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Show I V -- WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 MAMA Alt' ERIN JONES REBECCA ANN CLARK R I ( 1 i wui MISS KAYSVILLE 4 1 tint (Andy ( oojx )axs County Keflex Journal wishes t H ipp to all h lines in the area who art tt It .rating iht ,r lust Arnont, tlost Inmo birthday anniversary at this urn m Enn Jones daughter ol Mail md I isa hints. ' ,,k Siuth 2i0 West, Roy, Mart h .7, Reittta slidft' Jr M nK d aigliter of Brute and Marsha 'shaft i M C M I h ndv and lar Drive, avion, if, ML f am, SO D of tti and Jeanett Gary daughter Tth Eilat, Kaysville, March 27, and Rt be a Ants L hrk , Mill r daughtei ol Gerald and Nadine t lark, I Ka.svilie girls have entered the M is Kdvsvilk 1478 umtet tube ta kl on Saturday, Apnl 8, at the Iiavis High School Auditorium to r, Sandra Green, I nine Olsen and They art, It inf ei Morgan Bd k I burn Daniels, Dtbbie I K, I ynne Row It luvelv i Bi-tV- , Seven young girls itm Kaysville will be competing for the title of Miss Kavs Mile 1978 in the annual con test to be held Saturday April 8 at the Davis H'gh Sthool auditorium , (ji'E mii tat st si ' SANDRA GREEN Lauri Olsen, Jenifer Morgan, Diane Daniels Dtbbie Lords, Lynnt Row lev and Cindy Cooper are the contestants who have an nounced thev will compete fot the title Oyer the Rainbow is ihe tbeme chosen for the special event when1 girls ages 17 to 26 ard eligible to com; te Rules for entrv are the girls must not be married divorced or had an annulment They must be a resident of Kaysville at the time of entry and must not have held the title of Miss Kaysville before She must present a three to five minute routine of talent, such as singing, dancing reading, musical mstrum nt, etc THE GIRLS will be judged on talent presentation, evert mg gown, swim suit and per sonal interview, however, they will not be asked to model swim suits for the public Sandra Green, 18, is a daughter of Mr and Mis Max Gieen of 1908 East Green Road, Fruit Heights She is 9 312 tall, has brown eves and brown hair SHE IS ivh St . n is hi v n and bi own h 1 md is 4E tall sh is i senior at Davis H gh Si hoot wher sht is a member of ht Dims Assentation of A senior student at Davis High where she has served as a studentbody of ficer, junior class officer, member of National Honor Society t.vo vears officer of Davis Council, Safety member of FHA commercial art winner of K T V X and High Honor graduate She has received two years of instructions in commercial art and played the piano sis vears She is a member of the irt club won second plact state trophy for Davis Safety t ounctl and served as Kay s v tile seminary leadership of ficer Her hobbies include arts and crafts, piano, sew ing skiing embroidery, softball and printing volleyball She plans to attend BYU and major in homeliving and commercial art LALR1E OLSEN, 18, of Mr and Mrs Claine Olsen of 290 South Fdgthill Drive, Kaysville daughter i tss represen i h nt i ounul, H A tor ihxt rtn mti Veais pit xidtnl of aurel and Beehtvt Ui.ms member of the tiU' i n eu ti baseball team wht t 'h weie first plac win'ni Hi ihret years W hit alt mi if U is' Junior High sht w is t he. r kudu s i lam t r m Luui u w is n the mum i nr x III Tom Jt !f mi t k y i i He LB 11 s HL R piano, d me knacks st i iiuif. 01 w mi ski, w 1 tki wan c 1324 Bluff Road Syracuse, Utah 773-34- 48 received upernr ratine special classe SHF Ll LD ( oi.i 11 for seven vtarx vnn placed firs! with the flag team at Davis t up in 1976 She marched in the Lherry Bios som parade n Washington, D C. She has performed at the nter with iht Kennedy I u tit ry education Madrigals group n COOPER is the t INDY daughter of Mr and Mrs ( harks ooper of 157 Fast C r s wood Road, Kaysville sh x s a tall and has black hair md biown eyes and is 18 years old At Davis High she is a ninilcr of the Honor Society two ars, secretary of D tt s marching group. High C tHonor roll student, has leuned awards in creative wntmg essay writing third plat , i member of the D tt s when they placed first and s ond plate at drill dim Sh was given superior 1 dance Davis High Symphonic Band She teach Primary and is secretary ol the .aurel c lass in her ward latiojs mdrillreparate lime lass's at Her honbies ncludt embroider back packing writing music, teaching and graphic arts She has been a symphonic band member for two years one year of drama two years in marching band, one year flag team Sht plans 10 ittend ollege and majm m choreographing enjoys dames and finding interesting and exciting music foi ' o voir 1 i When she attends (nllegt, n out she plans to man nalism and take men ui't' xu vocal tramtnj-1HF MISS Kavs is an annua1 com, sp nsored bv the J C K U Kaysville HI BH GVSHAFH It Layton, Manh I t 1 1 1 s is vaunt st 01 The winner will re t iv e numerous prizes along with i scholarship They niourag ail girls who art 'nt rested ir ompeting for tin title to contact Mrs Paula Allen ( 2 general chairman u 376-1or Mrs Jill Chiles, 176 0317 to Am ft id Hill and Pvttersson went Wrth, Tex where C h 11 to It ne fort they wert guests of Charlenes broth md family for the E holiday weekend n'r 6 obtain an appluation for entry np 30 Perrv Halls returned fio n Lawrence, Kansas where he accompanied the Univeisity of Utah pep Indiana pops, Ind u v with her daughtei and son , iw, Dr and Mrs St Dmgtt and family and to hi q with th new irrivai f t grandson boro to thin in March 2! it is the fourth t hikl r f band students to attend the Notre Dame to -- University of Utah basketball game last week There were fO band members who at tended tnc game and Perry was pet ussionist for the band Mrs Law rence Jansen w I Steven and Alene, form r Kavsville residents ent 1 SHF LN JOY'S performing, mostly singing and she also them She likes to be involved m musicals and writing news Her hobbies are singing, writing and dancing She has taken bailet five years choir for five years, been in the tiavekd tic H Iruttd r the all t States Mexico and ( mada thut She has taken piano for years, ten v irs b ilk t, modern dante, tap, gw md Hi r hobbit , gy mnastn s include ski n u skiting swimming d in mg and sh enjoys foothill She pi iris to attend t tab State Intensity and com mu htr studns i c lothmg and signing Di in D Is, 17, of 9 7 I a t 25b Soi 'h is i daughii R. id H of Mr and Mis Daniels sh ,), ha brown hair mi hae1 y1 1 11 ,5s Silt mb High Honor toll a' Do IS A Davis High PISA Dinner Scheduled in jnd has hi ,f m is High and a memfaei of the Futur Business Leaders of America Sh has ser ed as pr sident of Mia Maid class memb r of I ms pre" idem y of aurel Primary teacher, perfect at H r lobbies unddhee in lud um kng dn orating cakes, yollcybill, sximg and keeping a journal She pkiv s 'he pi inn and dances Sh puns to lontmu ir busmess at ol g a ne movs seer tary wiirk he Davis fund raising sr, Kaysville Sh is j ti ' till md hur ind biu h js vs Active in Davu High Sthool functions IXTibie hasservtd as seer irv of F B I A and ilso presid nt treasurtrof Pro S hold Club Davis Dart newspaper journalist She has turned Sc typing awards. hoi ir ol outgo Sterling anguage Business writing Honor National honors Society member, and Ko 1, H mm md 1 1 C High Honor her TICKETS ARE being sold in advance by s exercising basketball ht organ and ar music wing ski ng swimm ng ileyball Sh has had spe training in voice orgar, pi inn ind gvm nasties Het future plans ar to atteno I I)S Busin ss ollege to be ome an t x u live secretary 11 3-- 5 yr, members of the Davis Hgh School Symphony Band and Madrigals They will recent a portion of the funds for their various departments Tickets ar $1 90 pei person, foi all students and parents tamment Door prizes will consist of Dine trees, potted olds S'or es and Organized Games Head ng Readiness Music Arts 8 Cras Creative Drama Science Rhythm Band ec Experienced Cedtied Teachers REGISTER NOV FOR SPRING LIMITED ENROLLMENT 376-835- 0 IF YOl are not contacted for a ticket and wish to at n nd, please call Davis High Verla School, 376 3477, Raymond, PTSA president, 376 9109, or Ann Marcusen, Deadline EVERY ROLL OF WALL COVERING IN OUR HUGE STORE STOCK IS for purchasing tickers is March INCLUDED IN THIS 29 SALE BIGGEST - Flection of new officers tor PTSA will also be held np Is Ooai Patpico L 111 .YEAR D Sooll Please Slant! Up? HI! Will the real Scott stand up J APR - I question and attractive women ar likely to rise from their desk and thoroughly confuse the TELEPHONE calls and mail soon after began to create confusion The first Pat s symbol was SPA 1 WHEN THAT hypothetical is posed in the Materiel Management Directorate of Hill AFB two chic onlooker tmn in the same general age Both bom in October hrnket, both wot king at the same grade level, both of th ir obs concerned with both funds, fond music th Imt of goes on and on of simihritus divor a carries the surname le and of her The other, unwed has Scott as a maiden former husband The California and Arkansas natives are no rela tion and never met until thev were assigned to Hill AFB Wouldn t you know the second Pat would be assigned to the Distribution Directorate with the office symbol of DSPA7 second - U held up the neck sign reading in Patricia L Scott, preparation for her ID photo, Pat No 1 thought she was hallucinating Patrica Oils (&i mUfflWST;V3i f?. QGS!BMSID(D3IDQIPI13QQI!OQ!OGKiOIiWC?GnESS MtrsiiCjsi ft' Qmmd'S) (tin- - Q3a37n rYiYaai tYoixa hr ANNIVERSARY DOOR CRASHERS -- - WHILE THEY LAST Subsequent transfers to the same division m the Materiel Management Directorate seemed a still further ironic twist of fate Just recently, the two although soil in the same directorate, are no longer in the same office Pat No s symbol m now MM 2 and No 2 s MMLP 1 nam Pat No from Layton who tell us what the middle initial "I stands for, was born in California but raised in L tah since age eight She first went to work refuses 1, (0 at Hill AFB in i5 from Ogden name is LaVeme started here m I93 under the college cooperative program PAT NO SunsetClinton or Kaysville tickets to futuie baseball and football games and many others An afphan made by Miss Carol Kimball, a school counselor who has donated this handmade article as a gift, will also be amorg the dxir prizes plants 5 dinner will be served and many door prizes given away during the evening s enter A R ills PLAYS hobb s ooking High scheduled for Thursday even ing, April 6 beginning at 6 p m at the school cafetei ia ONE IS SHF PISA s dinner 1 1 MINI SCHOOL 77 drama am' writing t 1 brown Terri Printing 375-96- , t sports and sn jw sf mg sin has had dam i ' s uns and al so piano lesson fot six vt 0 r be on Her ambition interior design r Jenifet Mnrgir, 17, is th daugbtei of Mr ai d M's f !od Morgan of . 0 Virt! 900 ' I ast, Kaysy lk sh is 5 I and has tmwn hair tall and blue eves At Dims High ht is a membu of tht D I tt which Kxsk second plat competition m lagan at t ah Sin h i State University W Wedding Announcements Business Cards Reasonabie Rates Letters Circulars Carbonless forms Letterheads Envelopes AI SUItJOL she has served on the si id nt council editor in chief of Davis Dart, all state band member, FLA first attendant to Sweetheart She has i coved awards in C DIBBiF LORDS. 17, is In claught r of Mr and Mrs las La ar 1 ords of 160 S mtl 0 Offset Printing Lynne Riwlcy of 122 South 900 East, Kaysville, is a daughter ol Mr and Mrs Robert Rowley she is 17 years old and has blonde halt and blue tv 1 Sh is 5 h tall o I whose 2 middle the when befuddlement began Pat No was working for Security Pol ice at the time and Pat No 2 came in for her pass As si e This 1 is PAT LaVerne is an accomplished vocalist singing solo and with her church choir The other Pat gets frequent telephone requests to sing Personnel from the hospital, Personnel Division and Finance and Accounting frequently confuse the two sound a likes with the same name Once in awhile, the girls meet at a dance or scial affair and further bedevil their friends ELL, E said, may be one of you will get married and that should end the confusion Golly, no one replied, YVere looking for brothers with the same name' W MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: o SALT QfiCO YY 533. Hr ll only quality marchandlaa All marchandlaa Wallpaper City w from our hug slock la roturnabia lor axchsnga or com plot rotund ammmm 8 ii annnmim sa TTT Pi CJU t' ft J n tt 1 |