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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 After the proceedings of the public hearing are published and reviewed and the location and design is adopted, the Utah Department of Trans- portation will proceed with the preparation of a detailed design for the project. C. V. ANDERSON, Acting Director Utah Department of Transportation NOTICE OF SALE All The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the north door of the County Courthouse in Farmington, County of Davis. Utah, on the 17th dav of April, 1978 at 10 o'clock a rrt of Said day. The property is located m Davis Countv and described as follows All of Lot 21, GRAND OAKS. Plat cording to plat thereof the undersighed for public inspection. The Board of Directors of he District will meet in All cf Lot 41 GRAND OAKS, Plat A, according to the oft u la! public session at District Headquarters, 2837 E. Highway 19 1, Layton, Utah, at 9 39 a m , on Friday, March 31, i 5 to consider such petition and ail objections thereto which may be presented in writing by any person show-mcause why said petition should not be granted. All ptrsems interested may appear at such hearing and show cause in writing why said petition should not be granted, and may advance it asons and arguments to show that said City and its inhabitants will not be plat thereof i, RAND Plat OAKS, A", ac- cording to the (dhw.il plat thereof Purchase price pavable m lawful money of the I imed States. DATED this 5 dav of V irch, 19"8 u VALIEV BANK AND TRUST CO. 1 rustic Stephen A Laket Attorney for Trustee INK) Washington BIul Suite IN) Ogden, Utah 54 591 benefited by the proposed petition and order to the amount ol the taxes, which will be in posed as a result of the granting hereof Failure of any person interested to do so shall be deemed an assent on his part to the granting of said petition The Board will at such meeting or at a subsequent meeting adjourned therefrom or rejei t the petition. - Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 16 1978 1 ast publicacon March do 1978 R 21 t NOTICE TO WATER USERS WAYNE M. WfNFGAR, Secretary WEBER BASIN WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT The following applicationhave been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Davis County Published hroughout the entire year unless otherwise designated Locations in SLB&M. 50846 Mark Ray Manning, 725 W. 2075 S Woods Cross, UT. 0 015 see ft. of water is to lie diverted ft. from a 6 inch well, deep, at a point S. 2500 ft E. 1300 ft. from the NW Cor. Sec. 12, T3N, R1W (i4 mile E. of in the Davis News Journal 1 irsi publication March 2i, 197h las! publication March 1 1 12, T3N, R1W. 50847 ( Lawrence E. Pa1 e, 769 W. 1000 S., Woods Cross, UT. 0 015 sec. ft. of water is to be diverted from a well, 10(8300 ft. deep, at a point S. 70 ft. E. 1100 ft from the W4 Cor. Sec. 31, T3N, R1E ( 1 Vi miles S of Farmington); and used for the domestic purposes of one family and stockwatering 3 horses and 2 cows, and from to Oct. 31 for the April irrigation of .25 acs. in NWi,4SE,4, Sec. 31, T3N, 1 R1W. the these applications granting with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the Protests resisting of 442 State Engineer, State Capitol, SLC, UT. 84114, on or before April 29, 1978 30, TO PUBLIC PUBLIC HEARING On the Location and Design Features of a Proposed Highway Project W'htch will Entail the Construction of an Interchange with Interstate Highway 15 at Syracuse Road in Layton, Davis County Project No. The Utah Transportation Commission herewith advises all interested persons or groups of the proposed construction of Project No. on FA1 Route 1, said highway being Interstate Route 15 in Published in The Weekly Reflex March 16, March 30, First publication 1978 NOTICE TO WATER USERS are hereby invited to attend and to participate in a Combined Public Hearing on said project which will be held on Tuesday, May 2, 1978 at 7:30 p m. in the North Layton Junior High School, Multipurpose Room, 2000 North 1100 West, Layton, Utah. Governing officials of Davis County and Syracuse, Layton and Clearfield Cities have been advised. The location of the proposed interchange is at Syracuse and Interstate ) Road Donna L. Marchant, Avenue, Ogden, UT 84401, has filed with the State Engineei to Appl. No. 50873 0 015 sec. ft. ot appropriate water in Davis County. The water is to be diverted from a ft. deep, well, at a point E 1200 ft. S 500 ft from the Wf4 Cor. Sec 29, T34, R2W SLB&M (in West Point), and used from Jan. to Dec. 31 for the domestic purposes of one family and ) 1 30 cattle, 2 horses, 10 sheep, and 2 pigs; and from April to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 acs. in NW 4SW 4 Sec. 29, T5N, 1 R2W, SLB&M. Protests the resisting granting of this application with reasons therefore must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 Route 15. Proposed to be constructed is a diamond interchange at State Capitol, SLC, UT 84114, on or before April 29, 1978. DEE C. HANSEN State Engineer Information to be presented at the hearing will include a discussion of the location and design features of the project. 1978 March 30, NOTICE Notice of the filing of Class B Petition by East Layton of water City for the allotment ConWater Basin Weber by servancy District. illustrative materials will be available for inspection. During the hearing, verbal andor written testimony pertaining to the features of the proposed project or to its social, economic and environmental effects will be received from all interested persons or groups. Any person or group unable to attend the public hearing, but wishing to give testimony pertinent to the aforementioned project, may do so in writing. This testimony should be directed to the Utah Transportation Commission and mailed to the Utah Department of Transportation, Attention- Community Involvement Officer, Room 612 State Office Building, Sait Lake City, Utah 84114. For inclusion in the official transcript of the public hearing proceedings, letters must be postmarked no later than May 12, 1978. Please begin such testimony by making reference to the hearing or the project. midnight. At Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 16, Last publication 1978 any time during regular office hours, maps, drawings and other pertinent information developed by the Utah Department of Transporta- and written views received to date by the from any Department tion interested persons or groups will be available for public inspection and copying at Utah Department of Transportation District One Headquarters, W 128 Street, Ogden, Utah. - 17th the bidder will promptly enter into a contract and execute such bonds as may be required. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any or all formalities. Plans and specifications may be examined without charge in the office of the Architect and may be procured from MONT- MORENCY, HAYES AND TALBOT Architect, at 2398 WEST NORTH TEMPLE, upon a deposit of $1(10 00 as a guarantee as to the safe return of the plans and the full which will be repaid upon the return of plans and specifications within five days after receipt amount TO CONTROL NOXIOUS School Distnct, must accompany each bid as a guarantee that, if awarded the contract, specifications, GENERAL NOTICE LEDS Notice is hereby given this 1st day of April, 1978, pur- of of Fids eed Act, Section 7, to every person who owns or controls land in Davis County, Utah, that noxious weeds standing, being, or growing on such land shall be controlled and the spread of same prevented by eftective cutting, tillage, cropping, pasturing, or treating with chemicals or other KoGLR C. GL1NES, Clerk Board of Education Dav is County School W effective methods, or combination thereof, approved by the County Weed Supervisor, as often as may be required to from prevent the weed blooming and maturing seeds, or spreading by root, root stalks, or other means Upon failure to comply with this notice, the owner or person m possession of property upon which noxious weeds are present shall be deemed negligent and enforced control measures may be imposed at the direction of county authorities. Expenses of control measures employed by the county shall be paid directly by the owner or person in possession of the property, or shall constitute a lien on the property and become collectible by taxes. The following are declared noxious weeds for the State of Utah and the County of Bindweed (Wild Morning Rlory) Broadleafed Peppergrass (Tall Whitetop) Canada Thistle Johnson Grass Leafy Spurge Musk Thistle Clerk-Audit- Published m the Davis County Clipper on March 31, 1978 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gregory J. Aughenbaugh, Deceased Davis County Probate No. DAVID E. BEAN has been appointed Administrator of the above estate. AH persons having claims against said to present them to the undersigned or to the Clerk of the District required Court of Davis County, State of Utah, on or before the 1st day cf July, 1978, or said claims shall be forever barred. DAVID E. BEAN Administrator Fort Lane, 190 So. Suite 2 Layton, Utah 84041 Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 30, 1978 Last publication April 13, 1978 8 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposal addressed to Board of Education, Davis County School District for the construction of AN ADDITION TO SOUTH DAVIS JR. HIGH SCHOOL at BOUNTIFUL, UTAH, Davis County, Utah, for the Board of Education, Davis County School District, hereinafter called Owner" in accordance with plans, specifications and contract documents, which were prepared by and may be obtained from HAYES MONTMORENCY, AND TALBOT, Architect, at 2398 W. NORTH TEMPLE. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH and will be received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education in Farmington, Utah until 500 P.M. oclock, and then publicly opened and read aloud. Any bid received after closing time will be returned April 11, unopened. 1978, Minimum wage rates as stipulated under Labor Laws of the specification, shall be adhered to as a condition of this contract. A certified check or Bid Bond of not less than five percent of the amount of the bid must accompany each proposal, said check being made payable to the Board of hours, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and except during the ten-da- period immediately prete ing tne bond eiectiun, any who is or will be person eighteen age or of years older and who otherwise will be a qualified elector on the The day ot ihis election County Clerk will make available, or will cause the regirtratiun agents to make at available, tr e above-de-,- i rihed polling place, a registration list or copy thereof I. stir, e all registered electors enticed to use sain vobre p'a.i e NOTICE is further given that on April 25, 1975, that ben g a day not later than ten (10; davs alter said election, the toy Council will meet dt its tegular meeting place at o 'o pm to c anv axs t he returns results of ( IV! t ou i a M. J declare sa.d e'ertion dt h .K the bv order of the ( it v at tne M joapaluy of ...tor. p s Cist dav of I t i x a 1 he Weekly H 197s M I NT GR8E5 Mdvor ! Published m the Dav s ( ountv Clipper on March 31, 1978 dba TINENTAL CORP. RYAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, as Trustors, and recorded January 27, 1977 as Entry No. 4529U9 in Bixik 634 at pages 165 of the Official Records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of Cant LIsyGP Of Farmington: Please Everyone, Cut Trying By ROSE I CLEARFIELD STATE BANK by reason of the breach of E v certain obligations secured 71 A r. Vj i (or don N 1 . t 1 KIRK N V 1 Piiitgion thereby. Notice of Default was recorded December 20. 1977 as entry No 4loll m book 63 at page 519 of said Official Records. Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable :n lawful money of the United States at the lime of sale, wuhojt warranty title, possession or en cun.brances, tne following described property at 1025 ar I" F usl two a t.i sa.tt.led x ' a- - UaV s : In Ml Mt of! d bv 'to- - . mm 1 v i, t eGra'idi 1 a Jsyk (ireg.uv, ' n r v 5s - al- it I j? Iasi 'all I ,,r, I a I Plenary o 5 i,oi West 12' 9 South, tn the t i: of Svracuse, County of Daw-Slat- e of Utah jl i$ ELECTION NOTICE To all qualified electors of East Layton, Davis County, Utah: Take notice thai on the 25th day of April, 1978, a special bond election will be held in the Municipality of East Layton, Davis County, Utah, at the place set out below for the purpose ot submitting to the qualified electors of said Municipality the following propositions Is Lot of AMENDED RHOADES LANE SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of part of Section 10, Township 4 Ail 1 East Layton, Utah, be authorized to issue Water Revenue Bonds of said Municipality in an amount TWO not to exceed TEN HUNDRED DOLLARS THOUSAND ($210,000), for the purpose of defraying all or a part of the cost of constructing a water storage facility and a chlorination station, drilling and equipping a installing well, the with connection acquisition and construction of said improvements and the authorization and issuance of said Bonds, these Bonds to be due and payable in not to exceed forty (40) years from the date of said Bonds, and to be payable solely as to and both principal interest from the net revenues to be derived from the water system of the Municipality, and under no circumstances to be a general obligation indebtedness of the Municipality within the meaning of any state constitutional provision or statutory limitation, nor a the against charge general credit or taxing the of powers Municipality? PROPOSITION NO. 2 the Shall City Council of East Layton, Utah, be authorized to is- sue General Obligation Water Bonds of said Municipality in the amount of not to exceed TWO HUNDRED TEN DOLLARS THOUSAND ($210,000), to be due and payable in not to exceed forty (40) years from the date of said Bonds; these Bonds to be issued and sold for the purpose of defraying all or a part of the cost of constructing a water storage facility and a chlorination station, drilling and equipping a new well, installing transmission and distribution pipelines, and otherwise improving the water system of said Municipality, and for payment of expenses reasonably incurred in connection with the acquisition and consof truction said improvements and the authorization and issuance of said Bonds? Said election will be held at the following polling place, and the persons indicated as follows will act as election officials; Voting District No. L Polling Place, City Hall, East Layton, Utah. Election Officials, Georgia Allen, Dorothy McKenzie, Lahoma Lindeman, Cristie Dobson (Alternate). The voting at such special bond election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the City Council of East Layton to the election officials who, in turn, will furnish them to the qualified voters. The polls will be open from 7:00 a m. to 8 00 p m. There will be no special registration of voters for the special bond election, and the official register last made or revised shall constitute the register for such election; 24, 197s highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the following described property at 1425 S. 1025 West, in the City of Syracuse, County of Davis, State of Utah- of Lot All 4, AMENDED RHOADES LANE SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of part of Section 10, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in the City of Syracuse, according to the official plat thereof. The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 25th day of April, 1978 at 11.00 A.M. at the front door of the Davis County Court House at Farmington, Utah in the Countv of Davis, by SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by CITIZENS CON- TINENTAL CORP. dba RYAN CONSTRUCTION CO., as Trustors, and recorded February 10, 1977 as Entry No. 453835 in Book 635 at pages 826 of the Official Records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an indebtedness in favor of II. Lot All of AMENDED RHOADES LANE SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of part of Section 10, Township 4 North, Range 2 West, Salt Lake Meridian, in the City of Syracuse, according to the official plat thereof. The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 25th day of April, 1978 at 11:00 A M. at the front door of the Davis County Court House at Farmington, Utah in the County of Davis, by SECURITY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by CITIZENS CON f ,v .1 J : as L M i:o J Ilf ' k t tv ' a 1 n it s ; ,1 till,. ,,o , I ' I ! t a In f H l " s ! es a I it h . - L,, M Tie ! ( ,, jo es . t t acres Terms of sale are cash upon award of bid. The Davis County Commission reserves the right to reject any and ail bids CTerk-Aud'to- in The W'eekly Reflex 'M. 1978 1075 I Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication March 31. I, mask ,o pi r ; I.M (i t 1 Anv new subdiv uk is in ue umptiin Bern h a'ea wd! be tequited to build a set Hon ot the road to ptov ide access to homes const rue ted in that at ea t ( I M AS OK an Let said sunn ot the problems with t he citvs watei supplv will be eliminated when the last hall ol the pressurized w.itet ss-lein the south end ol M" c;tv is completed h the end ot the summer This vvs'epi will double the lupuiits ol watei available tor it iig.it ion and sprinkling When ts the .clrm (ompleted. even new home will reqa.ted to hook onto V I dev elopmeni in wih iluir compatible needs 1111 omnieri iai a: ea lo be limited io both sides o! Stale Street, west to I 15 and south along E'ijn West to 15 emrv Tht n attic pattern has I' Weber Basin Watei I needs A Nl W well has pist been dt tiled w luc h w ill supjxn t furred nut. but even.uullv the I s a! it put It Ml would tabhsh the area as t ninnn t ( ! 19 aue tr.uk onset C vany District, the ettv also used canvotl watei puked up in springs and two large wells to supplv culinaiv water aheadv established in this area resulting in a good lot a! ion for com mere iu development, Mavoi Van F leet said None of the residential owiv is would tie lal Vnothet 1 pressurized system and use culinarv w.itet to' In addition to it rtga! ton culinary water supplied bv tin not plans tor the (11V i i urrmngiut pi a u is 1 said jt'd I RODNEY W. WALKER r Davis County ,n on tut, holders tn ge'img that road constuuteJ. he 1 residential 1.576 t t ui! Heigh! s is m aw it But thete he with trouble mg lo v Mill'd pmpertv on!i 4 be aludilv MW OR Vail let! sod Me ci'y would like lo set the giowth limit td in. nun, but hojx's to stires, dentists, p'.tsu i. ins, a drv dean mg esiublishnu nt, a shoe shop, lumber vai d and a cafe T he plans for most lots to fie large, piovichng are is ot open area and eliminating high density population The master plan, which M.ivor Van f ha sod should be is (omjileltd in JuL. designed to cutiirol zoning 'or best land use and lo kt op common nil, miiusin.il and .mas thence West 272 93 feet along the south boundary line of said Grantors' land thence N 2SU08E 564 14 feet to the north boundary line of said Grantors land, thence East 2 25 feet along said north boundary line to the point of First publication Match Tv m it bet i .t , grow Me d. ' 1'mtl ol 1. 5tl,i h i ,e t n in I, in "i '! s t ns, hut will. .'I, available ill 27 new mm d" js.r it Mat ''gun- si, 'tdd i , M W OR lit I 'eel d'so sees i ' n ed a t o.ul to st u e m mg ast s. i io", ot to;; A plan tot a toad .u toss M' lativon to ( ompioo B m h I , d ,i . t r : "o'i.'s, c -' i ' f," bv tfi.lt Will not ul : a'i iv I t .Mo t' j' plan T hi a' i. ' is not i t am e.! to eioKM t .am t t a1 Al'hi gb Mat a r ' ,. i'lin .1 d BV Eat Vj .ot a' lei , nop s to me iuk Iioi 'fit t ( 'd S , ot ; Mt , , ' D iiel ton, Mt . a ; t ,,J ttl't-- t ; i , s,. -- pi t u lb.- t It I i It L n lied i , w 1.. ,l i s d, ' ol'mO ! 1,1 r an V , - m , lot bee'1 ,S e St i ow , M- Be, eg a I s a ,v if 5 e e M a m led d I, I 0(1 ( ( an,, ' ; i - iJ s Oo'V.e" his asn ' 8 IM5 i , . - 'i . . .5 I,, .dll L '!.,!' ' . , I k t s Mi ,o ."'tit f oi c i and running thence South 499 125 feet along the east boundary line of said Grantors land to the southeast comer of said Grantors' land, Last publication April 20. '' I I v d iioJ the section line from the northwest corner of Section Published lt t , h n,1 w . 'i is ue ,' i i ' H' t of a n i:i: nee mere El AN o " s : j,i d )(' r p ' s, -- p.'J RTV beginning, containing i ,!V ( t I III t S M V t, )Ut The T tid V 1 W t1 iV SALE OF 1 , Is-- It DAVIS COUNTS 13, T. 2 N. R. OR, V 0,1! ( ity good ( on an V Shepard Lane is also being planned lot r emmet i ial use I here the i! hopes to en courage lornmi ruai develop-ni- t nt sue h as medic al otbi es. a ding stoic and a loud It all Farmington niaikei t es dent s shopped in f at - uimary wait he t has an ample supplv ol quahtv water." Mavor 1 leet .said developer of eight subdiv isurns m at mmgton Muvot V an leet said his expel ic ni e as a unit tai lot m at mmgton, glow mg vv h has helped him to see some ol the growing pmblenis the i nv is i urrentiv exjxi tern me As a I 1978 Last publication April 21. 1975 ( 05 NOTICE Ol REGULAR MEET OE THE certain obligations secured South 1025 West, in the City of Syracuse, County of Davis. State of Utah: S Yi t NOTICE OE described i . - e- 7, P 37 Meridian, rol '1 , a h Published m the Davis Journal on March 30, 197 w CLEARFIELD STATE BANK by reason of the breach of thereby Notice of Default was recorded December 20. 1977 as Entry No. 481610 in Book 683 at page 518 of said Official Records. Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale, without warranty as to title, possession or encumbrances, the following described property at 1290 hx Me s a fulluws. Beginning at the northeast corner of the Grantors land at a jxttnt 478 5 feet east along thereby. t p as Entry No. 481609 tn Book 683 at page 517 of said Official Records. Trustee will sell at public auction to the certain obligations secured ' tie V t Trust Bv Gordon Gurr lis Sole Prupnetai SIRPILS PROP! )!s i THE Notice of Default was recorded December 20, 1977 in favor of CLEARFIELD STATE BANK by reason of the breach of m - Notice is hereby given trio! Davis County will sell at a public auction in Room 105 County Courthouse, Farming-ton- , Utah at 12 00 noon on the 25th ddy of April 1978 the following d(scribed property Said tract of land is situate in the NW 4 of the NW4 of Section 13, Township 2 North, West, Sa t Lake Range debtedness a V - ! dba TINENTAL CORP. CONSTRUCTION RYAN COMPANY, as Trustors, and recorded December 2, 1976 as Entry No. 448605 in Book 626 at pages 818 of the Official Records of Davis County, Utah, given to secure an in- - i III SECURITY TIT! E COMPANY, , PROPOSITION NO Shall the City Council of oiti ,.t- Mi, t North, Range 2 W est. Sa'l Lake Meridian, m the t tty of Syracuse ji cuuting to the ot f.t ial plat thereof. pr viiKd Dated March property will be sold a! public auction to the highest Didder on the 25th day of 1978 at 11 (K) A M at Api the front door of the Davis ( oumy Court House at Farmington, Utah in the County of Davis, by SECURIIY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee under the Deed of Trust made by CITIZENS CON- 'n it I " ' si for the purpose of pav.m obligations secured by said Deed of Erast including lees (barges and expenses cf Trustee, advances, if anv, under the terms of said Deed, interest thereon am! the unpaid principal of Mt Note secured by said Deed of Trust with interest therei n as in said Note and by lav, 2 water system of said Municipality, and for of expenses payment reasonably incurred in in The Weekly-Refleon March 30, 1978 are x on Mat Pell, otherwise improving the Published estate Published transmission and distribution pipelines, and BOARD OF DAVIS COUNTY COMMISSIONL RS Rodney W. Walker Davis County Distrit t new Russian Knapweed Scotch Thistle W hitetop Poison Hemkx-Yellow Nutsedge except that the County Clerk of Davis County will regster as provided by law at his office darmg regular office 1 suant to the Utah Noxious the Interstate highway with on and off ramps, and provisions for andturning from movements to Appropriate 2303 C stockwatering April 27, Syracuse Road. 1978 Last publication Published in the Davis News Journal on March 30, 1978 and Davis County. All (SR-108- DEEC. HANSEN State Fngineer March 21, 1978 Quackgrass NOTICE IOO-4'I- Farmington Junction); and used for the domestic purposes of one family and stockwalering 3 horses and cow, and used from April to Oct. 31 for the irrigation of 0 25 acs. in SWNWN Sec. By Order of the Commission Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah re-fe- which is on file in the office of A", acthe olf.ual All of Lot 64. persons interested will please take notice that on January 4, 1978, there was .led m the office of the undersigned a petition by East Lav ten City, applying to Weber Basin Water Conservancy District for the allotment of Weber Basin Project water in the amount of 38 0 at annually for municipal use, pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth m the pennon, a copy of Education, Davis County IV. BOARD OE CATION OE DAVIS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT The LI)l Administration Center. 45 East State Street, in Farmington, Utah, commencing School at 7 .10 o'clock I5 M on Tues.1978. day, April the Agenda for the meeting consists of the following Receipt of bids for and adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance and confirming the sale of 1 1 School Building Bonds. Senes June I, 1475. of the Board of Education By: ROGER C. CLINES Clerk Published Reflex in The Weekly First publication March .30. 1978 Last publication April 6, 1978 9 Published in the Davis County Clipper First publication March 31, 1978 Last publication April lake Bonneville Coun- cil E xpinrer olv mpte s cosponsored bv the Coca Cola Bottling ompunv of Ogden has concluded its Mdrch C PLBUC NOTICE is herein given that the Board ol Education of Davis County School District will hold a regular public meeting at the offices of the board in the $5. IKK). ()()() Explorer Olympics End iViarch Events 7, 1978 9 events Mark Thavne, Post 316, third, Svracuse. Heavvweight, David Johnson. Post 407, Kav s tile, first . AFTER seven events out of 24 totdl Olympic events ! hat will conclude on June It), Post 277 of the Washington Terrdte 8rh Ward in Ogden leads the more than 7(1 total explorer posts signed up for the explorer Olympics with 21 points. Winners from Davis Countv were Mdrk Anderson, Post 188, Clinton, third. 175 1b. Kevin Webb. PoM 303. lavton. fust, Sunset, general knowledge test, Lance Hill. Post 581, Kdysville, third in bowling; wrestling. Tracy Arave, Post I HR, Sunset, first WRESTLING 114 lb , Max Clowdrd, Post 352, Kavsville, first; Joey Carter, Post 155, Ldvton, second, Kdrl Anderson, Post 188, Sunset, third, 123 lb , Mark Moulton, Post 348. Kavsville, first; Marven Lichfield, Post 316, Syracuse, second, 132 lb , Andy Thompson, Post 581, Kavsville, third. 143 lb , Bart Thompson, Post 581, Kavsville, first; 154 lb., Lynn Alvev, Post 303, Lavton, second Wrestling 165 lb.. Steve Billmire, Post 150, Layton, second, Wyatt Cole, Post 317, Rich Spaeth. Svracuse, third Post 316. THE top three medal winners fur eui h event and the over-al- l top thiee jxists for the total oly mptes will he eligible to compete in the na t tonal explorer otvmpics, J ulv Sat Colorado State University, Fort Collins, C olo April Explorer events. April 3-- one on one basket- ball, district level, April 8, one on one basketball, council finals, swimming and diving district and council level APRIL rifle and trap shoot, district level, April 15, council finals, archery, rifle marksmanship, cross country and team trap shoot; April basketball, zone level; April team basketball, council finals, northern and southern division. 10-1- marks-mdnsht- p 19-2- FREDERICK KING Frederick III succeeded as Emperor of Germany on the death of William 1, March 9, 1888 |