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Show I 4 WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 Books & Reading 'Books and reading are ofien downplayed in the quick pace of our daily lives. Yet so much of what we do following recipes to filling out job applications, from reading everyday-fro- m traffic signs to reading this newspaper-requir- es literacy FAR TOO many American children are leaving school unable to read the most basic forms, certainly unable to discover the new worlds opened by creative fiction and nonfiction The experts say that million American adults 21 are a functionally illiterate--t- o large extent a result of hours of television watching and freewheeling schools that allow kids to experiment with new learning experiences without Lrst mastering the The I)dvi H'gh SYMPHONY TOURS Davis School High Nampa Idaho on Thursday April 13, also at 8 p m at , symphony Orchestra an outstanding group of young musicians from Kavsville, a ill be touring Idaho, April 12 14 This 75 member orchestra is en route to Portland Oregon to defend its 'itle as 1976 77 Sweepstakes Winner o! the Northwestern States Orchestra Festival Thi coveted title was won pi mg TIIL orchestra will perform Falls on Wednesday April 12 oncert will he morning limited to students from A Idaho Falls Rexburg and ton, Wyo The 8 00 p m con ert at Bonneville High School will be a community concert iv nlable to everyone At An evening inniert Stravinsky will be included in These difficult numbers, seldom are superbly performed mtthwesurn states last two concerts m Idaho SUCH works as Festival Overture by Shostakowitch and Firebird Suite by the conctrt program community will also bt1 given in by this amazingly professional young group Rounding out the program will be Danse Macabre and Rachmaninoffs lovely Saint-Sean- Vocalise orchestra has invited to tour with it again this year the very talented pianist, Bill Marsden Bills most recent honors include being named winner of the Utah Music leathers Association Piano ( ompebtion and being chosen The by the Utah Symphony Guild as the most outstanding student musician of the year Melvin Mitchell: Calendar Artist Melvin Mitchell of Garden Home Training Center, Clearfield, is once again a winner in the calendar des'gn division of the Art Design contest held annually by the National Association for Retarded Citizens FOR THREE years now Melvin has obtained recogni tion for his artwork in the calendar This year Melvins drawing was used for the month of February His drawings were submitted by the Davis County Association for Retarded Citizens Mel- in, 47, enjoys collecting rocks and oil paintings along with his drawings More than three thousand drawings were entered in the Annual Art Design Contest from throughout the country Prizes of $50 United States Savings Bonds will be given to contestant winners whose drawings were selected for the calendar MELVIN will be presented his United States Savings Bond at the Red Flame Restaurant, Bountiful, where a luncheon has been prime-ri- b planned at 12 30 p m , Saturday, April 1, by the Davis County Association for Retarded Citizens Bob Gooding, anchor-maat WFAA TV in Dallas, Texas, is the guest speaker This special person has power and dedication to all handicapped and their families Hell make you want to climb his famous mountain. If you are interested in the future of the Davis County han dicapped come and hear Bob Goodmg Hell tell you how this can be done. n ALL interested persons may still make reservations by calling Mrs Geraldine Mickelson 1 Family Fair Slated For Fri. March 31 The Family Fair will be presented by the Clearfield 11th Ward, Friday, March 31, 6 30 p m at the Clearfield Stake Center located at 935 clothing, nearly new items, bake sale and more LOR the children there will be special games such as fish pond, bean bag, and selected film strips South State in this evening INCLl'DFD will be a full spaghetti dinner for $1, hot dogs, and desserts There will be several booths with specialties for sale such as quilts, unique cook books, handmade The activities are intended to help raise funds for church building projects m the area as well as provide a special evening of fun and enjoyment for the whole family childrens LAYTON CIVIC ARTS presents Brigham Young University YOUNG AMBASSADORS Saturday Evening, April 8th, at 8 p.m. at LAYTON HIGH AUDITORIUM Adults Students & Children $2.00 $1.50 Tickets may be purchased at the door, or at any of the following businesses. Barns Dairy, Ann s Fabrics, Jays Satisfaction Center, Tom s Super Save, He will 12 G i He pcTorm FiAFB Information Office mphu'iv ..r. lustra will toui ho f i ,! movement of ht untf Piano ( oncera m A Minot with the ui i hi st ra , vt ry nut addition to the program -- j i ON completion ot the Idaho tour the orchestra wii1 go on the Mt Hood Community College in Oregon for the Sa turd iy, April 15 competition Davis High School Orchts Ira has been honored this yt u with many invitations to per form at various functions in y virility were the performing group to open the General Asst mFC ot the UFA ( onvennon tnd (.( form m the Salt Pa) m THE ri tut n f i nr' Portland thev will he tivoKi o with a busv schedule of ei formances, competitions, md a recording session Included in their per r mance schedule whl he communitv concert to in ON ented Apr i H gt si Davis tor iim rht tl Will os, (mforrn ?l Ml Mall hi open th. F'stival of At s Another in the ta'ion thal has been accept id bv DHy Sy rnphonv mrhestra is one to perform on KSL TV in the Annual stt i ling St h !ar Aw ard presentation c 'o, sv Week of the Young Child, April 2 8 proclaimed bv Governor Scott Matheson, will be celebrated in Davis County with childrens art exhibits, story telling, music activities and a puppet show as well as activities for parents ACCORDING to Jill Johnson Davis ( ounty activities chairman, the week will be sponsored by the Utah Association for the Education of Young Children and Davis University of Utah Children three to eight must be accompanied by their parents at all events held at Davis University of Utah 179 East 500 South, Bountiful "We encourage parents to exhibit their childs art work, Ms Johnson said Entries must be in fx fore April 3 A STORY telling session is planned for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of that week from p m A puppet show is planned on Friday On Wednesday, April 5, Dr Elliott Landau will speak on 78 has het p nu will to ht a very bus, c hoel 73 hif.fi conhnue vc ir f fit students and them mstrui tor, Ru hard Ma'sden I hi . don't rat A ARF dc dii ati cl to ellence is individual' and rs a group and ire anxious to provide a community ser He rough their a hu it nunts io music re 4-- Children's Behavior at 8 p m at the Davis campus On Saturday, April 8 from 10 a m to 2 p m activities for parents and children will include painting, collages, wood gluing, sensory center, small large muscle activities, clown and magic show, number concepts, childrens back of the curb line and placed out for collection in such a manner that it can be readily loaded on trucks This spring cleanup is an effort to cleanup and beautify our city, after we get the job done lets keep it that way' sters during this special week Care a little more Show them how really impnr tant they are " ture parents, workers and Mr and Mrs Jay Green spent a few days last week in Nevada on a combined business and pleasure trip Mrs Mary Scoff leld and her family, Mrs Pat Smith and family, Mr and Mrs Nate Scoffield and family, Mrs Crilla Scoffield, all of Kaysvi le, Mr. and Mrs Richard Calderwood of Tremonton, all traveled to Malad, Ida on Sunday to at tend the blessing and naming THE special week activities are free of charge for children their by accompanied parents, according to Ms House Gin- Pre-Scho- Committee members for the week are Dorothy Pollock, Nadine Simons, Peggy Morrell, Lou Jean Paul, "Committee members have their time and monies to make these events possible for the parents and children of Davis County, Ms Johnson said The theme of the week at Davis University of Utah is "Meet My Needs " rk - RECREATIONAL County planner Scott Carter said that the contracting firm, Securiiy Development and Fence, has completed the electrical work and the light posts are in place The site is now waiting for county road shop crews to provide the road base, final grade and asphalt before the development company can finish the job ALTHOUGH Commissioner Glen Flint committed county road shop crews to do the asphalt work, Mr Carter said there is some doubt whether the road shop crews have the proper equipment to lay the second h ) rg fur he I vt iMtv u' i (a1 Be jr t A i t lor. t( ii l w Jig l Mi , f t at j i F i i ks in c w i i i p,s, ,, j US( ail panning di t, pa n f i r- t i ! 1 n i rtf hs Ii,g ill ( WORKING (i sto i and a J(d n w tty ! t f. ii I n e , a ml t. "1 , i its a u ry ht ro m bisiC o.i n it w ot wh 0 tt i 2 figure s ind in ir an o w iv v ht u i hara n ireti s it h, hum in figuo i r 'inn ! Ir using t sen nini d ttac hing of ippron h in audioim, John hopt s to git a firm wdobjectiu knowledge hi-- of Mguri s'udi 'its in) Tint ANDSC API , to lx taughi by taxn r, and Mi.Oi i of kt 'i photography lass, Shooting Fxtursions Workshop ', begin Saturd re i t ( hndri p's April Workshop lot ages o 12 u,.rs will begin on Saturday, April t 1 h , siruituif ind help to avoid tht very subjei live urors ir. pertep turn and idmsynthrasie- - that often ini ur when drawing the figure without a background in anuioim IN THI ponrni and figure ip nidition to painting da, Home Ruvs j rising energ, msis, buvi rs continue to preti r laige homes, reports Interna tionai Market Research Ri posts Four bedroom houses have increased in miiket share while two De-p- in Jerri Sherman, bedroom and Janice homes popularly dec lined in A th have ertisement SPEAKING OF MONEY HOWTO AVOID INCOME TAX ERRORS By EZRA T. CLARK President Davis County Bank The orris and Mrs James Dugger of England Mr. and Mrs to make 'lire vou are i sour federal mm mm lax re lorn lxs.1 way thi' tlx lining made Dugger have been in England for the past two and one half years where he has been manager of budding con struction tn the British Isles and South Africa for the DS Church i i g year re to ayoui tin mrelaki -- other Wen gelling low to "D" Day tin deadline tht' year re April 17 -ami enough return-hay- e Ihs-i- i filed for Revenue Internal Mr. Dugger has been transferred to Salt Lake City where he will be manager over all construction for DS 1 ''erviu lo di tn l a iinmioii thread ol i rrorv May he you hayenl oven looked at tho-- e lax form- - thal were madid to von around New A ear- - Dax When von do you will find there are- four lax lahh- - in i.i-- 1 year tin re wa only um - tin re thal o many p Iirhaje. lir-- 1 lh IIIU'I lie refi lax lo rriug I aide (hex find lit llieir lax lorm p,n kag and are deli running iheir lax I mm thal one iial - not the way to do tl (hdv om ol ihoM- four T ax T aide- - fit' your i a uu mamisl. married filing jointly, inarm d filing eparalelv. or hi ad of hoii-- i hold I e the wrong lahh- - and yon will gi (hi wrong aii'wer for your tax I lie xs mill mo- -t tonimon i rror that Ini' tiirmsl up si far re the inrehaudlmg id dtshiet mire What we have ome In know oyer many ha years a the 'tandard dedmliou now I.H-ehnuiidtisl When they dreiard-e- Temples Holiday guests of Mr and Mrs Welling and family were Douglas and Flise Welling and Miss Martha Hatcher ail of BYU at Provo, a nephew Paul Petei son of Las Vegas, Nev , Mr and Mrs ( N Ot tosen, tlder and Mrs Henrv D Taylor, all of Salt Lake City Mrs Taylor and Mrs Otlosen are sisters of Mrs MR. CARTER said he has received pressure from the tennis association to get the courts completed since no citv in the north end of the county currently has enough courts to supply their needs rk urre mi v c el tpk ting Parkin 1 a-- on Welling SIGN UP NOW! -- e 1 - -- CERAMIC CLASSES hot mix flat enough to eliminate low places in the courts The bid for the construction firm specified that when the county asphalt work was completed in the spring that Security Development would put the sealing acryllic coat on the courts, put up the light fixtures, and paint and fence the courts. Expert instruction Wednesday afternoon Friday evening 7-- 12-2:- 10 p.m. 30 p.m. d the of the term. Internal Riymm Inult dial amount dirts tlx into the m w lax Tahlts. While you won t ms- il thi re. limit into the table' in -- m h d it lure bts-- KARENS HORNER iix- - - Main at Center - Kaysville THE MONEY for construc- tion will be shared by the county and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) through a $36,000 matching grant The Halhe DeGroot, Mrs Wendell Hess and family are her sister and family, Mr courts must be completed bv Dec 1978 to qualify for the grant money The county has already budgeted money to pay the $18,000 match Commissioner Flint had proposed the county make up a part of their matching funds by laying the asphalt The bid from Security Development and Fence was for $29,500 Shelly iho 1 Linda Heydorn, a' n re n a hug me !it,nduions prngr i n it thi I nivers tv in Virginia Owens, Tipton, Welling, Bishop and Mrs Maurice Lee, Mr and Mrs James Brough, Mr and Mrs Richard Allen and their families spent the Easter holiday weekend in southern Utah at the Moab, Arches and Dead Horse Point National Parks Houseguects of Mr and donated fn I iid t rretv of I l.P i . Haydom, Kathy Oakley, son of Mr and Mrs Bryce Scoffield Mr and Mrs Lawrence Tennis Courts May Not Meet Deadline The cons FARMINGTON truction of four new tennis courts planned at the Davis County Park in Fruit Heights may not be completed by the April 30 deadline Owens, Shanon of the infant Marilyn Billings and Helen Fackrell juarti r John, a gtadu The students of Billie J Owens will be presented in a piano recital Friday, March 31, at 6 30 p m at the Layton West Stake Center, 1591 West loOO North, Layton A VARIETY of numbers will be presented by Michelle Parkin, Karen Oakley, Pam Kaysvillc decision makers As adults, we have a major responsibility to encourage and nurture their growth and development ( f h v i - Piano Recital Is Slated Thanks Mrs Norma Matheson, honorary state chairperson said, "We must recognize these young children as fu i Sunak NATIONAL Library Week is April 2 8 Librarians thi nation over are urgmg you io drop by and discover the joys of books and reading AIL TRASH must he piled GOVERNOR Scott Matheson in proclaiming "The Week of the Young Child said, "Children need lespect, too, so be a little more attentive to all young John Erickson Teaching At Bountiful Art Center vrii io 1 cleanup will be collected, however, the cleanup truck will not take orchard trimmings, tree stamps, con strumon materials and the like Old cars or car parts will not be hauled if the owner wishes to dispose of these, he may do so at the N Davis Refuse Dump liteiature and phonics Johnson, director of the .lie Citys Annua! 1 mpldin howevi t, about Iht Mm rnd hard work involved m making tU ir rc hr stra Ui U sstfll Cl gerbread 1 r, 2-- 8 "The n N mg Cleanup has been set Mr the weeks of April 10 and M re! i4"8 ( LI AM P true ks wi' begirt on the west side of VL street on Monday , Apr! hi, and will begin on the east tit of Mam Street on April Tour b, at 8 00 am ( i map must be out bv tht tin- - specified above for yout dt of town because once thi nows have collected on youi met, they will not return Anything put out after spring ( ' anup is over will not be hauled by the city All regular house and yard Heck Oflhe Young Child Proclaimed April By Governor Scott Matheson "Changing oh Kavsville bp ring Cleanup i! s IH) m HM AuOl- - 1H1 i1 the early school n . i used on a high school level, alter com pet lion with over 80 from the orchestras -- Kuna High School Apnl basics As for the future, if current low reading scores are ay indication, the picture is tust as bleak HOW CAN you help Read ing with your family- and telling stories to the smallest meniTiers-ca- n make children realize that reading is fun Remember the best source ot books-a- nd of suggestions 'oi titles thatll turn kids on is your local Davis County I iDrary Several of the books that kids especially enjoy are "The Verv Hungry Cater pillar," by Eric Carle, The Tally po, by Joanne Goldone, ' Song of the Trees, bv Mildred D Taylor; "Good tents Every Kids Guide to Making Money, Amazing He Games Co ; " W Id Mouse, by Irene Brady LIBRARIANS are remind ing older readers that thev have books on everything Horn backpacking to raising thddren lately Science Fiction boots are m demand with the vourg adults Favorite titles are Star Wars," by George I ucas, Imperial Earth by Arthur C. Clarke, The Mott m (Kid's Eye", and A World Out of Time", by Larry Niven, Shakespeare s Planet by Clifford I) J 766-083- 3 J that thi allowam e determined for you w av ha' het n return prt m I lire re the lime lo profit from the retake' of other' |