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Show 0UTH DAVIfDVETlSER DAVIS COUNTY CUPPER, WEEKLY REFLEX LEADER smm LEWS JOURNAL, DAVIS MARCH 30-3- 1978 1, YOU!) CO, r a R '9mEmm E'a li E!PJiPF c n Vi PAY N SAVE CORPORATION PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU APRIL 5, 1978 iVfiP DEPARTMENT 'N8S6ISB9i89S6lhfc ' v sJ & fetfwr & ke . pMSKT-,. m w--m H in stf - x I -- Mi illh S t J & ! Net 4 iw " f V 70. i:rj Sb S s?! J f Hag. 9.S5 I ARII0LD Li 4J Ti lATCIIIilG BLADE IIOYI1E Reg. 18.98 h!) . LJUhiU'.JUu yOL'L n Arr?t vf TOfJL CLAZEH Pulls dead thatch out of lawns Fits most rotary mowers ra r r nf Covers 4 500 Sq Ft Provides Uniform Greerng for 6 to 8 wees 3 arici'ys s 21-3-- Rackets v ScomdAti Largest Select on of Tiles in the Valley II 12x12' TT y 6) & 3 Lb. Halofill Flannel Lined Reg. B3 nB l'i) BSGH COLEi.mn 2 MANTLE y. "ERS tLZACXTini P3 D3 ALL-WEATH- 100 Ft. Circle of Light for 12 Hours h I (?) w Tirra 1 , (0)93 ER REFUSE qr5ffil CONTAINER ,5 w Rocluvell MODEL 7200 Lightwe ght only 7 5 lbs 2 4 amp motor develops 13 000 rpm to drive 6V in blade Double insulated, UL listed Auxiliary guide for sure control Reg. 7.79 Reg. 21.98 lift "F Sturdy metal construction 30 gallon capacity - 1 f GAEBASR GAK L- 1 c Washable z u BP J&z Poles & y -- ra TUP2F n f if' JI lEPARTMENT V VoiScy bali It 4 ftV r, E"7H f 3 r wwsfwriWSSBS iPORTCRAFT O' f r-- tflJ L Reg. 34.95 32 Gal Unbreakable Won't Crack or Warp Reg. 31. SB Model 220J-19- 5 Reg. 19.95 1 v, kW. r j " mm I To fit most MODEL 7230 DELUXE TRIMMER TEMPERED GLASS Pushbutton conversion from sidewalk edger to grass trimmer 7 5 amp motor drives big 8 blade at 5 000 rpms Auxiliary handle included Equal to torque of 1 V. H P motor bo I cars ' Reg. 49.99 Available in White or Brown SI JOBES TREE FOOD SPIKES Ea. Reg. 2.49 SCREEN DOORS JACK 1-LI- FT Can be used as a come along Ideal for pickups NOW IB1 1 Reg. 42.07 158 E. PAGES LANE 292-843- Mon.-Fr- i. 1 STORE HOURS Sat. Sun 9-- 9-- CEIJTERVILLE STORE 9 7 10-- 6 EIHIKTISUTJIEI ELMERS GLUE-AL- L 8 ounce squeeze bottle Dries clear, fast and strong CQC 2 WSa. WITH THIS COUPON REG.1.3S LIMIT One coupon per customer Cash value Pound fertilizer spikes into ground and ram does the rest 5 spikes per box Aluminum one continuous shelf bracket Easily installed n REG. 1.19 LIMIT 4 7A(ea. WITH THIS COUPON One coupon per customer Cash value 20 of V Pncea ehective thru April 5 1978 IN-STO- 7 49 to 2 9 95 ERNST ADVERTISED MERCHANDISE POLICY Out firm intention t 10 hv every dvrtted item a deecnbed m me ad tn stock and on our snt'ves an advertised item is not ava iabt tor purenas due to any un tor teen reason wa will issue a ramcneck on request so mat you may purchase me item at a latar data Our policy t to satisfy our CuStomarf INIS BARE SPOT CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE 10 6 GRASS SEEDER QZ cartrioga Bonds penets floors onderteyment and toam insulation 1 4 alfacliva Shaker-bo- 1 JO oil' Pncaa ttvu Aon! 5 1978 for tedding bare x toot i and REG. 1.98 12 LIMIT 3 WITH THIS COUPON Ch value CXCOCT CARD thin area lb. box quickly g 22 REG. 2.95 LIMIT 2 Sm WITH THIS COUPON One coupon per customer Cash value 1 20 of V Pnces elective thru Apr 5 1978 NISISR STRETCH B Dl BANDS 12 UMIT6 REG 29 19 e EA. WITH THIS COUPON One coupon per customer Cash value 1 20 of V Prices effective thru Apm 5 1978 F |