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Show , o LEADER WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30. 1978 3500 lb cap $950. SfltUOB trailer. Cor M ft, nw, cot R 3 nearly $6V$ Reduce sate !! for r. TTTTTrTr'rrr frfyv CITIZENS, tost with GoBese & taoiets & E Vop woter pms Ko ev Drug Layton, fCovvne Df up R5-For Sale Travel Tracer an 16 ft by $ ft house Pone ed on the ins.ae coDineis rougnea in Moke oer tmshed trouer m 3 R7 8 Garden rototiliing $15 KavsviMe area Con ?eK)el R 2 7 00 hr John 8 Rav 1975 Rancho Seeps 8 like new hi lift lacks 3?6 694 Must sell will sacrifice immed ateiv Camper . ft 10 R 8 7 DISPOSALS tor the well mode Aaste King Disposal Just can and pick one up Perkins Appliance Cen ter vine 298229 R9 39 95 USP PR YEW WASHERS recona tioned AH Even- - Tuesday (Senior Citizens pay price) DINNER OPEN FOR LUNCH AND & 11:30 a.m. to 11 Mon Thurs 11:3) a in to 10 p m. -- 'A 7 SO Fri. Sat. p.m. North on U.S. Highway 89, North Salt Lake (East of Old Valiev Music Hall) Phone 290-121- 1 S & guaranteed Extra low prices to seii fast Perkins Appliance, Center vine R4-- Regulation siie pool tao.e good condition $l5U 00 Two single garage doors with hardware $40 00 each See of 642 East 150 South KavsvHie R8 Basketball Standards Mufflers Hitches Wiring Call Lake Welding & Mutfier 5a East luO North, 8o7 5094 R8-1- Farmington PATIO CHAIRS Heavy wrought iron easy o paint your coior super buy at $17 95 Hotel Sates Bountiful R8 52 W 100 N Must sell new tree orm sewing machine Also new typewriter Phone 73 4640 R8 Beautiful Mobile Home 14x69 3 bedroom 4 ft tip out front room bath, located m KaysvUie down take over payments SjSfV) of 129 u0 tor the next 68 months Part of down payment could be financed 2V5 Call 376 1829 or 0S67 R8 197 Shelterex 14x60 mobile home 3 bed , fireplace, tngd , shed skirting bar & garbage dis Fh 7V 1416 for appt LaytonEst No 189 Must sell immed R8 9 1972 Genry Mobile home, 12x64 7 hvingroom, 2 bedrooms swamp cooler, dishwasher & skirting Call 773 7107 or 825 6626 for appointment RB 9 Tip-o- Error? Use Form 1Q40X - Dis SALT LAKL CITY covered an error after filing an income tax return9 If so, correct the mistake by filing a I orm 1040X, the Internal Revenue Service said If, however, you are expecting a refund on your original return wait until the refund is received before filing the F orm 1040X THE FORMS are ava lahle at local IRS oftices or can he obtained by using the htndy order blank in the tax pac kage f ailing to report income, forgetting to claim deductions, or mistakes in the amount of credit claimed are some of the more common tax return errors that filing a I orm 1040X can correct GENERALLY, the 1040X form must be filed within three years from the due date of the original return or two years from the date of the tax payment, whichever is later, the IRS said ) C 00P LI'a'a -- .Ohio King Size GEfiGSSiED ffingimoimo Monte LlUi (MhdGMgeeb Summers QBBDQzm coming. Why sweat it? CfcEB RgfiQfflGbEEF) EgiIB?QDQsaiD 0HE)Q$)b3naD you cart keep cool this summer for a fraction of the cost of air conditioning with Universa1 Evaporative cooling. it keeps you cool. Without keeping you broke. ROBERT LOVE Heating & Air Conditioning 773-55- 79 c TAKE ADVA STAKE OF SA VISES LIKE THESE 10711 OEM OS ASO imtYEU TIIAlSEItS. OH IF YOE'RE FOR A HY . iS THE MARKET OH .1 ROOD HR ASH SEW EAR REPESRARLE I SER EAR . i REEK ES EAST ASH SAYE! WE RAYE A IRK EITY SELEETIOS WITH LOW EOVSTRY OYERREAR TRU ES . . . WE PASS OITt SA YISK TO YOU CDflbQaiiiaiQEnD VF |