valeria Drive Coll 37a 3619, Wasatch Layton Carport per month R8 I 3 225 00 estate real CLEARFIELD bedtoom far $170 Sdocious comfortable rooms, Plush car& pets dropes tenced w. patio swimming pool' United Rentals & 9627 R8 3V9 COUNTRY LIVING ad- juott In this vertised newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or on based discrimination race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an Intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimination." This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers are hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised In are this newspaper available on an equal opportunity basis. lOOAiryg 140 xjuo C torvwly nnsn the with OBdrckjfm utfNg room wort' hc$.ac kYf8 tx3lh$ fieouhlul I tev. to Dutfi uSJUfTt o twef bv?ng rtfi room Olhef tool $ tru.'soe dret oH am')' 'Oon full Dow secur'd lirapot ortd cJe1 Th.j $ or 2 Ni tel up hof$ehxi 3 ho jbech loci room ho $wd AI fha or 3 ib oct$ with asoi tor ng io yt ment eCFwood wtt excellent puSuces ond o FRUIT HEIGHTS New Cape Cod - choose your own colors in this 5 bedroom, 2 story home located on aulet circle itt Ffeope irtC gohon or offic jppuritmei W o watm Loll Ftonfc Sowetefi of 3 6 to VB4 tor 3W Two custom built homes for sale on oak covered lots in Oak Forest. Loyton, 1550 sq ft , 3 bedrooms, top Quality throughout $69,000 To see coll Builder R 58 29 3 6696 (no ogents Large kitchen, spocioot living room, 3 baths, utilities on mom, full basement double garage Large vard wtth plenty of room tor garaen ond pidy orea Call TAX SHELTER year oid piex in Loyton, Brick, 28 8 units with many extras Good rental history. Management ovallable $82,000 Gory Nelson 3768695 Lakewood 1 376 9993, 376 4812, 1 292 6377, South Davis Realty 297 0444 R8 1964 Mob Home 59 Long x 12 oil wood paneling, 3 bedrooms, 1 i bom new owning, porch 8, fence 30 No Mom No 8. Lavton Estates Price $4 400 Call 3760706 ROY DUPLEX $7.0u0 00 to assume on excellent rental with good income V A property By be reinstated eligibility Must R7-Colt 7660128 126 N yard Close to schools ond otter 5 R8 "icOZY KAYSVILLE RAMBLER Thayne or Gen Green Era Star Realty Come and see this well dedoraf 825 0904 or 773 135 R8 ed, freshly painted home Buy for $43 3 500 bedroom Move into this tastefully carpeted ond as Layton For bedrooms lorge landscaped voro super tomny Luxury Home sale by owner, extras, Four bedroom, many VA appraised 01 $39 500 575 W Or call now tor E 5 Coll Ruth Teltord Reoity by Mav draped home Ann 376 5186 7661333 room $67,400.376 2185 R81I S' tC 8 veiw 'i acre. Fruit Heights Sale by owner, no ogents, 376 1804 ond extra lorge completely church owners eauity OP EN HOUSE IN LAYTON Sal Sunoay 1 09 to 09 P M see this exlro Saie FonecF-Com- e nice ail brick 4 bedroom home wan wa,kout basement, garoge fenced R4 Realty 8 R8 399 9627 399 9627 R8 Heights s'orage country bedroom 3 $185, Beautiful 4 bearoom m Quiet country orea Fully equipped. Modern oppiiances kids pets smg es OK! United Rentals in Each 322 lyoO R8 1 3 OGDEN the top ond rent the bottom Thi$ like new dupiex is priced right to sell Qt ILK This all aluminum d ipiex sited on o full !4i acre lot I Soil Loxe City R8 All DUPLEX Live or 3768695 Kavsvilie, close m1 Lovely, 3 bedroom, 2 oatns, carpet, ropes, fireploce, wolxouf basement large vard Carport storage $360 lease 2y679u0 R8 One bedroom unfurnished opt Carpet, dropes, bui't ms, frig storage No pets 933 Egon Ca.i RECREATION LOT VIEW LOT IN IDAHO Rights to use oil amenities of Bear Lake West including club 2i4 R8 h'rm R8 U K0ZIAR HILLS SOUTH WEBER KAYSVILLE GAK FOREST 4 bedroom home has ovei 2100 sq ft finished plus unfinished basement highlighted by a Cathedral ceiling which covers the livingroom and formal dining room Home also has kitenen eating area and separate family room All located on the level Other apmain pointments include 3 baths fireplace with 2 large double garage furnaces, and oak brush $82,900 Call today ask for Brent and 3 bedroom with douVy ble garage bath and acre lot and zoned for FHA VA from animais 49 900 2 LAYTON CONDO. Sq. FL finished 4 bedroom, den, 3 baths, formal dining room, all built-incentral air conditioning, double orange with electric opener. All lor 3,000 heat-o-iat- s, $67,300 REAL CO. ESTATE REALTY WORLD OGDEN Brett. WESTERN 746 So. 8 Leslie 376-953- 3 Jack Man Street Layton or 5 CLEARFIELD Bill . Terry 394-666- 5 773-383- 7 376-377- 9 392-551- 8 399-102- 3 1 WESTERN Wanted experienced parts man at Clarence Knight Inc Apply in person or call Dick Anderson 3763445 or 8261634 R8 Street Layton 746 So. Mum Of 5 766-12- with city convenience quality built 3 bath bock and fiame bedroom-ACRE LOT zoned for i ambler on animals Home also features living room with rock fireploce formal dining and extra large kitchen The tuil walkout basement has rouqhed and both WON T m fneploce LAST at a low $57 500 Call Don Seiers at 392 2359 or otf.ee W 325 f NJQV New con struction ready for your select an LARGE of decor and appointments 3 or 4 bedroom 2 family loom fireplaces and doucte garage Of fered at $69 500 Ca1! Roy at 3V3 1008 or office W 358 W REALTY WORLD WESTERN .WESTERN Street Layton or 394-55- 766-- 1 BOUNTIFUL HILLS MUST SELL THIS WEEK 5 bedroom 3 baths 2 fireplaces 2 cat garage laundry on 281 SAT. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 1- -5 P.M. Design and Construction Have buyers need listings free appraisal For info. Call Bob Eldon Mark 295-941- 8 or 292-869- 6 295-941- 8 or 295-456- 295-941- 8 or 295-430- 4 5 Enrai SECURE REALTY after 3 30 pm Jimmy Pineda film producer. R45- - P.M. 1- -5 SUNDAY 2nd West Office with, Whte and shop area. Parking underneath driveway with dock Property includes 2 rental houses plus apt 766-12- Of 5 ca Bountiful EAST HILLS DRIVE main floor, family room secluded on an oak brush lot has been tee appraised and selling tor appraisal In the low eighties All otters will be looked at Street Layton 746 So Main Open House OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT ON FIFTH WEST REALTY WORLD 746 So. Mam fV & SAT. AND SUN. 4 P.M. 1240 E. MADEIRA DR. 1his tH JJ " k LIVING COUNTY m HALF ACRE m Style it your way on exclusive Hollv Acres OPEN HOUSE WHE jmUQCE CHOICE ROY AREA 7661394 1 dropes. and all appliances, fireplace, air conditioning corporis and storage $195 00 BUY OPTION Librorton Assistant Reference Librarian Dovts County Library South Branch, Bountiful $672 month Beginning career opening Full time position Including some ond Saturdays evenings Requires BA or BS degree preferably in history or litera R68 Professional sewing done Weddings, tailoring, alterations for men as well as women 8, child i en etc. Call 3769947. R29 '"-J- Street Mountain Rocky or 292 4354 agent from for manager position Married people preferred Full wim carpers, Lakewood Room 214 R8 Asst Reference Want a real full tilt boogie rock n roil band for your next stomp private party, concert or any oc casion7 Then 'Lazer is vour band We have the sound gear 8, tor lights to brtno you the best a reasonable price We are professional musicians 8, will plav anytime anywhere Call cur New luxury 2 To buy or sell, call 3763352, 355 5 147 or 395627 R6 I) Asst manager for Layton Arctic Circle to work night shift and 867 2878. will or R8 Gardens $34,500 Call Frank at 376 5484 or office. W 335 394-554-5 AiL. wrecking We buy old unwanted cars and R8 mu 8K. lavton AVON R8 landsAttention do capers Design Specialties will a design and draw landscape needs plan for vour specific House plans and blue-linprints 281 766-- 1 IBM e 746 So. Mam desirous to help coil for details R8 if you feel n 3352, 2nd Mtg financing, Fidelity Financial Services, 73 So State, Put your Clearfield, home equity to use R8 Corpenter for remodel & small lobs By the hr. or piece work For free est coll 7660985 R8 tax in Income service convenience of vour home Guaranteed audit 8268032 R8-I- 0 VACANT for detu'ls' 3 RB Experienced Waitress needed at the Lotus Restauront. Apply In person 1480 North Mom St , Lay-to- necessarv Call experience 355 5147 or 394 5627 376 292 1335 or office W342 or charge1 Call ROCK MUSIC Phone 376 2484 $995 00 R7 3S4-55- gorage, shed, vara, house, cleaned end organized tree of flood Vega GT Wagon, 65,000 mi Good shape, low book si 375 asking $1,000 R8 1969 Chev. C( once, 2 dr vinyl hard top, 396 engine, power steering, brakes, windows, tilt steering wheel, and air conditioning, excellent condition 746 So. Mam Side by side refrig 19 cu ft Wood ponel front. Self defrost $ioo Tires - 4 new L78 15, $85 Coll 376 ) 647 R8 How would you like your barn, 376 2814 t0" for summer. i V8 354 74 72 Honda 500 tmm mam JOURNAL, MARCH 30. 1978 DAVIS NEWS ujQfdley corporation DELL 362 So. Main, Bountiful BE SURE DEAL WITH SECURE IS THE WORD YOULL USE TO DESCRIBE THIS LOVELY HOME. DROWN REALTY 376-120- 1 STUNNING!! with you in mind this home takes advantage of a beautiful view with a full length deck 2 story, 4 bedrooms, 2Vi baths, double garage, dining room, large family room and many extras 2010 sq ft $89,900 554 South 400 Built East Farmington LIKE A HOME READY TO MOVE INTO? THIS IS BOTH OF THESE LOVELY HOMES WILL BE SHOWN DAILY FROM LET ONE OF OUR AGENTS SHOW YOU THIS HOME DURING AN OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY & SATURDAY. winNothing was left out of this charming home Unique dow seats with large windows make a bright and cheerful garage, living room Formal dining room, fireplace, double all brick construction with many extras 1444 E Heather Drive, East Layton $61,300 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT? WE HAVE JUST THE PROPERTY FOR YOU! This commercial property is located in Woods Cross at 2500 So 1100 W It is ideal for use by contractors or light industrial business M-- 2 zoning $25,000 MEADOWS, A GREAT NEW SUBDIVISION IS GOING STRONG and will be selling fast at prices of Homes are completed under $55 000 Located on South Fort Lane in Layton Come and see these beautiful family homes at our open 00 An example Friday, and Saturday-2-- 6 ot the quality of homes offered is with A great home with 1256 sq ft dining room, frame 3 bedrooms, 1 vinyl siding, fireplace, double garage, baths and many extras $53,900 501 E 405 S Layton $45,000 Don't miss seeing this nice 4 Br family room Call Ed 773-922- 0 OF COME TO THE WARM SMALL TOWN ATMOSPHERE IN KAYSVILLE. WE HAVE SEVERAL HOMES AVAILABLE THEM TO JOHN S ACRES AND WOULD LOVE TO SHOW FRIDAY AND YOU AT OUR OPEN HOMES THURSDAY, SATURDAY. THIS DELIGHTFUL WOULD BEST DESCRIBE baths, fireplace, HOME 1400 sq ft 3 bedrooms, deck dining room, all brick construction spacious rooms $59,800 153 South 400 West, Kaysville A HOME TO MAKE HEARTS GROW FONDER baths, fireplace, main floor 1160 sq ft 3 bedrooms, 1 will lose your heart to this laundry and all builtnns You home $62,500 139 So 400 W , Kaysville traditional styling, 3 bedrooms, A FUN HOME-countr- y all brick construction, 1 ij baths fireplace, dining room, You must see to area, and a fruit cellar un family home $62,700 167 So 400 W , Kaysville - ConA HOME WITH A WELCOME SIGNmam floor family room, garage temporary design, large 1 4 baths, deck, utilities adjacent to kitchen, 3 bedrooms, make you home let this and Come and fireplace welcome $67,400 113 So 400 W Kaysville BLUE PRINT FOR HAPPINESS IS WHAT YOU 1 WILL FIND IN THIS HOME. 4 bedrooms. V. baths, a large living room,, thermo pane windows, steel garage doors and many extras $59,900 , 2V! bath home 8 EAST CREST ESTATES, LAYTON buys this new 3 Bedroom with vaulted ceilings R947 throughout Jean Beltz LOT 83 E. CREST, LAYTON $59,900 4 Bedroom Formal dining, family room with fireplace $58,900 376-420- 7 773-959- Gerry S EAST CREST ESTATES, LAYTON 3469 GRANT (REAR), OGDEN $23 900 2 Bedroom cellent starter Wally 'h Basement double carport, or 773-922- 0 290-342- 1 Layton 376-128- 3 966-147- 1 ARE SO CONFIDENT OF OUR ABILITY TO SELL REAL ESTATE THAT IS PROPERLY PRICED, THAT WE WILL IN FACT GUARANTEE TO SELL IT IF WE FAIL, WE BUY IT $44,000 E Subdivision potential East Kaysville app 2 Acres choice or area for investment or personal use Don 773-540- 4 376-590- 1 5 614 E. LAURELWOOD, KAYSVILLE 1 V. bath Cherrywood new home $62 600 Unique 3 BR, or Elaine rambler, many extras Don 766-107- 2 or V 773-540- 4 2 376-590- 1 376-590- 1 , 773-540- 766-045- 51,000 1190 Valhalla Dr. Clfd. Super rambler on a beautiful lot 3 BR 2 Ba , 2 FPL Fami773-540- 4 376-596- 1 ly Rm w Bar study Call Jim 51,500 1884 N. 1450 W. LAYTON Large family7 Try this on 4 BR 3 BA Ig Family room, 4 Rm 2 car Garage Jim y 773-540- Study-Hobb- 376-596- 1 LOT 5 GREEN MOUNTAIN ESTATES Beautiful scrub oak lot in Fruit Heights Fully improved 773-540- 376-590- 1 & V" IS ' LA147 Investments SNOWDRIFT IS TOMORROWS YESTERDAYS FLOWER BED - Beautiful Woods Cross home where all OPEN HOUSE car EAST LAYTON LOCATION $36,500 1vz bath Patio home Good assumption, bedr 1 landscaped, fireplace Call Bill 2 ' 773-540- 4 74,400 OAK LOT FRUIT HEIGHTS Exceptional buy 4 BR IV. bath 2 firepl , all amenities 2000 plus ft finished Don 3 ACRES IN LAYTON $95,900 Large 4 BR 2 Bath home, lots of living fenced, good rural locale Call Don 773-540- 4 YOUR NEW HOME TV X" 4 1130 N. 1375 E. E. LAYTON 62,750 3 bedroom, 2i bath, two story home 3 fireplaces garage Immaculate Call Dana 766-107- WHEN I'A w 2 bath, large kitchen 773-540- ONCE, COMPLETE 766-107- 2 UNIQUE RAMBLER HOME $48,500 Choice Roy location, and family room Call Dana MOVE total units 11 773-540- ONLY '' NEW CONDOS SO. OGDEN $48,900 Ready for color selection Choose from Hurry for best selection Call Dana 3 bedroom YOU 376-420- 7 766-123- 3 secluded Call Don Granger BUILDING ex- 376-933- 4 ardley Corporation Real Estate Bountiful THE PUZZLE OF HOME BruABXEE0 773-922- 0 376-004- $60,900 New 1450 Sq Ft 3 Bedroom New floor plan On R960 view lot Call Ron 773-- 1 723, 376-420- 7 house-Thursda- IS CITY LIVING CRAMPING YOUR STYLE? IT WE'SOLVE 1489 W. 1750 N., LAYTON IT! house ready for someone to put their own creativi2 ty into making It a home, lovely view, mam floor laundry, fireplaces, one in master suite, dining room, family room, beautiful Spanish style 1925 sq ft $86,500 396 East 600 South Farmington A new COUNTRY EAST LAYTON WITH VIEW! $79 600 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, central air, fireplace 8 more on lot Ron 773-922- 0 an oak-brus- h 1- -5 PM seasons ore lovely but obout to welcome spring You can t miss seeing this 3 bedroom full basement home with fireplace and lovely yard Please let us show so you can understand our en Sunday 690 South 2950 West, Roy Immoculate Bi level new area of Roy City Ideal family home, rear of lot fenced for children s sofety, only five years old Will consider VA FHA conventional owner transferred All offers considered $46 900 00 A SONG IN THE AIR - Spring in the country Lovely country home in East Layton (4 bedrooms) with com pletely finished basement and a terrific viewW $51,900 00 THERES LET SPRING EXPLODE - we are ready with this Hob Hill Subdivision beauty Brand spankm new with outstanding view Two story home with all the nice features picture window, II love it see11 overlooking patio custom kitchen yes, you $76,900 00 FRESH AS SPRING - is this new Fruit Heights home Yes 3r. boths, ust 40 days from completion Has 3 bedrooms, fireplace, double garage Hos everything the practical homemaker will love Enioy the great outdoors with on m 00 spiring view of the whole volley $60,900 thusiasm $48,900 00 DAFFODILS - will soon be singing in front of this older a a at Kaysville home This is one mce buy ond we invite you to showing Con serve os o 3 bedroom single family home or Coll for o showing Duplex with one bedioom eoch $42,900 00 - a lovely brick contemporary full 5 with home bedrooms, mostly finished bosement style You II love the fully fenced yard ond place to really enjoy ITS SPRINGTIME FRESH 1 Mori Brown REALTY 376 0263 497 North Main, Kaysville |