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Show I i WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 Completes Special Army Course Private Kenneth G Loftus, whose wife, Julie, lives at 1S34 2a0 W N , Sunset, rreentlv completed a clinical special. st course at Mad gan Medical Army Center, Tacoma, Wash By DAVE W DURING the course, the luiems received instruction in the performance and supervision of patient care OuNes and in various cl.nical IGHAM -- SALT LAKE CITY Football pads and helmets have long been put away in storage areas but this past weekend the Utah All Stars were selected to play in the Utah Arizoris game this August services Pvt THF graduate duty aboard USS Saratoga, homeported in Mavport, Fla A 1975 graduate of Clear fieid H gn school, he mined tb Navy in October 1977 Mrs Marv AUer Alders M ijm d ( liter set iur eailv Aprd d.-ph- vs MOPED CENTER OPENS LAYTON Gene and Mary Alder fed that Mopeds will be the transportation of the fu tare AND THATS w by they hire opened a new Mopeds sh p at 1T7 North Main in Lav ton Mopeds explained Mrs is a word ust d to Alder, distnbe mntoriid bicycles with ped tls whit h have been a of p polar transports turn m FumjH' aim Asi i wtii ovtr a quu.itr of a t THEY HUL ntw t IKt ver in various area' of I mted States esprenl , n i motorized bikes Lin North Mam I.av'i.i Arizona ar i oi in i, Hiwau and are expected ti hit seen frequently in Utah at solltpea as well as in ion mun.t es Stre added that Msptd-- , ( tl tury 2Q77 m.H at the new j t MIU - (,ro J f expected v U J SlGgQO OOP -- All-Sta- By DAVE UGHAM GGDLN Many fans have often asked how a college becomes aware of a potential recruit in another part of the country and what pnxtxs ih college list's to get in ct m Y with that athlite d THE WEBER State (o! Kg' were coaches grat.tms enough to give an indi ttion of the methods that tin y use tflewniont Drops ll DEFENDING state champions Cottonwood downed the Vikes early in the week then West came back to win 2 at the end of the week. Viking pitchers limited the Colts to only 4 hits tn the game but the Viking bats were even more silent as the Vikes could only manage two hits on Cottonwood hurlers 2-- 1 3-- VIEWMONT got their only run tn the fourth inning Steve Neiisen reached first on an error, he was advanced to second on a sacrifice bunt by his brother Buzz Mark Garn then singled sending the runner to third who then scored on Brian Bow ns long sacrifice fly. Pitch.ng-wis- e the Vikes got great performances out of two of their hurlers Junior Kelly Downs threw the first three innings then senior Todd Hatch finished the final four. Kelly gave up one run, two hits, walked two and struck out four. Todd gave up one run, two hits, no walks and struck out three VIEWMONT actually had more than one chance to win the game with West but the in recruiting playeix to become Wildcats The follow ing article is the result of in- terviewing the Weber coaching staff on the methods they use to contact potential recruits For the average football liall Games n ( flfeS Lvillpsio MILLER BLUE Vikes failed to drive in the runs with men on base in scoring position. In the sixth inning the to back singles from Matt Lalli and Brian Bown only to see them stay there the rest of the inning They finally got on the scoreboard m the seventh Todd Jones drew a walk then Vikes got back Buzz Neiisen followed with a double ERIC Madsen then reached on an error which enabled one run to score. Ryan Sanford struck out but the catcher dropped the ball and when he threw to first another run came across the first plate Three pitchers saw action in the West game as Coach Bender wanted all his throwers to get loose for the upcoming season. Kelly Downs threw the first four, Todd Hatch one inning and Mark Garn finished the game STATS on Kelly were three runs, six hits, two walks and five strikeouts. Todd was no runs, one hit and Mark was no runs, no hits and one strikeout. Both the West and Cottonwood teams had played previous games which gave them the edge Coach Bender was pleased with the pitching but indicated that the bats would have to wake up. fan, the football season is of ficially over for another year after the final game, but for the football coaches the vear has only just begun Now comes that task of finding new bodies for next year, the old recruiting season is now open WEBER coaches didn t waste any time in hitting the campaign trail for freh people next year as they were on the mad the day after the season was over looking and talking to the new prospects ulnu.it plarers they have f laving tor them that (0Ugre they fed are prospects good hat means 'he ioa hing staff should kruiA a lot of high school uj.nhts, which they do Convict r that Loach Reihlmin coached in the ( a!i forma area for a lot of y i are so he h ls quite a variety of cortactx that keep him informed about players in that area 1 thue alumni of live through Jut the country that contact the college if they come across a player that the Wildcats might be interested in Present or past players for Then the is the who college the Wildcats might know of someone that is a possible plaver and they too make the college coaches aware of those players WEBER STATE coaches also subscribe to several na tional papers, as well as local papers from throughout the country to check each week about which players the press are high on From these sources the coaches will call the h gh school or junior college coach of the player and ask the m about the player and what type of individual he program the com h- ,nd i i that they sell not jire tin football program but also th community and college Ice - best selling tool around the Ogden area is the outdm re freh.ng, camping, hiking ki mg and the outdoor u'e If thi athlete is a hunter then W tbt r is a good selling q ea The coaches dont just sell the football program but the en tire athletic department from cross country to basketball, from boys to girls sports The new Dee Events Center will definitely be a big selling point for the coaches n n- -1 & Vi about their recruiting philosophies its easy to see the task that is before this group of men First they have to narrow down the number of possibilities they have for next year. Then they have to contact the player and his coach and talk to them Then they get to look at literally miles and rmles of film on the youngsters before deciding if they really want him at Weber State COACH Reihlman indicated that they have a list of about 1,200 high school and junior college players that they are looking at for next season How do these players come to the attention of the college coaches According to the coaches there are several ways that they learn of a pwssible player for Weber State FIRST OF all the high school coach will contact the 1370 West Gentile St., Layton Phone 376-43- Country Style Meaty BEEF Pork Spareribs (o)G 25 Lbs. (Q) lb. Si. n Y)1 ONLY i an 1 ,a' v pi ait t'tv rmi Hi i I a v It s jitr gahon sin said i ! m n, ligh (s to 100 t 'id art t ev to cary yt r n t r t r a ft r s to ' a iPUi w It t H cs , ' hi , UOU fun to 7t hi A J V dt rs c s.iJ t on 'he PltH hi one of the ret n its field as will as othi r top t riniK Mr Alder is Elected Hew Chairman Qf Utah Credit Union League KAYSVILLE - Ray S Odd, retired Hill Air Force Base civilian official, has been elected chairman of the Utah Credit of Kavsville, who is a Union League So the mam ways of the coaches becoming aware of a top notch plaver is by either word from the coaches of these individuals, from the p i in noted Coach Rmhi man In Ground Beef We Will Age and Custom Cut Your Own Beet. Polyester Vacuum Sealed Wrapping Muorv named service agmt and has parts and lire available dl-- recruiting the junior college player the WSC to ah' s indicate that they are recruited fur a certain post t im while the high school athli tes are recruited as a p'aver not for a certain posi tion "The junior college plaver is brought in to fill a certain spot for us, the high s hool player is there because he has a lot of tools and talent and we 11 guide him in the direction we feel he will help . i a n OL the grand open be announced later lhe Aiders will be assisted in thur new business by two sons Steve, who is a junior at Dn is High School and Doug, a fteshman at the University DAT I Ail .na MR. ODD, prominent in the credit union movement for several years, was elected at the recent annual convention of the state organization He served three terms as president of the Federal Employees Credit Union, which is headquartered in Ogden, and still serves as a member of the board of directors of I t ih ANOTHER son, Tony, is serving a mission in Canada for the LDS Church grb THERE ARE 308 credit unions in Utah with a total membership 500,000 cuss the athletes roll at Weber, the educational ooport unities of the college, the campus lifp, l.fe in the community of Ogden and in Utah Probably the biggest thing for a college recruiter to sell is his program and his Always Prompt Courteous Service Mr. Steam Method The Gentle Method Safe for all types of Carpet run a dis philosophy ciplined program here at Weber and if the athlete is a 1 g type of in dividual that doesn t like that type of program, the i it doesn't do either of us mv 18 BILL LILES - owner-manag- er Quick Drying Insured Experienced All work guaranteed ENJOY FRESH CLEAN CARPETS Free estimates ansae f MsS Mm source they can utilize A name has been to their attention brought,"the what do coaches do from there First of all they mail out a questionnaire to the athlete to find out what his interests are and a personal background of the player They also mail a question naire to the coach to get some of the physical attributes of the player 1 External or internal leaks in master cylinder 2 Faulty power brake unit 3 Malfunctioning brake control valve 4 7 11 Th process page to months danger signals Loss of pedal Spongy pedal Pulsating pedal Hard pedal Vehicle pulls to one Squealing or squeaking side One or more brakes drag Brakes grab Pedal gradually goes to floor This is Fraa brake safety Inspection takas 1 5 minutes In the interest of your safety, Mr Brake offers complete brake safety inspection free of charge and without any obligation All causes of brake failure are checked, and inspection takes only fifteen minutes We then tell you the condition of your brakes, and advise you as to when brake service will probably become necessary If your vehicle requires brake service at the time of inspec tion, we tell you what it will cost, and we guarantee the price in advance You make an appointment and most jobs are finished within ninety minutes (Saving time can actually earn you money if you depend upon your vehicle for your livelihood ) a good idea as to whether they really want that athlete or not -- Sticking or leaking wheel cylinders Low pedal the weeding out process, this is where the numbers dimmish to the point where the college people have Weber Trucks Great Britain has built a big machine to test highway use bridges In Arkansas we overloaded trucks Arkansas Gazette drums Incomplete service and low quality materials are a common cause of brake failure Compare prices, but know what you get Why save a few bucks and lose your life really the hoses 12 Sticking self adjusters 13 "Bargain brake obs step the coaches are still wanting this athlete they then try to make a personal visit to the athlete and his family to selling Contaminated brake fluid Sticking or hanging brake shoes 8 9 Scored, out of round or bellmouth 10 Worn, glazed or greasy linings college people to watch and grade that player If after this In Scored or out ot parallel discs 5 Sticking or leaking caliper pistons 6 Frayed or cracked hydraulic lines and after this step the athle'e and the Weber coaches are still interested then the players coach sends some film of that player for the If ALTHOUGH this takes less than a describe, it covers and months of work neatly THE ATHLETIC depart press, or from any other ONCE of grb ment has published a recruiting booklet in which they dis is In talking to the coaches 10 RIBBON USDA CHOICE i, ii Mini) t s as throi g boat t il i ie ion' to replace find out more about him CUSTOM SUPERIOR t t ii L- f. CONGRATULATIONS to all these great football athletes participating players, who are also m more than just football Support them in their final appearance in a high school capacity Viewmont 5 i j' RYAN led his club into the state semifinals before a shoulder separation sidelined him for the championship game No one really knows if the Darts could have won the title with him Ryan came back following surgery to play basketball where he was just named In his junior year, a great year for him, Brian suffered a knee injury that required surgery He missed the entire basketball season last year due to the operation. It wasnt known whether he would even play football this season but he did and he guided the Falcons to a state playoff game His courage on the field was remarkable, he was slowed down physically by the leg but not mentally - the aircraft carrier just recently completed very successful wrestling seasons for the Braves. Depending upon the netd both tin se fine athletes can play either on defense or offense Neither has decided where to go following high school but plenfy of schools are interested in them A couple of quarterbacks, Ryan Hill of Davis and Brian Johnson of Clearfield, round out the local selections These two were effective by different injuries in their final year of ball but both displayed a lot of courage and determination BOUNTIFUL Personnelman Navy Searrun Apprentice Randv J Lucero, son of Mr and Mrs Lee J Lucero of 5t N 200 W , Clearfield, has reported for BOTH RAVE baseballers dropped a couple of close games last week as the Vikes opened up their schedule. 1972 a Cltur' e.d High For Duty single-handedl- By DAVE VHGHAM re pnva'e of 1T5 n.Lucero Reports TURNER, WHO has signed to play college ball at Utah State, was considered the best running back m the area last year He set single season rushing records at the Layton school Snow was primarily noted for his pass y embarrassed the Granger catching, he club Rick is undecided about where to play college ball but he does have a few offers to consider. Two big linemen, Dean Layton and Ron Hammer, will be playing in the classic representing Bountiful High The Braves had a great running attack last season and these two interior linemen were two of the main reasons Ron is a 6 1" 2nd pounder while Dean is 6T 230 pounder One-Hu- SrpeTber School LAYTON and Bountiful H'gh both have two players on the team while Davis and Clearfield both have one representative Maurice Turner and Rick Snow of the Lancers were both named to the elite team Maurice will be a running back against the Arizona club, Snow could play either wide receiver or defensive back depending upon the coach's wishes Of Loftus entered the Army in THE EV ENT, sponsored by the Utah Cerebral Palsy Association, will be at Rice Stadium on the University of Utah campus Saturday, Aug 12. Several p'ayers from local Davis County h,gh schools have been named to the 30 man Utah squad Open I 53 North Fort Lane Layton m until 5 30 p m Monday through Friday Bam until Talephone 376 3466 5pm Saturday |