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Show ) 1 RErt WEEKLY n -- L - f.LWb JOURNAL, MARCH 30, 1978 1L By NORMA, PREFCL Pit Craves and Steve and daughter Jennifer took a brief Spring Break trip to Death Pat Valley on March who works lor the Salvation 15-1- 9 Army m Salt Lake City, is al so working towards her masters at Utah State University She was recently awarded a financial aid grant DV the Scholarship Committee if the U5U Womens Center for spring quarter Mrs Clara Krebs spent Monday of last week visiting with her sister and her hus band, Mr and Mrs Archie Tobler of Orem Also with another sister and husband Mr and Mrs William G e deMik of Provo Overnight guests of Mr Mrs David Sanders family were her brother, and Mrs Paul 1 v man and and Mr and family of Sparks. Nev on Sunday. Mrs Gardner will leave April 8 to serve an LDS mission to the Arizona - Tempe M.ssion Mr and Mrs Roland Barnes, Mrs Ada Mayhn, Mr and Mrs Frank Brown and Lmihes all attended the funeral sen ice F riday in Og Or n for their niece and cousin, Mrs Ruth Mary Leavitt Martin Of Clearfield Mr and Mrs Paul Smith and family, Coach and Mrs Mike Gardner and family at tended the baseball tournament at Dixie College in St George over the Easter holiday where the Davis High team competed Halid ly guests cf Mr and Mrs Morris Johnson were Mr and Mrs Ray Johnson and children of Odessa Tex , Miss Debbie Johnson, Brigham Young University, Dr Dan Johnson, Rexburg Ida , and Dr and Mrs John Steiner and children, Kavs-ville Paul and his wife and children accompanied a group of Boy Scouts on a tram trip to southern Utah to attend the Western States Bov Scout trainirg session at Snow Canyot m southern Utah While in Utah thev visited with Mr. and Mrs Sanders and other relatives, Mr and Mrs Stan man of Kays-vill1 Mr and Mrs Rick Lyman, of Clinton and their families Mr and Mrs Laddie Timothy and daughter Lmily have returned from California where they spent the holiday weekend with their daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs Coleman Scheuller. Mrs. Scheuller and children accompanied them on to Disneyland and Los Angeles area for a day of sightseeing and touring. Mrs Dean Morgan of Lay-toaccompanied Mrs Parker W'ard on a trip to Lumberton, Mo where they visited with Mr and Mrs Joe Morgan and family for one week Joe is the son of Mrs Dean Morgan and his wife is the daughter of Mrs W'ard En route home they visited in St Louts for two days with Mrs Morgans n other daughter and family, Mr, and Mrs Fred Weaver They returned home Saturday Sunday guests of Mrs Leone Gardner were Mrs Alice Clyde, Mr, and Mrs Ralph Gardner, Mr and Mrs Larry Rogers and family of Salt Lake City; Mrs Mary Nance, Mr. and Mrs Bernard Nance and daughter, Mrs. Johnny Nance, Mr and Mrs Robert John sen and family all of Morgan They came to attend the farewell of Mrs. Leona Hospital where he underwent surgery. He major open-heais reported to be doing well at rt his home. Mr. and Mrs Fred Lange spent the weekend of March 18 and 19 at Jackson Hole, Wyo. F n route home they visited in Alton, Wyo with Mr. and Mrs Alan Lowe and Kavsville. Mr. and Mrs. Max spent the March 18 and 19 weekend in Vernal where Mr. Liljenquist attended the men's state bowling tournament. He did very well in both the team event and st Gardner 376-075- No ws SVl Leslie Draney has retumeu home from the St. Mark s W esley Scott Pearson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lance Pearson Mrs. Pearson was the former Ton Nichols who made her home with the Lange family while living m were her brother Dr ad Mrs John Taylor and children of North Caroina, Mrs Helen Crawford, Mrs Dean Novoinv and children, Christ, ne, David and Dana all of Rch Spnngs, Wvo Mr and Mrs Don Edxards and son Todd visited in Orem Sunday with her sister Miss Vera Conor r who is very ill A birthday open house w on Friday for Mis Esther Reberger at the burnt of Mr and Mrs Morris Johnson The special event was hosted by Mrs Rebtrger's on and daughter in law, Steve and Freda Lou Bovce ot Rexburg Ida Guests mi lud ed neighbors and friends or Mrs Reberger and was a special tribute to her Don Crawley has returned home Saturday from government business trip a to Korea for 10 days L E. Simmons of Houston, Tex was a houseguest over the hoi ida of his parents, Mr and Mrs Rov W Simmons Mr and Mrs Glen W Hill visited n Provo last wet k with bet mother, Mrs Farrell v Mrs U'anda Cunningham has been confined to the hos pstal the past week undergoing treatment Mrs Clinton D Zollinger recently spent two weeks in Pullman, Wash, with their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Blair Woodfield and to assist with the arrival of a granddaughter Mr. Zollinger drove to Washington to be with the family for the blessing and naming of the new infant, who was named Shanna Rae Mrs Woodfield was the former k Iiljenuui-- Mr i i d Mrs frank Storey entertained at an Eastt dinner party at their home Sundav for the follow i family members, Mr. r r y ar-M- rs Ed Hyde. Mr and Mi Dun Jacobsen, KavsviSle, A toraey and Mrs Bril Crawfoi of Salt Lake City, Dr. ai Mrs John Taylor, Nor?' Carolina, Mrs Dean Novotn and Mrs Helen Crawford if 1 Rock Sprirps, Wyo Mr. and Mrs Dun Ed a an and son Todd spent Saturda m Wanship with the r daughter and family, Mr ar Mrs Loren Wilde Mr and Mrs Grant Bon ' Mrs Sarah Giles, Kaysvilk , Mr and Mrs James T. Gile Mrs Helen Carlile, Mrs Maries Gillespie, Grange , held a family dinner partv Friday evening at the Chin Village Restaurant in Sa ; 1 ake City Mr. and Mrs Kent Can mack of Provo spent Satuida with their parents, Mr an Mis William Packer and M and Mrs. Ed Cammai k m Kdvsvslle to celebrate thei . -- daughter hirthdav paients Aims second with her grand Mrs Verna Vance and hei laughter Barbara Vance and Miss Thurza Christensen of Holladav attended the wed-jm- g reception Tuesday in Puvo for Paul ( urtis, a Laura Elkins, Miss Evelyn Elkins and Douglas Elkins, also of Salt Lake City M.ss Rev a W alker and Mrs Don Dunham of Provo, the former Sandra Maior of Kay sv, lie, drove to California to attend Lie wedding of her nephew Miss Kathy Large will be leaving for Guatamala on April 26 for a two month as s gnment She has accepted a (a'l through the BYU spon-re- d program of the I DS hutch We.fure and Services to spend Committee two months there as a nurse Miss I unge has her R N and also I lied an LDS mission there, lout years ago m the Spanish speaking mission She will return on Jane 21 xne is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Large Mr and Mrs RAF. McCormick entertained at a tarnilv Faster dmner at their home on Sunday Guests were Mr and Mrs Roland Barker friend over the Easter weekend, at San Diego They also visited with Sandras brother, Mr and Mrs Steven Maior overnight Christopher Hanks of Salt lake City spent the holiday weekend with ms grandmother Mrs Lois Nielson, Christopher is the son of Mr and Mrs Richard Hanks Mrs Fima Webster entertained the follow irg guests at her home Monday at a Family Home evening social Guests mclud d Mr and Mrs Bendin Cottrell, Mrs Myrtle Cottrell, Mrs Julia Webster, Mrs San-taqui- n, srve Provo Sunday, March 26 where thev atiended the blessing and naming of LaMar Mrs and Mr. Timothy entertained at a dinner party Wednesday evening at her home in honor of Mrs Leone Mrs. Gardner, Mary Timothy, Mr. and Mrs DeWayne Thorne who are leaving to He is the son of ing Mission Mary Timothy. Mr and Mrs Joe F. Preece Easter dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Meldon W'ard were Mr. and Mrs Ira Ward Riverside, Utah, Mr. and Mrs Henry Brown, Garland and Marilyn Ward of Dgdt n on LDS TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA tax service In-ho- Computerized Accuracy Guaranteed Satisfaction Reasonable Fees Guaranteed Audit Assistance Guaranteed Confidentiality 1 Borup, Salt Lake City and all of their families Also Mrs mission to Korea after spend ing the past two months in Provo at the I anguage Tram Mrs Hazel Todd of Utah spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs Young and Beniamin Robertson Mr dnd Mrs led Lange and family were guests in v Elder Brett Timothy left Tuesday morning for his doubles Sylvia Sanders, Mrs Doia Woodward Mrs Pearl H ggs, Mrs Myrtle Snarr, V inme and children, Brigham C itv , Mr and Mrs Ron E. Met Mr. and Mrs Tom M.ller, Layton, Mr and Mis Bill Bone, Mr and Mrs. Roger Wilhelmseri, Kays-life; Mr and Mrs Dennis family CALL FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT WAYNE JOHNSON -- - 773-442- 3 Marie Zollinger Mr. and Mrs Zollinger returned together to Utah Mr and Mrs Larry Page vacationed for five days in southern California Mr and Mrs Meldon Ward entertained at a family birth- day dinner and party at their home for their little daughter Kristen who was two years old on Friday n guests were Mr. and Mrs Ira Ward, Riverside, Utah, Miss Marilyn Ward, Ogden and Mr and Mrs Mike Ward, Salt Lake City Blake Archibald and Edwin Zollinger enjoyed a vacation trip to Los Angeles and San Diego, Calif between college quarter break Ed is attending Weber State College in Ogden and Blake is preparing to leave on an LDS Mission Mr. and Mrs Michael Blood and children of Los Alamos, New Mexico were Easter weekend visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs William Packer. They also visited m Clearfield and his parents Mr and Mrs. Phillip Blond Holiday houseguests of Mr and Mrs. Ed Hyde and family WKTiVE 'SeenHei fTIMS i, Cnf Teeeie City, Uwtvete IHMeM Jf PeyiM Geerye Pree TreHwtM UfM Murray Keeret SfMmtfe ireuttfi Wye These laytMt "lid Ibver f Or Price Oy Stem Open lfc See? than a food store! HD d It ail &.uvzrsq, It fall Fot (m a-- iJf Large Sie Safeway CJuol ty WKwfc SpM Smm! 63 6 Sliced Bread S3JLT 3 Plain Coke Donuts 2 7?' Soft Margarine 59 Cltdi y$u S Van S Van 1 FVwjwl C Deluxe Fudge Bars G Grapefruit 11 Lucerne FOM AA Camp Dinner Camp Dinner HCw T Juice",. S Fruit Cocktail & 1, G Stewed Tomatoes G Green Beans XETL. G Golden Corn QOvohine S9 M" Sups fc 6PotatM?rr ft. iim 3LS1 3ll il uca I Fbfo Albums Saul CMteioM I W T6J Ralston Bran CKex 85 3 Captain Crunch Pat Duffin, Layton office When you need a problem solved, or information found, Pat Duffin stays on the trail as relentlessly as she rides with the Mt Ogden Jr. Possee in her spare time. And our customers know her for her sunny smile and willingness to help All of us at the Layton office want to give you the most knowledgable, friendly banking service we can Because we want to be the bank you come to for everything you need 79 For savings checking borrowing any banking need, ask Pat, Ellen, Gwenn or Arel anyone at I 99 Cornish Game Hens . Pork Loin Chops Tosty Beef Fritters .. Tenderloin Steaks . . Crass Rib Roasts . 7 Bone Chuck Roasts Greenland Turbot Fillets Frozen Fisk Sticks il'M a -- t M Bacon " .I '.1 nyiumbo Ss. Jr GBonfe of Utah, f J. A. f J89J2G9 (ha mm tmhu Wr nl rff usnbo Reprinfsji Nm BWiiWm ftnr. If, M, 31. Arf I, mt Member FDIC Heads up people putting you ahead. e coevenm mc mfcwat tos McaaratAis (Melton , Vevfuile |