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Show I I WEEKLY REFLEX DAViS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 Op en House , x, N I Clearfield LaLeche Sets Meet . The Clearfield-Syracus- e area group of LaLeche League will hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, April 6 at 7.30 p m at the home of Sandi Barber. - s! 1 ALICE W MORGAN J MARVIN V Y-- v v? ' - West, West Point, will be members of their family at an open house reception honored b . f THIS WUL be held at the West Point Third IDS Ward cultural hall located at 14- West 300 North, West Point The social will commence a! 7 30 p m with a program be mg given at 8 30 p m Ail of the friends and relatives of this sweet couple are invited to share in this and ? r i J MR AND MRS DA W hanging mdirui'e vows on M.iuh it were the former Mis Sht ri Sbrnger and Dio P BRIO I it t I duuhu t! mu,t i Mt of iht - Jtan 5 Salt Dike LDS Temple Mr Bennett jovially talked about their traveling in a horse drawn buggy up the muddy West Point road to catch a Bamberger tram that bxik them to Salt Lake t itv for their wedding THEY were accompanied by a sister in law of Mrs Bennc tt on the trip The couple erected a small home in exactly the same spot where they have always lived since their marriage This was a 12 by 24 foot structure and they lived there for the Mr Puxnnu is the son of Mr and Mrs I) Gordon Pax man of Kaysviiit Fill newlwedx will make their honn mCtnierville np and iht late Gerald l special event THEY WERE united ,n marriage on April 2, 191 i in a ceremonv performed in the Stdnger ('f Kaysv ilh inan i gather with them tor this JAXMAN edding Votes i I K Kaysville Clubs Mrs Beth Millu was hos tess to the Kaysville iterarv Club at lier homt W'ednesday 1 evening Mrs Jean Sandets was to hostess The book review, "That Day m June was given by Kolene Bobo Munlx'rs of the Weinel Mill Camp of Daughter of Utah Pionters met Monday after noon at the home of Mrs Viola Packer Mrs Mary Tiiriitthy was co hostess He program was given hv Mrs Sandra Butterfield Mrs Marguerite Nit holls entert lined on Wednesday ivcning members of the (tki I I if ill P ( imp of Daughters on rs Mrs i F t of he I Zollinger was co hostess and the lesoon was given by Mrs LaRue Tavlor on Indians in Utah " Mrs Rubv Williams was hostess to the Bay View ( lub at het home Wednesday af ternoon The program was given bv Mrs Kathryn Firth Mrs Zelda Robins was first eight years ol their marriage They erected their second home in 1921, later bucking and building additional rooms to it THEY ARE extremely active Both go about their daily activities as though thev were hos- twenty years younger than their actual age The couple both stated that their they commenced marriage with a goal m sight, to do for themselves all the tess to the Kaysville Bridge lub at her home Fridav af ternoon Mrs Ruth Hansen was hos tess to the DeLite Pinochle ( lub at Kens Restaurant in I ayion on Wednesday afternoon for their regular luncheon meeting ( JELLY D BENNETT On Friday even.ng, March 31, Mr and Mrs Marvin A Bennett of 450 North 4000 & ;h f' 't t A way, and this they have done THEY recalled that their first home was purchased and Honored On 80th Date In celebration of her 80h BENNETT birthday, Mrs James sold at least two more times alter they were through with it, and they saw it moved around in different areas of the community from time to time Mr Bennett was born December 27, 1891, in South Hot per, but it was only one mile west where of he presently lives today He was the son of George R. and Mary' Ann King Bennett A LIE E long resident ot West Point, Mr Bennett is a member of the Third LDS Ward and has served in numerous positions of leadership in the different auxiliaries of the ward A high priest in the Sviac use LDS Stake, he also served a two year stake mission He has been elders quorum president, high priest group leader, a home and ward teacher all of his adult life and has served in a number of civic positions as well MRS BENNETT was the former Julia Elizabeth Davis, and was bom July 25, 1891, in South Hooper She was tht daughter of John and Julia FI it ton Fdwards Davis Mrs Bennett is known for her wonderful record keep ing, having been a Relief Society secretary for eleven consecutive vears She also served in the same position in the Sunday School and MIA organizations She has taught classes in the Sunday School and Primary from time to time FOR SOME e twenty-thre- years she and her husband had a perfect attendance record in both Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting and still very seldom miss their regular weekly meetings Mrs Bennett loves to cook, and sew, and still makes manv of her own clothes Sht savs that she is still sewing with her mothers old Singer sewing machine and sht wonders if the machines of today will be used for as many years THE BENNETTS have owned their farm in this (ommunity and have loved tilling the soil for a livelihood They have also engaged in cattle raising and feeding Mr Bennett has also worked with his brother m law in the well digging business IN HIS earlier yc ire he v is employed during tht union r months on a headt r mil threshing machine, both the horse and steam driven kind He recalls too how to plowed and diove two hoi ,es, and walked behind them to till the soil HIS W IF T fold us ' washing th family loibt to a washboard, and how it um d to take her an entire d i m BRIGHAM Have your picture taken FREE with MAURICE GRANDMA1SON Star of the movie BRIGHAM Sat wash them, and t r c p lughinglv said no o der thev wore out so fast At any rate these two w n d rful people have s a great man changes do ig thtir lifetime, and ire Vl , interesting to visit witr I HE tOLPII have a Mn md two daughtc is, J s, y Bennett West P n v, , ouis ( Delia) Gibson, W t st Webt r and Mrs J ph i 12 til 2 oOPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10 til 10 , , 1 (Dorothy) Idaho or, augg, Tuey enjoy iht ten granch tion twenty seven of oPARK FREE Validation i i h jren kr,.n, gr- at- - grandchiidren. u d two great great grandchiidim vsb MRS ROGER HODGMEN Exchange V ows spring bride is the former Miss Michelle Gallagher who repeated wedding vows in A rites performed Saturday, March 18 with Roger Hodg men at the Kaysville 16th 1 DS Ward Chapel Bishop Cecil John officiated THE BRIDE is a dauj. hter M 8 (if Mr and Mis Gallagher of 27 I ast o60 BEAUTIFUL STORES Twenty six mt root guests met at the 1 is md Ro- ivt-- tary dinner meeting on Wed nesdav at tht ( h. It iu ( nter in Layton GLLST spoikt r w is rank LaRoche, executive" dine tor, of junior ac hit omtnt Greater Salt Like b orp tra lion I aRoc he Mr an pav interesting talk on tht Junior Advanctrmni pi gMm and their attempt to promote the 1 CENIER the center of attention . . . downtown. program next fill m Weber and Lavis Scnools the BLS1NESSMLN and others in the program, should contact Mr LaRoche or program chairman, Wayne Saltzgiver Mr Saltzgner is manager of the Lavton office of the Mountain Fuel Supply Co and is a member of the Layton Rotary flub np interested girls Mrs Janet Movet at tended the guest book BEST MAN duties were performed by John Stoddard Ushers were Shon Gallagher and Troy Miya Following a honeymoon stay at the Fark Citv Resort, the newlyweds will make their home m Salt Lake ity C 250 South, Kaysville Ihe groom is a son of Mr and Mrs I harles G Hodgmen of 219 West 2j0 South, Kaysville Following the ceremony, the couple greeted guests at a jeception where the bride was attired in full length gown of polyester ctepe It featured long fall sleeves of sheer or ganza accented with deep 1 rench cuffs of lace and tiny pearl buttons up the cuffs A oke of Chantilly lace enhanced the front bodice trimmed with seed pearls and the waist was empire styling with matching lace and pearl trim down from of skirt The lull sknt extended into a chapel train PRENUPTIAL parties were given by Mrs Julie Murphy, Mrs Esther Barrett, Miw Susan Gudmenson, Mrs. Sandra t rosby, Mis J u kv Barrett and Miss Jane t Barrett The bride graduated from Davis High School and attended Weber State College The groom graduated from Davis High School md at tended Utah State I mverx.iy He has fulfilled a DS Mis1 sion to the Virginia Roanoke Mission He will continue his studies at University of t tah np MRS. MORGAN was born Maich 25 IhhS, a daughter of Fred Clyde and Eva Alzina She Walker, in Syracuse lived in has Syracuse, Clearfield and in Layton since her marriage March 3 1920 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple to James H Morgan She is the mother of nine children two of which died m infancy The living seven include Dean W Morgan, Mrs Vern (Beth) Sandall, Mrs Kenneth I (Leah) ( ooper, Mrs Otis c ay e j come FOR riRTHER information concerning the meetings, please call Diane Palmer, 825-468- 773 5286, 625-284- 7 Jaycettes Membership Meeting Held The Layton Jaycettes held their membership meeting March 7 They are preparing for elections for the new Jaycettes year AFTER the meeting, decorations were made for the Jaycee Travel Trophy, which was held March 11, at the Layton Armory. A E Adams Dell and Mrs H Morgan and Delmu (Judy) Stevens, all of I avton, and Mrs Ray (Aleene) Barkdi'j of Farmington MRS. MORGAN'S msui, Mrs ETen Yaunt of Clearfield HER HOBBIES ate sewing and hand.woik, quilt making and girdi nirg She has 52 grandchildren and 32 great grandchildren and het greatest enjoyment m her large family dmg is Jaycette and Daughter Tea is being planned for the end of April ALSO THE Jaycettes will hold a com dog sale at the Fort Lane Shopping Center in April. and her brother, (lydt Wa'ker ot Roy were able to enjoy tlie party too Her other living sister, Mrs Sydney Sly of Clearfield was out of state Mrs Morgan has worked at many positions m the I DS ( hurch These include Relief Society pres dent, counseloi and sec retort She has been a visiting teaihcr for ovei so years She also served in the Sunday School and Primary many vears Kathleen Sessions, or Kay Durrant, UAW Forming New Chapter In Kaysville The Utah Association of Women will be forming another chapter, in the Heights area All interested women are invited to attend Wednesday, April 5, 7 9 p m , at the Kaysville it Elementary schools purpose room, E 50 of Women in seed pearls The bridal bouquet was a cascade vellow rose o( white daisies buds, babv bre nh and yellow t ibbon Attending the bride was Miss Robyn Mike Gallagher, Mrs Gallaght r and Mrs t ary Miva Thev wore rtiarc Ring Hodgmen, boor length gowns of r trimmt d with eyeli lat i nbow coitus ol dotted swrs, with mpm styling ruffled knt t BLOCKS Sport Shorts red i wort white pn tare h n- - T m d( h hi Id a nosegov of rt ulti-em- j dnsies md ( amotion BR1DL and gro ini's i hose floor length gowns ot blue and gree n pi mt md their corsages wi re whin daisies ncinted with tone h ot lavendt r and lav not r st ir flowc rs Janet Rue and Trj v Miya metes, were the flower THE mothers Layton Births Announcing the arrival f a babv girl an Russell L ind Mary lovi Ji risen She wal born Maiili lb in an Ogd n hospital Graridp irentx ire Mr md Mrs 1 Id" m b list n ot )gdt n and J i mil Jt an I e ol Lavton Mrs C hd Adams of ! a ton and Otten and Bernut hi tely of Orem are the pleased great grandparents The first child of ( harks and Glenda J Culler McCann 100 1 , I avton was 275 N born March 12 The girl will be named Amanda McCann i Charles and Practical, comfortable fun partners. Perfect for the days ahead. Pastel pink or blue with white stripes and trim Easy care polyester and cotton Elastic waist Sport Shorts, 5.50. Knit Blouson top pink, yellow and button trim, 11 Sizes sun-shin- y Colleen McCann of Cabforma lair and JoAnn Allen of Ogden and Virgil and lame Cutler of Ogden are the childs grand parents Among the several great grandparents are two great grandmothers Loie Stauffer of Salt Lake C itv and Juanita 1 Cutler of Idaho Six pound 13 07 , 20 inch Allison Jones was bom March 15 to Kelly M and Cathy Porter Jones She has a brother, Kevin Grandparents are Eugene and Carol Porter of Ocean side, Calif and Burke and Cloe Jones of Howell, Utah Great grandparents are laVorne Portpr of Oceanside, Calif , Mr and Mrs L D Brooks of Portland, Ore and Mr and Mrs Hawkes of Howell, Utah BOUNTIFUL Ft PomtS 29? 1453 8FUGHAM CITY 47 South Wain 723 5900 CLEAPFiElD South at 825 2277 391 100 GUEST speaker will be Donna Gordon, state secretary for the Utah Association tented Mrs t rug Murphy as matron if honor Bridesmaids were Mrs J R Dean, Miss Gail multi- North ast HER elbow length veil of 'ilk bridal illusion was caught to a mate hing lace i ap at Vk Layton Rotary Has M( 'etinn C' H Morgan was honored on March 24 by her family at the Lavton East Stake Center with a family dinner and program with almost 100 persons in attendance THIS WILL be the second meeting of the current series and is entitled The Art of Breastfeeding and OvercomSubsequent ing Difficulties meetings will be held the first Thursday of each month. All mothers interested in breastfeeding are urged to attend Babies are welcome Prospective mothers are also invited and anyone desiring information or help is wel- LOGAN 4th N at 2nd E 752 1181 SALT LAKE 7200 South BihE 255 7171 |