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Show iff nuin I i Centerline p Syracuse 3: Beginning Centerlines Syracuse-Roa- the of (1700 South d West Street and running thence East along the Centerhne of 1700 South Street to A point on an old boundary of Clearfield City, also betrg a Senatorial District hne, thence following the said Street) and AN ORDINANCE AWFND 1NG DAVIS COLNTY LLEC riON DISTRICT OR D1NANCE MMBLR 251 ADOPTED MAY TO 4 BA DIVIDING CERT AIN ELEc ION DISTRICTS The Boatd of County Urn imssioners of Davis Cuunty C'RDAIN'S as follows Section Dav is C ount , If 1 1 Elect. oi District Ordinance Nurt tier 2'1, adoped Vd TO W"4 be and the same here b is amended in the fu! owing par iculars A That the bouidar s ana t umencal bes gidtions ot tt e -- uvided and newly created t'ection districts are as hereinafter set forth, and the Boundaries of election dis ruts hereinafter 'deni"ied is be it g unchanged reman e same and as set forth m snd Das is Counts E tctioi t District 2 to I Cird r mce NmSt ftp r w t Election 1 sirs n L t st nt,i' t ' a i in i Sunset (Vs) I tiUi Dt s ate one n ii'gi di Sunset 2 (bound tt es so unchanged) c Sunset S; (boundaru s ate un hangtsj) d Sunset 4: (bourdons i ( aie unchanged) e Sunset o. (boundaries art unchanged) f art Sunset b (boun lues uric hinged) Clinton (CL) I. g Im ginning at the intersu non of the centerline ot tin Clinton Road (1H')0 Nmth Street) and 1500 West Street and running thence ast along the cen'erlitit of the Clinton Road to the East boundary hne of tl e City of Clinton, thtnee E South along the 2000 Last boundary of Clinton to the centerline of 800 North Street, thence West along the centerline of 8oO North Sta-e- t to the centerline of 1000 West, thence South along the centerline of 1000 West Street to a point on a Southerly boundary of Clinton City, thence West South, West, South, East, South and West along the boundary of Clinton City to the centerline of 1500 West Street, thence North along the centerline of said Street to an intersection of the centerline of the Clinton Road (1800 North Street) The point of beginning h Clinton 2: Beginning at the intersections of the Centerlines of 3000 West Street and the Clinton Road (1800 North Street) and running thence East along the Centerline of 1800 North Street to the Centerline of 1500 West Street, thence South along the Centerline of said Street to a point on a Southerly limit of Clinton City, thence West and North along the City limits of said City to the Centerline of 800 North Street, also being a South City limit line of Clinton City, Thence W'est along the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline of 3000 West Street, thence North along of said the Centerline Street to the Centerline ol 1800 North Street the point of beginning i Clinton 3: Beginning at the intersections of the centerlines of Sunset Blvd (2300 North Street) and 970 West Street and running thence North along the Centerline of 970 West to an intersection with the Centerline of 2150 North Street, thence East along the Centerline of said Street to an intersection with the Centerline of 890 thence North along the ( enterhne of said Street to an intersection with the1 Centerline of 2500 North Street, thence W'est along the Centetline of said Street to an intersection with the Centerline West Street, ot 950 West Street, thence North along the Centerline of said Street to an intersection with the Davis-Webe- r County line, and North boundary of Clinton City, thence Last along the said County Line and City boundary to the East boundary of Clinton City, thence Southeasterly along the said City boundary to an intersection with the centerline of Sunset Blvd (2300 North Street), thence West along the Centetline of said Street to an intersection with the Centerline of 970 W'est Street the point of beginning j Clinton 4: Beginning at the intersections of Sunset Blvd (2300 North Street) and 1500 West Street and running thence East along the Centerline of Sunset Blvd to an intersection with the East boundary of Clinton City, thence South along the East boundary of said City to the Centerline of the Clinton Road, (1800 North Street). Thence West along the Centerline of the Clin ton Road to an intersection With the Centerline of 1500 West Street, thence North Alone the Centerline of i5ot) West Street to the Centerhne of 2300 North Street the point of begin nu g k Clinton 5: Beginning at intersections ot the (enti rUnes of the Clin'on Road (1800 North Street) and 3)00 West Street, thence South alcng the 3t0 enterl.ne of v West to the Centerline of IT t0 Vnh S'rKt, tnce West a in g the Centerline of 1T00 Vrth Street and A S iuth Boundary of Clin'on to a Point on a Wes ttrly boundary of Cun.on C ry the nre North along the West boundary of said C ity to the Dav is W eher County line and North boundary of Cl mon City 't, C , Thence East along the Dads Weber County life and Nonh boundary of 'he s aid City to 91 id the Centi r!u e West StP-et- Burnt , south along the C( met line ct said st rt et to the C c n Hi hoe of 2300 Norn Mieet, thence East aiong the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline ot W tU t f C cst Street, theiu along the Centtihne VO West Street t ) th. entt rime rth of 2350 Ni thence West aioi g the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline if 9o West Street thence South along the entei In t of 970 West to the C n terlme ot Sunset Di tye (2.KXJ North Street), them ( West along the Ceutunne ot Sunset Drive to tht ( t nterline of 1500 Hid Sin-et- , thence South along the Centerline of 81 Wt st Street to the C entei line , the Clinton Road ( Don North Street), theme West along the Center line of the C linton Road, to the en tt rime ot j(X)0 West Sf ret t The point of beginning C leartield (ILL ) 3. Srett, C 1 C are (boundaries uni hanged) m Cleartield 11: (boun danes are unchanged) n Syracuse (S) 1: Beginning at a point of in tersection of the shore of the Great Salt Lake and the projected centerline of West Street, and running thence Northwesterly along the shore of the Great Salt Lake, to an in tersection with a westerly projection of the North line of Section 12 T 4N R3 W, 4000 thence East along the North line of said Section to the North West comer of Section 7 T 4N R2 W, and a W'est boundary of West Point City, thence South East South and East along the West and South boundary of West Point City to the Centerline of 4500 West Street also and East limit of said City, thence Notth along the Center Line of said Street, and East limit line of said City to a point on the Centerline of 700 South Street, being also a South limit of West Point, thence East, North and East along the South limits of West Point to the Centerline of 2000 West Street, thence South along the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline of 1700 South Street (Syracuse Road) Thence West along the Centerline of 1700 South Street to the Centerline of 4000 West, thence South along the Centerline of 4000 W'est Street and projection there of to the shore of the Great Salt Lake, the point of begin- ning (Antelope included in o S 1) Syracuse at the Island Be 2: intersec- ginning tion of the Centerlines ol 4iXX) West Street and 1700 South Street (Syracuse Road) and running thence Fast along the ( entei line of said Street to the Centerline of 2000 West, thence South along the C entei line of said Street, to the (en terlme of 2700 South Street, thence East along the Centerline of 2700 South Street, to the Centerline of 1000 West Street, thence South along the Centerline of 1000 West Street to a point on the South boundaries of Syracuse City, being also the Centerline of the Old Bluff thence Road, Southeasterly along the Centerline of the Old Rlufl Road to the Centerline of West Cientile Street ( 17(H) South Street) thence West along the Centerline of said Street and on West along a West projection of Gentile Street to the Shores of the Great Salt Lake thence North Westerly along the Shores sof said Lake, to an inlet section with a South projection of the Centerline of 4000 West Sreet, thence North along the projected Centerline and Centerline of said Street to the Centerline of 1700 South Street the point of beginning numbering system, also being A Representatiy e District boundary line, thence South along the said Representatiye Dis e trict boundary and of 2290 West Street to the Centerhne of H 0 North Street (R C W ihey Road), thence West along the Centerhne ot sam street being also a Cen-terhn- Street, thence South along the Centerhne of said Street to the ( enterhne of the Syracuse Road (15 Ot) South Street), thence Wert along the Centerhne o' said Street to the ( en terlme of Marilyn Drive thence North along the Centerline of Marih r intersection with the Centerhne of Dt ive to an Melanie thence Lane, North and Northeasterly along the Centerhne of said Lane to the Centerhne of 1250 West, thence North along the Centerhne of 1250 West Street to the Cen terlme of Dallas Street, along the Centerhne of said Street to the Centerhne ot Marilyn Drive, thence North along tne Centerline of Marilyn Drive to a point on the common Boundary of hne and Syracuse Cities and Clearfield 4 Section hne, The point West of beginning r Syracuse 5: Beginning at the intersection of the Centerline of 2000 West and A point on the com mon boundary of West Point and Syracuse Cities, and running thence East along the said common boundaries of said Cities, to the center of Section 3 T 4N R2 W, and running thence South along the !4 Section hne and common boundaries of Syracuse and Clearfield Cities to the Center of Section 10, T 4N thence East along the 4 Section hne and common boundaries of Syracuse and Clearfield Cities, to the centerhne of Marilyn Drive, thence South along the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline of Dallas Street, thence East along the Centerline of said Street to R2 W, the Centerline of 1250 West Street, thence South along the Centerhne of 1250 West Street to the Centerhne of Melanie Lane, thence Southwesterly and South along the Centerline of said Street to the Centerhne of Marilyn Drive, thence South along the Center hne of said Street to the Centerline of the 700 South Street), thence West along the Centerline of the Syracuse Road to the of 2000 W'est Street, thence North ol 2000 West Street to a point along the Centerline on the common bound jiy and Point West ol Syracuse ( Hies, the Point of beginning s West Point (WP) 1: Beginning at the inlet sections of the I entei lines of 800 North Street and 10(H) W'est Street and running East along the (enterhne of said Street, also being a Notth boundary of West Point ( ity, to a point on an E ast boundary of said ( it. thence South and East along the East and North boundaries of the (.ity of West Point, said line being a common boundary of West Point thence and Clinton titles to point on the Centerhne of 1500 West Street, thence South along the Centerhne and projected Centerline of also being an East boundary of West Point City, to a point on the South limit hne of West Point City and Common boundary of West Point and Syracuse Cities thence West along the common boundaries of the said Cities to a point on the Centerhne of 3000 West Street, thence North along the '50(1 W'est. -- i ' u c L i ' e (also berg I V ns dji i irmi said C (T nterh it ot Street ti tht ( ( ( M0 W I )f Et e begtnn ; i n , , 4 (boundai H J s r - E ( 5 ' e Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence West along the Quarter Section hne to the West Quarter Corner of Section 8, T 4N R1 W, thence North along the West hne of the North West Quarter of Section 8 to the Centerhne of the Hill Field Road (Utah 193) to A West boundary of Hill A.r Force Base, thence South, East and North along the boundary of Hill Field to a point once again on the Centerhne of the Hill F eld Road, thence East along the Centerhne of said road to the Centerline of 400 West Street (Fasy Street) thence South along the Centerhne of said Street to the Quarter Section hne of Section 8 T 4N R1 W The point of beginning k Layton 19: Beginning at the intersection of the Centerline of 400 West Street (Easy Street) and West Quarter the East Section hne of Sections 8 and 9, T 4N R1 W, running - thence North along the Centerline of 400 West Street, to the Centerhne of the Hill Field Road, (Ltah 191), and running thence East along the Centerhne of said Street to the (.en terlme of 400 East Street (Fort l.urie), thence South along the Centerline of 400 Last Street to an intersec tion with East - West Quarter Section line Wof , Section 9 T 4N R1 thence West along the Quarter Section lines n Section 9 and 8 to the (tn terlme of 4(H) West St re et the point of beginning Layton 28: Beginning at the intersection of the Centerline of 400 Wes! Street (Easy Street) and the E ast W est Qu.u let Section hne of Section s and 9 T 4N R I W , and iun nmg thence I ast along the said Quartet Section Imt to the Centerline of 40(1 ast Street, (1 ml I ane Road), thente South along I 1 said Street to the ( entu 2000 Notth Street (An tcTojx Drive), theme West along the ( enterh ne ol 2(M)0 Nmth Street to the ( enterhne ol 1200 W i st Street, also being the Hoi hne of Section s T 4 R1 W, thence North along the (enterhne of said Road and Section line to the West Quarter Corner ot line ot Section 8 T 4N R1 W, thence Fast along the East W'est Quarter Section hne of said Section to the of 400 West Street (Easy Street) The point of beginning 3 Election Districts in Representative District No 53 a Daus County (DC) 8: (boundaries are I N t titerv ( 1 ck - Ii- s . Si rt-- a' r i i' lilt ( C 'fir i t u' Ilit- - t ' . c th m ' ( t rite' 4 v 9 s i ' di J ( - I ) ms of the Davis Morgan CiH.py line and the South te uf Sec t ion 24 T 3N R 1 E a c ruirirg thence West a the South l.res of n 24 23 2 2 21 and 20 So T iN Rl E, and on West f it ' ! - ' ' ) a ti u't It t . i L avion as' Nur'h T t Nurtfic astcr W cst i ' ! i'1! t r h ill!' g P t South all L ast boundarit s of ' n City to a pm"t Tie (i nterline ot C" 1" o' c o h St i vet thwm-terlS along (' ( i nterline of said Sue ' t " e ( enter lint of 22jO ' ' rvt, Ehc ni e North W s u i N aiong the ( t nterb i f s i,d Street, to the ( i rl nt of Oikridie Dn "k me No'tht istt rly ak . the Centerline of s a D ie to the ( enterhm (berry Lane, (15(H) N a" Street), them e Westt U 1 - r ( i ' Itrai ( i 1 v tlong the enterhne Lane (IsOO to the ( enterhne mtraid Street, them e South along the Centerline of I merald Strtet to the C enterhne of 175 Norm Street, Oakridge Street thence West, Southwes i t C t) Nu"1-Stree- ( herry 1 1 teriv and South along the Centerline of Oakridge Street (1375 Fast) to the Centerline of 1000 North Street thence West and Northwesterly along the Centerline of said Street to the Centerline of Fairfield Road The point of big n nmg d Last Layton 3: Begin nmg at a point of inters i tion of 15)0 North (Cherry Lane) and the West line of Fast Layton City also being the Centerline of Fairfit Id Road and running thence the West North along limits of E ast Layton to a point on a North limit of said Town, thence East and Northerly along the North and West limits of East Lavton to a point on the North line of Section 15, T 4N Rl W and North limit line of East Lavton City, thence following Easterly along the North limits of said ( itv and Southerly along the East limits of East Lavton to a point on A South limit line of said City, thence West along the South line of said ( ity to a point on the East line of U S 89 Highway, thence North along the Fast line of said Highway and Citv limit line of said City, to a point on a South limit of said (. ity thence West aiong the South limit line of said ( ity to a point , of intersection with the ( enterlinc of 12()(i Norih Street thence Smithwes terly along the ( run i line of said stteet. to t'H (in terhne of 2200 as! Sired Nor! hwedi them e along the ( enterlme ot 2200 E ast St ri el to lie 1 I (enterhne ol Oakiidgi Drive, theme North I as terly along the ( entei hne of Oakridge Drive to the ( enterhne of 500 North Street (therrv lam) thence Westerly South Westetlv Northwesti t lv West and South Westetlv along the (enterlme ot said Street to a point ol inlet sec tion with the Wist limit line of as! I av ton ( tty and the ( entet line ol airfield Road I he pom! 1 1 beginning e Layton (1)1. (boun daries arc uni hanged) f Layton 2: (boundaries arc uni hanged) g Layton S: (boundaries are unchanged) h Layton 4: (boundaries are unchanged) i Layton 5: (boundaries are unchanged) : (boundaries j Layton are unchanged) k Layton 7: (boundaries are unchanged) I Layton 8: (boundaries are unchanged) m Layton 9: (boundaries are unchanged) n Layton 10: (boundaries are unchanged) o Layton 11: (boun daries are unchanged) t it "i he' it e ' 1 to ( them i It t rh . T l.tt lira ( I (Hit I s M,t I .iimi of M si t Viit'l, a i o to s i I' ( s., ( (PUT lit to the I" i T r1 ( , f I it d IoPt t nu nt r In 1 l'rt i i las ' in ay to the ( n of 1850 Nur'h W daries are uncharged) u Layton 18: (boun danes are unchanged) Layton 21: Begin nmg at the intersections ot the ( c nterhnes of 2 000 v Nurh Street and L S 91 and running Highway thence East along the (enterlme of 2iXXi North Street to the Centetline ot 1230 West Street (Sugar Street), thence South along the ( enterlme of 1200 West Street to the Centetline of Highway, theme North Westerly along the Centerline of said H ghw n tu the Centerline of Juno North Street The point ut Beginning w Layton 22. Beg in nmg at the intersection of the Centerline of 1850 Not ih Street, and the ( entet Ime of 22(H) West Street. I avion C itv and running them e Easi along the ( t ntei line of Hid North Street to t hi r . t S th ( . ) rlint (sj n si Pig the South lint ) ) t i j si nt dive Ihs'i f ihigi s lain 'o a o nt on asterlv bound cry of i ( it r die C itv them e soiim and Wt st along hi j i ! 1 i t s nh ast limits E 4. . of and South nt of Re; rcsentdiive Dis Put 4 to the renterlme of 4 id ast Street them e irth iloiig the centerline 4 H) ast Street to the mi ( die rv C dv I armington 2. (boun-are unchanged) j Farmington 3. (boundaries are unchanged) k Farmington 4: (boun I i South 200 t, the point of hi gin ' g ' Centerville 3. (boun c d ii lev are unchanged) d (entervdle 4. (boun ddries are uncharged) e Centerville S: Begin nmg at the intersection ol the centerlines Chase of and Centerville Mam 5 reel (Ltah PXi) and run nmg thence Fast along the i entei lint and projei led if nterline of ( hase ane to the Davts Morgan Countv hne therue Southeastei lv along the Davis Morgan County line to an mtersn- 0 m with the East proiec non of the centet line of 2(Xi South Sireet, theme West along the projet tt d i en terl ne ol 200 South Street to the E tst limits of Cen terville City theme North East, and North along the limits of ( enters die C itv to a point on the E asterlv projected centerline ol 4(KI North Sireet thente West L along the projected c cult rime and centerline ol 400 Nm ih Si rt et to t he icnterhm ot (entetv.lle Main Street (Ltah BIO), theme North aiong the lenti i line ot Mam Stiet t i met line of ( h iso llu pomi of tu gm to the ( .nie n.ng 1 thereof to the Davis Mor gan Countv line, theme South E astei !v along the said ountv line to the W av C I i C theme South Westetlv along the ( erterlme of said Streel, to the Centerline of Mat ilvn Drive, thente Southeasterly along the Centerline of sjid Drive to the Centerline of Davis Drive, thence West along the Centerline of Davis Drue, to the Cen- of Everett Ave, thence Southeasterly along the Centerhne of said Ave to the Centerline of Sher- - I 11 U ul d puiill Oi liitcibcc tion of the Davis Morgan ounty line and the easterly projected centerline ot State Street in Farmington, Utah and run ( nmg thence West along the projected centerline jnd centerline thereof to an inA with tersection Northerly projected line of 1 ct nterline s'rei d the Erast side of the Davis ter me of L S Highway 91 tin nie Southeastei lv along the enterlme of said H'gliwav lo the ( entu Ime of Ihiin North Street, (ilia thence Southeas'erlv along the ( entt rime of said Street, the the (enterlme of Clyde Street, theme I asl along tht ( i ntei Ime ol Ivde Street to the ( i n tei line ol Gtegorv Di ive thi m e ( lt50 North Streel) asl along (he ( i ntei Ime ol (iiegmv l)i im to the ( entet line of uk" Sitei theme Northeasti lv along tike the ( elite rime ot ne ol Sireet. to tin ( unit terline rthwcsteriv to the South ni of Section 24, T 3N Rl Die point of beginning Memorial County Courthouse Building, thence South 66 5 feet tin nie lohns Sireet Nortlu astei lv along t lie ( i ntei Ime ol said Si ri t to the (interline Matthew Dnve tin nie Simtheastei lv along t he (enterlme of Matthew Drive, to the Centerline of Gregory Drive ( i 780 W Sireet) them e Northeas-te- t lv along the C entei line of said Sireet, to the ( en- of n 1 cillery die b. Hi gm nmg at the inteisei lions ol thi ii nk i lints ol L tali Stale Road 100 and R ii ks C ret k and running tin in i Nm Hi I isiei lv along the 1 nti i line ol Rk ks ( ioi k to tin Dav is Mm gan ( omits Ink lilt me lollow mg llu D.iv is Mm g.m ( ouniv line Southcasti i lv to an mteisiH non with an I astei lv jo nieii um ot tin unit line ol ( base .me. tile in e W i si along t lie pi oei li d ttiili rlmi anil t entet nt ol ( hast Line to the i enti rime ol Ltah Start Road 100. themi North and Northwesti along the u ntei line ot said Slain Road to the of Rit ks ( ioi k tin (Hunt of beginning Centerville 7: g Beginning at the niteisei-tinn- s of the centet lines ol Ltah loti and uml I .me and running asl along the entt rime the Tr g Easterly Mjevted cen'erline of arid I and to the Dav is V i(-County line, t fence following the said County line, Northwes i v F asterly and ; L iru-- v 1 i Street, to the Cuntct Imt ot 22' X) West Street The point of beginning t Layton 17: (boun ( v.nd i I theme West along the Centerline of said 91 t t i Street L S w i i 1 terlme I V me of CeLa i i t Ih ion - , . of nt rl ne arid centerline of Lane to its terminus h lie con'muing on I ast I. ' I uke S' rt t Southwcsit r ly dhmg the (entet line i Luhe St e, 1, to the (. t rt rime of Gregory Dnv tte tie W est al jug th ( enterhne of said Dr v e t the (enterhne of ( Ivde Street thence Westerly along the Ct nterline of C Ivde St reel to (hi ( t t terlme of Celia Wav thence Northwt Merlv and North along the ( t nterline et tht 1 jip r s'reet dm t i John Southw till mg' j of t run j I . i st ' ti w ( t n' i t 1 1 tht tt of to (lit Dav s P Imt ( ourdv j ai al mg ! it ni i Soul he asti r m s od ( ounH in v to tr i' hi i Nt t th On !. 'he (e'lli Pi' enterlme if fund Lane, theme East a ng the projected cen t i t Dn tst E met lo ulrt Piit Si rt and i 'i vt ' ti i Ii t i ll s' puirit of hi gui 'uni'iig theme id t ( gory Si ut h t v t n 5y i n srtt utn S ( i im rv die 2 Lit," 'I e mu tseirt on o i 1 1 r ni s 400 E a- -! s t and 2 W South Sirci t i til' h t x rr tv tion of the i j v sir ! t ' i ( t C t n entt- r and i r t ( t n 1 1 ii St rc t t t L S of . ' "I ( d ol . t wiih the West trsi-ttu- i Si U'll V'1I l I u "1 'he I 1 " ; d i r ' nt'tll I" J . ( ' i a t ' t N 'i isltllv an' ' lit Salt! (111 ' S y I Hit L ( t n nit t r i (in 'ot itN T 'he South line of st tmn 19 I N Rl E and on W est r g the South lines of Sect, on 24 23 and 22 to the Shure i f the Great Salt Lise, theme fallow 'rg the 're uf the Great Salt Lap- - S u'h E a teriv to an Nr mu Nurt1 av to I , y y it i i It g i . , ( t n'er Ime t si ns ' -- r I l , ! III Highway rtt ti avion I , a n , I A t 15 Bt - o ' st i t ioi i e ol Is a N I'll 4 Kps' I T i ( v e he t t way ' 1( "J t lull t I ! If y C 1 ' St c Ton 19 to o! 4x) South . v hwtsrt rg the South line of the centerline Street, thence s' alorg the centerline tutd Street, also being a ' .u ton I t ii ist I s ' i g I i t i 91 S Not C t ' i ) L t ! I S 1 mb it1 of f t i i tteirte lil Si ' su t st 'Lit to tht S J S) h g 2 ' ' rt ct ) ; t mg the (entt ' ,i re H W 13 St r i i ' j , ( t d V k td lv - ..if I , sei i iiii ne ot ' 'i ar.U t)n ( i n t St 1 'i S t m , i (enterhne d'i !v (it f I of as'ei T - 1 (enterline ! t nf 1 dU ' j as d W e t tt it i 1 , t ) j 1st I a v t on l' n i Suuth b U! i ' , v - ) r " I I've ( b Clearfield 2 c t tries are uni hanged ) t Clearfield 4. (In u i dines are uni ha") i d) d Clearfield u" j. dines are unthai ged e Clearfield b ( oun dint s are unt h uyt d f Clearfield 7. (boun claries are unthai g d ) g Clearfield 8 ("nun tlar ,es are unthargt it ) h Clearfield 8. (boun daries are unchanged) i Clearfield 10. (boun danes are unchangi d) l Layton (L) lb. Bt ginning at the intersection of the Centerline of Easy Street (400 W'est Stieet) and the Quarter Sect on line being also the South line of the North Last Quarter of Section 8, T 4N the ( ast Lav urn a' , is, running thence East i eastr' u'i S t 2 r p i d R1 W, Pat r iii til L hanged) O' " 1 ' yell) , sfl U r , a ( leaf! iet v ' 1 l I Ctjr el pi Co r b to the 1 Ave ll-- Tl 1, g tl e Cer ' r s j d s'ret ' to the ( - Wt- ret ' ' , Km it") tu ap , - ti p wun be ( t ' I i rf t R , j. s Df,vjr'Jurv ot t i "enc I aUng i t r ts m i Vet 1 ,t D s -- h 3 Ni N ,l( ;,i't I nt, E 'is I U re d 'rt U P J il P I ' f W i , i n T(H - S . n an 'I est Sins let f it n ,r(l 2 1 L l T i (hot p ad th a 1 av it bound a W est Point) along the mm. c r ! v i u't " 4 v u i f sht rma a , , " t s uthwtsuri a d s iu di mg the ( enter! nt i t said MreU and pil e r 'et f ti) the F I Clinton Cit to a P nt i n the comp, n boundaries ol W est Pmrr ana ( union C i ties tm me op So h to the Ct merlTr ot i ; in Nur'h a ' t e s t l t J U City, along th" Kmndai y of r' sad t u v' mnr, 4 ere" 't Guie f S i.ttu dsie ( t it rl r r Avt to the CrP E if ' t u - n Manly 1 ( ,r A i ) ' it - (union thence s 4 Sect.uit ity (also line), and the ( enterhne of Marilyn Drive, running thence East along the Noitheily boundary of said ( ity and 4 Sh t ion line to t he Centernne of lOoO W est of dary a Centerhne ( Day is Webtr County Ime to a point on a West Boun- West, Thence North along the ( enterhne of said Street to the Centerline of 170 South Street The point of beginning q Syracuse 4. Btginn.ng at the intersection of x common boundary lint ot (leartield and Syracuse ( "fo e , uf r tterne East along the uf 2000 Syracuse Road if rth Hi Ni j 1 est W w re rl e Bountiful, thence West along the common Boundaries of said Cities and projection thereof to the Shore of The Great Salt Lake thence Northeasterly and Northwesterly along the Shore erf the Great Salt Lake, being also the West Emits of Centerville City to a po.nt on the projected centerline of Lund Lane, oemg also a North limit ie of Centerville City, them e East along the j:m ected centerline and i enterlme of Lund Lane to he centerhne of Ltah 106, The pomt of beg.nning h E armlngtou (F) 1: Beginning at the tntersec-- t East R eht A W av line cf su.d Rduruad to the Cen terhne of 22 X) West Street, 'fierce Norm aor g the C ente 'one of said sret t ti tie C 1 tt r, nt cf IsjO i ; T rth s ,t Tlt i g City, South, West, South and West to the Centerlne of 1XX) West Street, thence North along the Centerline ct said Street to the Cen terlme of 2700 South Street, thence West to the thence e h Pacific Imon thence Rartroad, Northwestern along the trerce Suutheas it v a n g the ( ertt rl i e t ii o Dr'e t j the LeP it Davis Drive Urn West j' '"c tie (in pi t , Davis bike ' , Syracuse City, thence following the said East Boundary of Syracuse , tneni , ' t r 1 "it t Street, thence South along the centerline of 600 West Street to a point on the South limits erf Centerville and North limits of West 5 a e I ( Section 12, T 4 R3 W lu the Shore of the Greit S Tt Lake, thence North Wes terly anr-- the Shore ( f tne Great Sait Lake to the Day is Weber County re Represt n'atiie District C W it i t along the North line of boundary to a point on an Fasterly boundary of CenttrLne R2 mr'.rie i ihe k e S t'f ( ei t r t Sl'eH h rn ( t ' limits of West Point to the NW Corner ot Section 7, T 4N ' uncharged i 1 V m art; t 4 r Lvton 14 Bug in t at the ip" rsectiOos uf lto N nh Street and L S H gd dv i,i and rum mg Heme Suu'h Westerly a "g the c enterlme i f but) North Street to the a'-i- u ( s Cal in 1 .a Avt teriv aid South a'u"g the Center! ne ol said Ae and thereof to the predentin E ait R chi of W ay Lie of p Layton 12. ibuu'i Hants a't U1 changed; q Layton 13. (Duun 1 f a Suatb boundary uf Eart Lav tun City and urn Cel lelhnes c f E a.l f el 3 Road a"d Lu.i N irth vreet ar.d running Hence West North and last otorg trie W est boundary of L po nt once dymn on u t Centerline cf Ea rDe 2 Road thence North ale i ( m'erlme of E air' ie 3 Read being a We- i 'of East lav tun ' a i ( e' vOne ot (hem I ait theme V r'hea--!er- l a' D'i ai rg the (tv't t L c t ( tlerrv aPe ti ' r ' West Street and 1300 North South and East to A point on the Centerhne of 2200 West Street Layton City (LL) nr.rg at the intesct , tin Street and running thence South along the r enterhne of said Street to a Point on the common boundary of West Point and Syracuse Cities, and running thence West and South along the common boundaries of sa,d cities to a point on a South boundary of West Pumt also be.ng 700 South Street, thence Wes, South, W est, Ni rth, W est and North along the South Senatorial District line ORDINANCE SO. 3oJ UIM.a jeO) b East Layton of 3000 West Street to the Centerlne of 300 North Street the Point of beginning t West Point 2: Begin ning at the intersection of the Centerlines of 3000 at the intersection of the C 1 i 1 1 1 (enterlme and projection C centetline1 of Ricks Creek, thente following the cen- terline of Ricks ( reek. Southwesterly and West to the centerline of Ltah Wh. Centerville Main Street, thence Southeasterly and South along the centerline of said street, to the centerhne of 400 North Street, thence West along the centerline of 400 North street (Parrish Lane) to the centerline of 600 West 1 more or less along the said projected hne and the East side of the Davis County Memorial Courthouse to a point which is the center of said building, thence West along A line through the center of said building it feet, thence South it leet, thence West 10 feet, thence North t3 feet, thence continuing on West through the Center of said Buildmg to the West side thereof, thence North along the West side of said Buildmg and a Northerly projected line thereof IR5 2 feet mote or less to the centet line nt Slate Sireet theme West along the Centet Ime ot State Sireet to its thence continuing on West along the pioieu-etet-min- d of State Street, to the East Shore ol centerline the (it eat Salt theme Southeastei lake, lv along the Shoie ol the Gieal Salt I ak" to the South hue ol Set mil 22, I IN Rl W . East along tile thence South lines ot Sections 22, 21 and 24 T IN Rl W. thence on I ast along the South line of Sec i ion 19 I IN Rl to a point on the i enterlme of 4 HI Soul It 1 Sireet. being also the South Ime ol Sei tion 19 hence on I ast along fit IN South line Sec turn 19 Rl and the Soulli Ion s ol Sit lions 20, 21. 22 2 2f to the Davis 1mg.m ( minty line Ilk me Not lliwi sit along the Dav is Mm g.m ( ountv Ime to an mo isot tion with I astulv iiniu ill lenteilme ot Stall Sliocl. the point ol In gm nmg I I I in I ruil Heights (f tl) Beginning at the inlet smtion of the v entet line ot the Gieen Road and thi West limits of Ermt Heights Town, also being 1 : common Kavsv boundai v ol ml and it its, and run ille. Heights C thence nmg I ast, Nmtheasterlv. Southc. isI let h. and I ast. along the centerline of said road to the centerhne ot the cen terlme median snip of U S 89 Highwav, theme following along the centerline of said median strip. South and Southwesterly. to a point on a South boundary of Fruit Heights City, also being the South line of Section 1, T 3N Rl thence following the boundary of said City, West along the said Section line to a point once again on the Easterly limits of said City, thence South to the centerhne of the centerline median strip of Highway 89. thence Southwesterly along the centerline of the median W, |