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Show I weekly REFLEX i DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL. MARCH 30 1978 First Phase Approval Siven To Subdivision By GARY R. BLODGETT 4 Ct-- & LAYTON Die city council has given first-phas- e approval of the Homes and Saddles subdivision, despite part of the proposed subdivision being in the controversial noise zone south of Hill Air Force Base if J V sp 4. J Hill AFB officials strongly k, 12 COMMISSION Chairman Tom Vinegar told the council that the city EGG HUNT Hundt i i urned oui for tht it Library Use - Davis County Library use has increased 14 percent during 1977, according to statistics made available to the library board by county librarian Jeanne Layton Miss Layton said 145,000 people used library facilities during 1977 to borrow books, view films and exhibits and to obtain research information an increase of people over the use in 1976 During 1977, 229,442 books were circulates! by the Davis County libraries, in addition to the 214,256 books circulated by the bookmobiles About 27,000 library borrowers cards are in force During the first two months of 1977 statistics show that I HIS WAS 15, (XO over 14,000 people used the during January library and another 14,000 people during February THE TOTAL l.brary ciris constantly evaluated, accoidmg to Miss Layton Any books which are not being circulated are pulled from the shelves and other books are substituted In another matter of business, Miss Layton protested to Commissioner Wendell Zaugg, who serves as liaison between the Davis County Commission and the library board, saying the library should not have to receive answers to formal requests through the news papers She was referring to a request made to raise the compensation to the Davis County Library Board from $5 culation to $10 THE commission turned down the request, but did not reply either with a letter or telephone call to inform the county librarian on the matter Miss Layton said, We had to read the article in the newspaper to know about whats going on " In other business, the library board approved a proposed policy on reim bursement for expenses for library conferences and dis- - RAD20 & TV REPAIRING ALL MAKF5 Cals 5" Anytime BRANDENBURG TV Peatonabta Pa tat 14 1 West 1900 North, Sunset 825-367- 6 825-622- 3 t tidi d 1 ungstr t s morning aster t Thtv hum spun-- k bt the Kav lilt JjUtlS t hit. Kay a u f lenient ig vl'oi giounds 1 1101 SANDS of colon il dMei rgu .m le scattered about the grt unde and ihc hildrt it 'p age under wtn divided cussed a letter written to explain the library exhibit m t 10 MISS LAYTON said a letter had been received from art teachers in the north end of the county questioning why exhibits by kxal artists were not promoted According to Miss Layton, the complaint was that more work from Salt Lake City and Bountiful artists was exhibited in the North Branch Library and that exhibit policy was not responsive to artists from the North Davis area Miss Laytons letter in response said the library sponsored an exhibit program which secured some exhibits from artists outside the state to provide greater variety for patrons But, in addition to this exhibit program, artists from the local areas were welcome to bring in art for exhibit She noted, however, that if art were displayed, it must be done at the risk of the artist If there should be damage or theft the library Hlgs scramble got under-waat 11 am and within a few minutes, the eggs were all gathered Some 40 children were winners of special prizes for finding the marked eggs 1 and miu various age croups, so that all would have an equal oopor polity pajier sacks, plastic buckets, etc f HE them from the noise and safety danger But the council disagreed general chairman, assisted bv all Jaycee members along with the JCKs who were helpful in coloring the many came with fancy large I baskets, both end small, plastic and THE Kays vi lie city extends v their appreciation has some obligation to the people moving into the area to protect The big event was under the direction of Bruce Nielson, tunny iu hum the eggs ! increases ARMINGTON ( . to the Jaycees for the many outstanding services they render and the successful projects they spearhead each year for the community, np Hill AFB, reminded the council that the Air Forces study of the area shows that the proposed subdivision is partially in the accident potential zone one and the remainder is in the noisy area " h sion Hundreds of youngsters turned out Saturday morning for the big im d Kasiei egg hunt, sponsored by Kaysville Jauees residential development in the area Arlo Stewart, representing THE TRACT mclu les about lots of two-trds of an acre each The council also voted approval of the first phase over the recommendation of the city planning commis I discouraging COUNCILMAN Kent Ran dall, in support of the action, said, Its too late to back off now " He noted that other sub divisions in the fringe area of the controversial noise had been approved zone THE AREA south of the in northern Utah air base the path of aircraft takeoffs has been a controversial problem for some time with -- MAYOR LEWIS G Shields noted that the accident and noise zones as outlined by the Air Force differ from boundaries as defined by the city just a matter of op mon, he said Its of the DEYELOPERS proposed subdivision said they would be able to sell the lots without misrepresentation concerning the noise and for rezoning from agriculfor tural to Residential-Iconstruction of single-dwellin- g homes Several persons strongly opposed the annexation and rezomng based on sewer and storm drainage problems in the area Opponents felt that development of the area would further increase drainage problems and would also add substantially to traffic on West Gentile Street THE PROPERTY is bound ed on the south by Weaver Lane, by Angel Street on the west and in the area of the Denver and Rio Grande W'es tern Railroad tracks This property had been approved by the planning commission for annexation and rezomng accident zone Layton There are other homes and businesses more in the path of an craft departing Hill AFB than the controversial zone being considered, said a spokesman for the builders MFANWH1LE, THE council took under advisement for further study a proposal to annex and rezone a large area m the western part of the city The proposed property (Parnell Green property) consists of more than 100 acres, nearly half of which is also proposed The Layton Ninth LDS Ward held a 19th anmversarv birthday dinner on Tuesday, March 28 Another LDS Ward, the Layton Sixth Ward had a ward dinner, prize drawing and program on Friday, March 24 The purpose of this dinner was to raise money for the construction of a new building Over 3(X) would not be liable rk Layton Another Layton family, Mr and Mrs. Golden C. Sill and their son, John also spent the extended Faster weekend visiting with out-o- f state relatives Mr. and Mrs Sill and John traveled to Scottsdale, Ariz to see Mrs Sills cousin, Mrs Bertha Mayo They went to Arizona by way of St George and Las Vegas While in Nevada, the travelers toured the Hoover Dam and power plant. On the return trip, the Sill family stopped at Lake Powell and toured the Glen Canyon Dam They enjoyed leisure sightseeing trips m Arizona, Utah and Nevada Mrs William W (Annie) Smith, Jr of Salt Lake City spent Friday visiting in Lav-toat the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Chris n HigJts Mr and Mrs Reid Robins, Mrs Jay (Odessa) Harris and her daughter, Lark Harris traveled to California for the Easter vacation The Layton residents left Wednesdav evening and returned home Sunday evening Mr and Mrs Robins visited with their daughter and son in law and their family, Mr and Mrs Kim (Judy) Johnson in Fen Hanana wav. Calif Mrs Harris and Lark KETTLE stayed with the Mr and Mrs Chris (Karen) Bell family in Pleasant Hills Karen is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Jay n n Harris ft 45-6- S 1 49 TOP WEIGHT St 49 i i i i Wide 0 i i Per Yd Per Yd Designer Lengths 45 Wide i L. ssnaait ALARM SYSTEMS ALUMINUM SIDING WOOD or CHAIN LINK FENCING STORM WINDOWS BUSINESS CARD i i i S i i i i i 66 For Free Estimates Call Our Representatives For Fast Service . . . 731-171- 7 393-274- 4 825-152- 8 825-533- 3 For The Best Prices and Services Check with us first Licensed Contractors E2SH03H3EE T WORK HOMEBUSINESS PROTECTION Gloria Evans Russ Wilson Dan Diehl Graig De Boer. people at tended the dinner that was sponsored by the Sunday School organization Designers Lengths 45 Wide L - anmmDBir Per Yd i ill Jl SHIRTINGS 45 Wide Designer Lengths titEOBHISE 0 Yd I |