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Show t WEEKLY REFLCx um..o GE.vS JOURNAL Street strip ol Highway the 89, to centerline of Utah 1Gb thence Northwestern along the centerline of Utah 10b, to a Southwex terly projection of a northerl limit of ruit Heights City, thence Northeasterly, Northern and East along the Northern limits of said - to a West l.rmt of said being also the West line of Section 1 T 3N R1 W, thence North along rte West line of Section 1, be ing also a West limit Lne of b ruit Heights City, to a point on A South limit hoe City City , , thence Southwesterly Fruit Heights thence Soumeas ) terly along the centerl ne of Highway K to a point on the St uth I nt of Section T 3N R 2 W running , thenee West along the South Lne of Set tion 2 T 3N Rl W to the Southwest comt r of Section 2 them South along the Sect line to the Quart, r cornel t ommon to Sec turns 10 11, thence W est a! Quarter section lne- - i etions 10 an 4 n , Shores of the Great 3 babe thenc e ful w t Northwest riy a , ng p Snores of the Great Sa I ale toan in' rs ( t St eenkrl wi,h the tf ne t. t K ,s Creek them e Northt is t terly ah ng the Cente sj J C rt t k to the N e 1 line Section )2 T f i the nee W ast I 4 Rl duirif, the 32 North line cf 3ttiur a Soul h ht i, r e District Hun cl my of Leg s nice Disti k t J to 'he 1 ist RijJit Ui Wav ne i it It e D A R G W aKo I Hen. Railroad coir r Kin boundary of Cen ter the and W e- -t Bounnf J Cit,es, tfeme East, Sou'n Fast and South along tht N, rth and East bom dar S reet the ne Nunn a,or g the centerline ot said To the certtrl ne of Mrth Street thence Spet 200 West aLog the centerline of 200 N "h i,rrtt to the centerline ot 500 bast Sueot The point ot begi of Wtst Bount ful City t mrg 8 w Kaysville Begin mrg at a po nt cornmoi to rht centerl ne of kavui m Ncrth Main Street and North brut lire projected said C uy and running Perce Northwesterly a, 'ne certerhne cf slid Sc ut D Nh n stm! t0 ts ct Lacton Cuy , t N "heds'c rly a' rg t )r S i n 'set t t e Ws R gPt uf l w h ,rr tert ' t ' ht 1 c r - ; j 1 p r e yftl) s u h IM' - 1 d r er In e et ic C , A ' ( N t r it i i tht ! C tl 1 8) u ( hd! t K (FI 'e 1 ne t'e tilt t of lG) to the et nit t S a bast Street thme orttu asterly akin th ter one of sa d i 'It ct .lternne i t 1 . Sir-- t s limits along 2 Sinnn W ay thence r'hweMerlv a'org sa d 3mv to H,e ci n't time uf "xi taxt Street thtnee r alorg the enter f 7 xi E ast Street , e of t centerline He I i " iGxs uriv fence N lOwem riv along the , n ", , f s ud Stre t to m S N ' stnvt ! uht unti i j F v j 1 s 1 , i ) ' , and Northwesterly alorg the centerline of the Old Mountain Road to the cen terhne of 200 North Street ,'i thence West along the centerline of 200 North Street, to the West limits of Fruit Heights City, thence following along the West and North limits of Fruit Heights City, North Southwesterly, Northwes terly, Easterly, North Northeasterly and South to a point on the South line of Section 25, T 4N R W 1 thence Fast along the South line of Section 25 T 4N R1 W' and on Fast along the South lines of Section 30 29 and 28 T 4N R1 F to the Day is Morgan line thenee County Southeasterly along the Davis Morgan Counly hie to an intersection with he South line of Set ton 3 T 4N R1 F, thenee West along the South line of Section 3 4 5 and 6 T3N Rl f am on West along South line i f T JN Rl W Section point on an Fast Bound iry of Fruit Heights City lot 1 Wtst thence South Northwesterly Southwesterly, West North West Southwesterly Northwes terly and West along tht South limits of f ruit Heights to the center hi t of the median strip of L S 39 thence Highway Northeast! rl v along th' centerline of the me h m strip to the centerline of the Old Mountain Road the point of be ginning (K) Beginning at the mtei set ti ms of the tt nterlme of Kaysyiile North Main Street (Utah 10b) and Holmes Cretk and run c ning thence Southc aste r along the centerline o' Kaysyiile North M i n Street to the eerier!, rc the m 400 W est Street Sou'h along the center! m of said Stieet to the c terhne of 2nd North Stret t thence West alorg th, centerline of said Sins t to the centerline of GOO W si thence South along the centerline of MM) Wes' Street to the centerhne of 100 South Street the m Fast along the centerlm of 100 South Street to the centerline of the med an p Kaysville 1 e 15, them t strip of Southeasterly along the 1 the median on i a to point strip southerly boundary of Kaysyiile City running centerline of thence bast Southeas terly, and Fast along the f Southerly boundary Kaysville to the centerline of 50 West Street, thence North along the centerline of 50 West Street, to the centerline of 350 South Street, thence Northeas terly along the centerline of said street, to the cen ttrline of Utah Highway e 106, (Kaysville South Main Mn - x ( , in , , t f i v , l North and West bru t H, ights mit tin itv to P e Kaysville I of centerline C of South M u,n Street (Ltih H6) tht n t Northwc st, along the t ntirline cf said Main Stret t to the (enterline of South S00 Street, theme Fast aim g the centerline of JO0 South Stnvt to the C interim, , f 400 ast Strt 1 then L 1 anti rlmt ast Stm t to tne North along the of 400 I lenierlsm of 200 South Street thtm e ast along the centuline of 2)0 South Street to the centerline of hOO ! est St re e t , tht nt North along; the t ntc rlim of 600 I ast Stmt to tht , t ntet line of enter Strei the point of be ginning r kaysville J. (boun C daries are unchanged) s kavsv life 4 ( boun daries are un, hangt d) t Kaysv ille 5 ( bouo darits are unch ngod) u Kaysv lile 6 ben ning at (tic intersecti, n ( the ,1 centerlines R ad a j Cristwood kaysvilh North 'I , n S' reel (L tab inf) and r., i mug th, m Nor'hc i it a along the c t ntc rl n e t ( rt stwood Road to th, cintrhne Strt of J9 W, t th, net Northwt s t bit c, nt, rl m Stret t to th, ( t It rlv along of 30 Wt st 00 North ctnteriinc S'ret t th, net North, is , f tc rlv along the ct nterlme of sa J Stret t and prog r tmn the r, of to a pom on the South lint of S, ( tun 26 T 4N Rl tn, W n along the South St tion tit Inn it ( to tht Qu 2f in, Quarter Section corner airfield Dm, COO N(,rth Stnvt) them, West and Nortliw, sierls f along the pro, cud onor lint and ct nt'rlin of s nd Stri ' t to a point on th North mit lino of Kns ilk it tt , n, t toll, wing a ong 'he s ud Nor'h limits W t s ,,f Ka , sv n le C H it rly North S uh is tt rlv W , st No 'hwes N irth t, rly nd to H , un South wt sit rl N, rt h t, rl me of K a. sy Ma r Mm, t (C ih ) and t ur mrg the n, e Sou'h, is teriy jit ng tht o nt, rl'r', ,,f s n s r, , t to tht t , n f ( rest wo, cl Rod I C e X net mt of tn, p, y rug tt , hx innirg Kay sv ille a! tht mt emu rime Bt gin rsution of of NtO f ast 7 Sinvt and 200 N irth Str t ' and running thtnee Nir'b along the ce ntirline if snt, b ast Street to th, (in ! rime of ( rest wood Road them Nor'heasurl, along ihi i, nterlme of slid Road to the S iuth l.ne of Stction 26 T 4N R W the ne e f ast along the South line of Set Mon 26 to a point on the i est boundary of F rjit Heights City, thenci following ttie West boun W dary of West b ru t Heights C ity Southeasterly and South Southwesterly South to a point on the Centerline of Center Street, thtnee Southwis terly and West along the centerline of said Street to the centerline of 600 East rth S'ret) then, t id Not thwest, rl , H e projected certt rlnu t said siuet i i ( u' us of K t h i ille ( ity them e follow inh West Northwesterly Nonh ard Southwesterly to 'Ik a n ttrline of Kaysville N, rth Main Striet, the p, in' ( t I tab and of the and e W S'reit thence South the centerline if reef r, )undar' t a oi b i iff! s al, th ne ( Northwisttrlv along th, centerline of t JO West Stnvt to the ienttrlin thtnee VK) North Street of Northiasti rlv a'org n, , enterl in, of st'O Nor'h Strut to a poir on t n, South Imi of Senior, 26 T 4 R I W t henr e List along the South n( ot s n f Set t,on to t c ( , rterli i d Road then,, Southwi stt rly a! ing th, l, nti r ne or ( restw o, df R h! to th, ( , nt, rhn 500 b as' Strutt the n , S u'h a'ong tht ct nt rlin xi f ast Street to 'ht of unit rime of 2o() North Sins! th, ni e Wist a long the ( i nterlme of SU' t m the e, nterlme f Kavsviile Main St r, , t , (re-twuo- sit , th, me Northwest, r1 , a al ng he centc rime S rut to tni ce nti rim, , Crestwood R,ud the p nnr of beg nnng of s West Bountiful Beginning at th, int, rs z 1) , (bound irit 7 I 1, rt si I 1 nta' Nortu S then, e t pi, iit-i , m Lake tn a projection of the i i lO d t, N i right w j ' g c tn n iihtr r 3 o e O 'rt', ter utt s B vd to , as cen the pud jj.ywrsiprJ S i ,j n t h rim, if y said k r line of 30 bast Street thence Southwest, ,fngp ,he c enti rime f asl Stnvt to tm i, nterlme of 100 So jt h , t 3 , i r, , t thence Southe isti pi ilnpg he centf rime , f a, j strep; and pr, ,e t n ,gj( reof (() the North s uth v , re IN R) w i f tn Stnvt (hn Wot i It h the i mit rlmt of s a Streit to a Wist boun i i v of Bountiful ( ity tin u following Hon tie City bound iry 3 (g ,, b ist to ht t is! Qu it , t, Stction 6 1 IN Rl t hi nti S ii th Hong t ast p, of th, S ni ' ! m 6 , Qu irti t of S fx ing i West, b ui t ti Quarter wiion 12, T ne South , u t , j I i i Bountiful ( ii South, ist ( urn, of f, r Sec tion on the tx i urn, r ing also 3 f turn 6 3 IN Rl i t West along th, 3 mt) of said St i t ion t ii p i hast limit North S l't ikt ,, t ( i thmie following th, N limits of North S ilt I Cit North Wist Southwesterly " t , Soil N uh an ) Northwesterly to tht ct n terhne of Orchird Dri thence Northeasterly a, ong the centerline of Orchard Drive to the centerline f 3400 South Street tht point of beginning h Davis County 4 (bnu" daries are unchangf d ) i Davis 5 County are (boundaries unchanged) j Davis Counly b. (boun daries are unchanged) k Davis County 7. (boun daries are unchanged) I Bountiful ( BT F L ) (boundaries ar, unchanged) Bountiful 2. (boun daries are uni hanged) n Bountiful S: (boun m 1 it niiwis N B tb t it i 1 v 11 S a Wst a'org said o t i i W, sr O n i irit i St , t d pr oec t, d c , n i f M x) s 'U,h Sut , t 0 o, ( t in, rl ne of F um D.vt Hu n t North along " . ni, rlmt of s ud Dri e to i i.t t pi t p r n of 22fH) I e i i ,ii, ith St reel thence b ist i'i g the t tntu line of 2200 S u'h Sin et to the t n a Hi ii if HN b ast Strt n ti ii e North along the rline of s ud Stnvt to the t o', re of Lvfxirah Di ivi (20 N S mth S,ret) thenee 1 it dong the centt rline ol - , 3 Strt t to the ct n t, rlmt of 12'X) I ast Stref i ht 1 N rth along the t n 0 h it of 120(, East Sins t lo h Centerline ot the Mu lo r Park Road ( IS ill S ith Sireet) the point of G pining s Bountiful 37. Beg nnmg S 1 North W est and North along the W est and South limits of Bountiful City to an inter section with centerhne of 3700 South Street, the point ot lx ginning 8 R 66 lection District pusentative District L t y re intrsection rimes of d i of the 2150 South bast Sir, running tht net i a- -t ind t h t , 4'K) utiurlmeof 21 o to the it n 3r,et f 7 ast strt 1 S uth along th, (, n ft , le of " Xi b ast St ret t to h of San i , r.it rline s neon W iv (23(X) South) nt f is. Southeast and N th, istirly along t fie , in ne of said Stret t to lentt rline of b laine I) v, thence North along on. Drive to a point on h" gunner Section lint i lme , XI b 1 ( j'so being an pr net tmn of the ' ' t 2400 nu b ( asterli interline South Strtet) East along thi Stction line and trttr nerline projection 2 400 Qu of South Street to the u nterlme of Mill Creek the r,ce following the cen t, rlmt of Mill Crevk lo (he South line of Section 34, T 2NR1 E thence West along the South lines of Section 34, U and 32 to the centerline of Bountiful Drive, thence Southwesterly along the , nterlme of said Drive to the centerline of Chelsea Drue, thence Northwesterly and Southwesterly along the centerline of said Drive to 'he projected cen ( r t k K.l ( GL R - 3 IN- i (. F D d f ( it e v a Li f s its D Pub Ft Mirth hpp on t M 1 s )' L ti i 1 G 1 ' x ll J n"i, In Put ( x v Thi d it , H x 0( ' t -- ) t ' NOIH b I S! f H THI DH 1AL D1ST K't I ( ui r D V IN AND FOR COL MT, SI ATI Ul iN Jl AL It. M F (CHADWR f lli ,N A I -- L K) bl miti'f s CHARI ' ( S L Y , uivn ht lx tindant 10 CHARI TS ( AeY DI 1 I ND AN I WINTTRS Youaie fxrthv nxjj," fiU an anew r m the writ ir j, whit h ' omplaint f.led with th. C b'tn Cl in t , k f if ,v i tht Da i s County ( ourt mirg'on b tah w ahn 2 f rr m the d d he ht re, ' mad a topv of end ansx, r t SCOTT W HOfT Fla r " s att imey If you fail to d -by d f ml' w HI 6 taxi n against you fir t ht rt lief dem ind, d in s d ludnit nt nmp! tint C non w s(ori Anomtv at I ,w North M on Stret t ivt in I ih 3, 4' 6o Pub' Had in i hi 1 Wit k m 2 t Rt Ilex irst publu anon F M I HITS I ast puhlu ution Apt il H - H1 ' in No NOIH. I ro Rl DI TORS ANT) ANNOLNCLMl Nr Oi APPOJMVUN! Prob he No 2 2772 ( 1 are unchanged ) Section 2 In the opinion of the Board of County Commis sinners of Davis County, this Ordinance is necessary for the peace, health, and safety cf Davis County and the mhabi tants thereof, therefore this 0RD1NANCF shall becomeef fectne immediately upon its passageanduponacopv beirg published in accordance with law and upon a copy being deposited in the office of the Davis County C It rk Farming b state k D of b Id se R, l W ie i as, d W ilium J W rq ht w hose addrins is 724 bast Mutton hollow Road kdvsulk I t ih 840 J7 h is bt n appoint d Personal Rispresmt invt of c the i st hi dtceduit abovt n imid rtditi rs of thi is latt are hi i by nonfie J to pi , st nt tht ir unis within tm months ifti r tht thi, f the ( i st p a li i ition of th s d noni nr h, fin, e h (if th C 1 , v ton Utah Unanimously passed and approved bv the Board of County Commissioners of Davis County, this 2!st d iv of March 19SCommissionersC Moss Glen W Flint and WendillN 7augg all voting 1V( W 11 Pt is George Atfoi nt R' prest o A A ,1 R, pi, Id'll i'rd St Ogden It il, m, ni ini' i mu m . lute for Pt v WRIGHT AM J 1 sum 1 1 (, t R a South Wiber (SW ) (boundaries BCURDOb DAVIS COINTV COMMISSIONERS ByC I Moss e ht ve d nx af ti f . f.c bids Bountiful City), thence gin to the a nt i line of k th, nt e So u h b rlv along the 1 1 n i riit of M C rc- - k t an c tion w th tht f ast t r, i W i t)u mb r set turn hn, s ,f sw ops 3f and J2 T 2N R i (1 mg also lun aim ud nta' with the proj, i'i,1 ,t if , fin,f of 24II ih South si a t ( df eh Drive) Dm S' h ', i t r,n boundary pn s, nti ivt District 5" iw mg thence Sou' h dm f - nd Ft prt m nt it'v. , i Ui, m s u i mit rs, tion of i si nt rlin s of the M . II, Pat k Road (1800 3 ut! trect) and 1200 Fast and running Mreet thtnee Fas along the t , no i line of 1800 South ind pro jet Don r h, ' , f t ) a point on a f i ii' r L ,st limit line t f H, u I lul ( ty being also i , f Dt ,v t tm aim g Hit tt i bountiful r , , 1 n p a a! Ui i tip, v te il i , 1 c h a,ot g'hi ert, rlin, i f - (a,k D to tGt tin on n "f 900 f ast Str-- 1 , i , N irth tlong the u n t i m ut 00 bast S r,vt to !, , enter line of Inxi South v et tht p, irt of bf pin it Sojthweserly hence South iter ne of , , f tot f , uy rly j'heas u - , " ni of 1 , i 'd 'ItIv H 1 rim, rt n, t h, a Nort heasi, t, rly t ) th Odell aie alorg tht , Ode ane t , (. 3 4J pure " j o ly , p , i t Southwtst ne of f r I, s- - i a), N, 1 h, ri h 3,1 Ni S th, 1 a ong the 1 1 t, i hn, of s ud strei t to ti m, lire h , of 50 b ist Strei t ut Northt ast, rly ind Noi'h c along tht enic r line of muI Streit to the lenterhne of i 1 , w p' rut S f Pf H f L , , N ec t t j-- , i of Wav "I said the and i hfghwiy H ,tv ( , r i n t t t i uth Strt W In, if the tentirline ot loo ! mt Stre et the ni t South, is terly along the it nt, i On, of Bonnie ill Dr a, to H cent, rline of TOO So it t3 i I t ri m along the Great Salt Lake thenee Northeasterly along the Shores of the Great Salt s;f I e. t, BonnuiMe Dt ie tht m , Southeasterly along tt tt nti rlmt of said Di it to a North Salt I ak (NM ) r ' I Beg Oil g i H st 1 on of tG i a - Sut i the I ake ( nuniy , , ! I I ntc rl n, i Jt rd m r, Pie, t nd r g ' Nor lit Mv 1 Hr h ten G ' t, rl ne i ,n g to 'h, , , ' " n ( r ( , mi S - c i (it-t d i g , thereof to the Shores of th, m w t e 17 me of 50 lo the c pit t "j S, J j ! m' I l n't ni I Si I (hi s 6 t, e (h v t point on tht u nt, r' u if Si W,st 3t r, t t hi nc S ith istirl , i rg tt . i 3 non if the centerlm, Pages lane and a wist limn of West Bountiful C ity and running the n West, North and Wu! along the centerline nf Pages Lane and projection 13 i a (h u u un lutu, d p Bountiful Is ( d in, s am uni hat h ij q Bountilul 14 e diru ar, an, h ng' , r Bountiful 2ft ( dini s are uni harg r) s of C r, st w n ,d f Road to the centerlm, 12 haivi urn Bountiful o Of, nterlme to the ct nt t r i xKt South Strn t, the r , I a.st a!org the renttrli i, ( f hxi South Stieet to n leu'ffhne of 3,0 We t Stm t the ru i NoitP, t, tly along tht e, r tt f said Sire, t to the i n S un te rl lit of 35(H) Stm t tht ih e f isti tlong tin u nterhne ot i et Stm t to the ent, t am of J25 ist ct rt i t U t tu o Nor'h, i let ly H, n, tl , t, nt, rlmt of s ed Strn t t , the n nteil nt of JiX) W , Strut the net Norlhi ,s U Uy alone the c ri , ' 'in unttrlire u unchanged) n Wtst Stre, l. d fv (Boundaries Rt , 3 Fit S iu i St rt e I them e So , h, , t riy along t fit , ,, t, rlnu of i X) South Stt,s t o tht of 2no We , S''ett Hit rut N irh d u g tfe i inter! nt n s u i , ' n i rim Stnvt to th , i !oo Soul h St r ih, b ist al mg th, i, nti i in , of G(l Soiit h Str, , t 'o i ll i eh Boi ntilul 14 i m, s an un, lui m B mntiful 15 (t p , irie s am un, hii, n Bountifu1 lo i a i !' ) t with ut 1 t un, fo .ye H 'if b r O its i i , ,f sud Strts of t, llu , a, t , I , Kavsviile 11 B( v in f t ning at the inursei the centerlines of K s vile North Main Slit t (Utah 106) and Crest wood Road and running ,ht n, e Northeasterly along ll , )() (Biff) Bountiful d iries art ll'le Westerly prog cted ten tetlinf of 100 South S,r,s ' c i e k j' sc t , , truss Bountiful j f s , i e ", s tries are d i i o ( Bountilul 11 (t, dai.ts are unihan,.' dj ' , I z ,u i , i W alot t Nor'h line of Section 5 1 N Rl E thence East along the N jrth lines of Section 5, 4 3 2, and 1, to the Northeast comt r of Section 1, T IN Rl b thence South along the b ast 1 me of section to the Nor'hwest comer of Section fi T IN R2 E, thence East along the North line of Sec t.on 6, to a point on the Davis Salt Lake County l.ne, thence Southwesterly along the Davis Salt Lake County line to a point on the South line of Section 2, thence W est along the Sojth line of Section 2, 3, 4, 5, to a point on the West line of Section 5, T IN Rl E (Also bung a West limit line of t Ih d n g ' X t st , ' It l f rt o t 'ei I in i f I, I hi ,1 I1 , y 2 Bountiful 9 u' are uni ham i,i t h Bountiful 19 ( ,t ddrie s are unc hang's1 j. t enc e full, w r l Cite ai ,ng the s o J C its b u i d in, W es Nor,h AW,' to the centc rlin, , tp, midi an strip of I thence Northwt stt i Iv ini n lint N rth along the ( of said m, di an strip to ti , the po nt of bcginn toss Woods c' itu-- ) a point on a s S j (ttoundaries i m hit ged) f Bountiful 8. daries are unchang i ') ross (VC) unchang, d ) e Bountiful eentcKhne of said Strs t t i the tenter! ne of ixi S it', rHne of t t s I (boundaries HX-- nM (kk s C hails, ed; UIK Kaysville South Mon H em t Street (Utah SoutneasU rlv along th t, Hv along the ( , nt, m of i1 South Stre.u to t i land iries (1) a 1 W unthan) mi) Woods t running thenct I ast il, n, the , ( nterlme of lixj South Sr ret t to the ntet bn, ot Stret thence Sou'hw, i (boundaries Kaysville 10 begin rung at the intersection i f the wesurl, project, d centerline of 100 South re, ' , I t N un, hang, d ) b Woods V S it , , f W -- a Kaysville 9. (boun daries are uni hanged) j struts iboundaitts ginning I D D i ' , nd f, ih I t t 625 Stmt ,, s , i x the Ccnterhnt me d an strip of I t, R t , Street Kavs tilt 3i mil o j.iV) Southwesterly be r i ,1 of s Stm, t Sub cl , celt rline of 525 S net thine South the i enterl mi of s uinti ul t aid Southeasterly stpit 3 rg, tl I if iiot nM t i i ) i dlmgthc said North firm of kav sv Hie C ,'y Wist North Southwesti j , d u ru , t , is lioun tht i e b i ' rime of s ti ' ul ii m'l i f to a point on 'G Nrrh boundary y f!ou ' Mr i i ti rl i nt and i c of along of the S )uth Wtst Qu irt, r , f Si non 26 3 4N R W th, nee Not th along tr,e Dinner Quart, r S, ( not ne" to the proje, ted , , n tirline (" to Nt W es a 1 os'' -, , , if H I f 1, le ! a t unit i Hot to the 1 n , i ' ih ! r , t 3 u h St, t1) tin ne , ' ir g t e c t n , s i 1 Dt t t th' rt, ii St ' Southw. sit rly alorg bast Street, thence North along the projected cen terhne of 500 East Street, of to the centerhne Chelsea thence Drive, Northeasterly and South the along easterly centerhne ot said Drive to the centerline of Bournful Drive, thence Nortneas ttrlv along said Drive to the the i f ,ft plans ard speiif i Te e , of thi r t - u- guarantee as to the te turn of tne plans he specifications amount of which w H repaid upon the retu thenc e East along tne in r u i line of Section 5 to an mtei section with a South projected centerhne of 5,,0 1 unarhnt , ) t 1 , c , r C Beginning at the inters c tion of the centerline of the centerline median strip of U S 89 Highway and th centerline of the Old Mountain Road and run ning thence Northeasterly t I s a 3'- 3 i In fit oi (!(' Heights Citv, t heme t Northwesterly along the Fruit Heights East Street to the centerline of 3100 South Street, thence Fast along the centerhne of 3100 South Street and projection thereof toa point on the W est line of Section 5T LN Rl E, thence North along the W est line of Section 5, to the N W Comer of Section 5 00 $hu of deposit of 100 nt time ot Muell, r So Road Me t) mt f B, ginning Bountiful b Btf.ii i n g mi i sn i on of tt , ne of Muell P irk ' ( 3ou South Sirei ) mt r n St net an i h m t bast aim t , , i in so j South ii o t y East Street, thence 100 1 Fiuit West limits of bruit Ht ights C.ty, also being a common boundary of b ruit Heights and Kaysyiile Ci ties, to the cen'erlme f Center Street the point ot beginning d )y proposal, said check being made payable to the B ard of Education, Davis Countv School District, must accom pany each bid as a guarantee that, if awarded the conrruet the bidder will promptly enter into a contract and execute such bonds as may be required The Owner reserves the right to reject any or ail bids and to waive any or all fer mahnes Plans and specificat'd1-mabe examined withou charge in the office of the Architect and mav be C procured from STANLEY EVANS Architect at 2 EMIGRATION CANYON SALT LAKE CITY utu North alorg the centerhne r n and of Northwesterly along the centerline of said Drive to a point on the certerhne if N "he isierly along the it nt m ' of Dav is Bivd to Southwesterly to the cen tirline of the centerline median of U S 89 High way, thence northerly along the centerline of the median strip, to the cen t( rline of the Green Road thence West Northwes terly, Southwesterly and West along the centerline of the Gtecn Road to the limits est I tne of Section 32, T 2N Rl E) thence North along the W est line of said Section to a point once agatn on the centerhne of 400 East Street, thence North along the centerhne of 400 East Street to the centerhne of 2150 North Street, the point of beginning t Bountiful 38: Beginning at the intersection of the centerhne of 3Q0 South S'reet and a West limit line of Bountiful City and run ning thence East along the centerhne of said Street to the centerline of Bonneville Drive, and running thence W he centerline of said Mnv ro the centerhne of ' Street, to the centerline of the Old Mountain Road, thence following the centerline of the Old Mountain Road West Drive, thence W est along the centerline of sasd Street to the centerlme of 400 East (also being the I of 2'X) North Southeasterly of Edgehtll (2400 South Street) i Fruit Heights City to the centerline oi 200 North Street, therut bast along the Cnterlme of terline i rt oi i f Bopihv lew i N mheastti In Dp e me' a' g ft e i r tei lme of said 1 uvt i i It (it urimt if 0 ,u mu h sin el tht nm f W s a' mi tut tei ti r nt Vtst the of 500 East Street to a point on the cen- Centerhne p Bountilul 5. Beginning at the intersections of the certerlmes of Davis Bivd and Maeuer Park Road (ISTe) South St ) and run n ng thence East along the centerline of said Road to the centerlme of 990 East street thence south along the CtnterHre of said Street to the centerline of Fam Oaks Drive, thence Sjarhcasterly along the centerlm. of Fair Oaks Dr ' e ti the centerlme of F ame Dr ye theme South a d S h h westerly alorg 'i i Beginning at the intersc tion of the centerline ot Center Street and the W st boundary of Fruit Heights City and running theme North, Northt asterly ard North terhne of 500 East Street, thence North along the projected centerhne and Bountiful 4. (boun . dartes are unchanged ) 0 I t Dn u t f d there e North darits are unchanged) Ke-'- if r1 Ml r , Bount, tul c tl w South S'ret rthwesttrlv a!org terterl.ne Eourt'tu (b urd iri 1 an. unctat gejj b West bourn tut t a Jundanes t ipith ll 1T0 dll i! t St rurimg 4 i to West a (W s 12 A 'ht nee North along the sad Quarter Section li e tie proiecttsd itrlt'l.n N IS) 1 ( "h hi r e' t ' i aie Sett on line of Section it 1 IN Rl W c i t. 3 barged) d North Salt Lake 4 Ftgmnhg at me p, mt t f mtersection of the Da s Sa't Lake County Lire anl the North South Quart i ' sir D Salt Lake woe i it ve i 2 ate (boundaries I e h, i une hanged) c North t along the existing N r,r bound r to the West i of said City thence Scu y a it g the Wert line of sa C 'y to the Page s Lane the pc r big mit, 5 r " Distric s b btfr, v North Salt Lake b boundaries line to a point on a ex st ' Vrth boundary of He K) in' ful tPerce on W s rfter'n a'e y -- Representative Dtsnm d f a.oitg the Quarter Section one of Section 12 & 13 T IN Rl W to the Davis Salt Lane County line thenee W est along the said County lire to the centerhne o! the Jordan River the point of t ) inning point on a former north boundary of said City be irg a,so the South tine . Distric' 4 thirw e West along the sd o 1 i West, North, West and North along the South and West limits of said Cit to a point on a Southeasterly Boundary of Kaysville City, thence Northeast erU and Northwesterly along the common boundary ol Kaysville and Fruit Heights, to the centerhre of the Green Road the point of beginning n MARCH 33 1978 Chairman Publisht 1 ast public Mt, st R,x! rev W Walker ( oantv ( lerk Publish, Rt fit xon d in M fubli ( ppt run irt h Tli, W , n M mn Apr H e sly 1, 2i rs (, R 23 NOTICE OF ADOPTION No The W'teklv Jt) d in Re fi, x I irst public h mn 1973 ITH R Jtl Dav is County M ireh il 197H C 60 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS St n d proposal addressed to Buird of Education Davis U'Lntv Sihtx District for the ( onst rut t ion of AN ADD1 TION TO DAVIS HIGH S( HOOl at KAYSVILLE, LTAH Day is County Ltdh for the Board of Education, Dais County Sthtxil District hi rein lfter tailed Owner in ai cordanie with plans spec ifuati, ins and contrai I I documents whuh were prepared by and may be ob tamed from STANLEY C EVANS Architect, at 2000 EMIGRATION CANYON SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH and will bt received at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Education in Farmington, Utah unfil 5 (X) P M ()! OI IN THI D1SIRH T ( OL R I DAVIS ( Ol NI Y ST A I F UTAH In the Maltt r oi the Adop tmn of JENNIFER NHL RAF Minor C hild TO THE SAID ALYSON A NHL JACQUILYN BRIMHAll and anv other interested party YOU ARE HEREBY GIVI N NOTH! ol the htar ing on the Petition of Adop tmn of Jennifer Rae Neil by Robert C Neil and Martha R Neil, and said hearing will be heard before the above en titled Court at the Courtroom in Farmington, Davis Countv, Utah, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Mav, A D , 1978, at the hour of 9 30 o'clock A M DATED this March, A D , 1978 9 day of RODNEY W. WALKER, Clerk Udall Deputy Clerk By Afton W April 10 1978, and then publicly opened and read HESS, VAN WAGENEN, PAGE & HESS sAlfred C Van Wagenen Attorney for Petitioners 40 South 125 East Clearfield, Utah 84015 aloud Any bid received after closing time will be returned unopened Minimum wage rates as stipulated under Labor Laws of the specification, shall be adhered to as a condition of this contract A certified check or Bid Bond of not less than five of the amount of the percent bid must accompany each vm Published in the Davis News Journal First publication March 16, 1978 Last publication March 30, 1978 R 24 |