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Show n IF, J t r r Li itetf ! l 5 v't I! fi , s! 1 I r P i La Tl i ! - f I , f ; ! ' , MsWr 'v vi z i i La b A ft J V i it it Bv GARY R. RLODGL I r- I vyDiN Beginning n x avion tomrmiUii busitv-sshould really ton i alive M I uar, v,j LN the new r.i store L in Hills Mall s f r suppose e to open business But to look at the proposed Site now at the northeast comer of Interstate Highway 15 and Hill Field Road it is hard to k eve that this can be the case Il ( r i n w itu- j,ng iti Ux n Lake City, developirg the moll, said construction will begin shortly and the mall is expected to develop rapidly CONSTRICTION at thes.te was delayed somewhat this continued by spring inclement weather, making it difficult to get the heavy ex cavatmg equipment on the property until a couple of weeks ago The $20 million mall will be anchored bv two large department stores - 7 Mi with a third and Auerbachs full line department store ex peeled to announce its C THAT SPRING'S HERE EJOW The blooming of early parrot tulips testifies that not only the calendar, but the weather as well markx the beginning of spring Early peas, radishes anil carrots have been planted bv some gardeners. Some are een bold enough to set out tomato plants under caps. development at the mall WHEN completed, the mall will be one of the largest in Utah The mall is expected to employ about 350 full time Ct in w 1 t Ou - d f n f 3 l 1 l lit; a ' n st JK uo the a-- .n overall Si i I i ' il ip r I , i s md mi pit p t ii' t ir, Mf wh re n t ii ! f mi a a i . 1 x Lax n diliid! t vt ton Jlt ht-- More than hdif of tW so mall have xb ipx within the n signed and a tx third largt store should bt sign-sion, accord ng to tht mavoi He said Sears ana t ispeton s are two of sevetal stviies being considered foi l he third laige department dtpartnvnt commercial store WE ARE thrilled over the entire prospects of the new said Mayor Shields mall, ' It's something we are all looking forward to with grea (toss HE SAID that final plans for development of the mall have not yet been presented to anticipation The mayor also stated that he does not feel the new downtown Ogden mall will have a serious effect on the success of the Layton Hals Mill un derstand the appearance and airaiigement of the buildings will be unique tr ii live ' I r d ii xtai ted n tbt mall buildings tht dt vtlopment is said U bt on business at the mall site Other projects, he said "will include a $8) million condominium project to t budt by Pruwswood Cor poration and a $12 million sports mad, similar to the one recently completed in Winds I ' AITHOIGH who has but ' i strut urn n- the city council, (K !( i'l ami tht led that the mall will be only a part of developers, ) byr n ntti i 1 el SHFLDS h t , MAYOR v a I i l rvp ' l r i This nuh shoul J bt a r. t' tf a Cfi i e Ui l tu Pav.s Coumv l many It w ktx p d bt ivs the boMiiess di 0 ir a non w II prov ide emj lev me a lor a lot of lixal residents t provide a tax base of $.0,0' to $1,0,000 i H,r k l r La, f i' i .ip G shi- - been working EXCAVATION on the 55 acre sde was barely started this month But a spokesman for Hoitk o Investment Company of Salt ( ill n lit 'll t g y h 1 TfLVT ib - S and very at should "THLY coinple ment eath other and both should get the support of the area people The mall should also eventuallv help W ith the mall iocati d ad jacent to 15 between Ogden and Salt Lake Citv, it will be access ble to some 100,000 p rsons 1 the downtown Layton businesses although thev THE MAYOR noted that movie theatres, a large supermarket, a bank, nwrt (downtown stores) mav be hurt at first bv the mall,' the mav or said Mavor Shields said the ci'v will work closelv with the Hue County Storm developers and even help where possible By ROSELYN KIRK - A non FARMINGTON profit organization respunsi ble for raising monev for construction of the Golden Years Center in Bountiful has turned that building ovet to Davis County Commissioners signed a contract accepting the building and a g ret mg to maintain the center COMMISSION! R ( I Moss said the non profit or gamzation recently rect ived the last $2,000 from I arming ton, which clears the debt on the decision after County Planning Director Joseph Moore said the county was losing monev since there was no reimbursement for the cost of the inspection He checked with Salt Lake and Web'-counties and Layton ntv o learn those agencies were charging tax exempt religious buildings an inspecr tion fee Glen COMMISSIONER Flint said that since the in the spection was costing countv money, he felt the I DS Stake should pay the cost of inspection, which would be $567 in this case This policy change will apply to similar cases in the future, commis sioners said In another matter, Deputy County Attorney Rodney Page advised the county to adver tise prior to granting an easement to Utah Power and 5 acres of Light through land currently owned bv the Bay Area Refuse Disposal site in South Davis County Although the administration 1 disposal site is ir di r the ditection of the district the sale of the easement mu1 be advertised in the county s name rhe d.stric t will accept the ofier of $15,500 made bv Utah Power and light il no offers are received tor nop monev after advettising of the MR. PACiL Saul sine rfv power company is not cismg the right of emimrit domain, the county must m to the highest bidder 'flu mr district can accept the olfcr contingent on following th proper prixedun-s- , advertising he said another matter of business county commis In sioners signed an agreement to fund the Homemaker Ser vices program through June The program supplies housekeeping services and training to the home to the elderly 1 he program was administered formerly through the Division of Family Services hut is now under the administration of 30 the (nunc il cm Aging the building costing over The initial construction gift of $108,500 from the Utah Bicentennial Commission was followed by pledges from Davis County for $20,700 All South Davis cities agreed to pay $12,100 a year for tht-years, making the total ton tribution of the cities $ in 0fK) e the signing of the final contract agreement, County At torney Milton J Hess had approved the document IN ANOTHER matter the commission voted to charge an inspection fee to the Bountiful-Woods Cross Stake Center for a building permit and inspection fee for some sheds and barns which will be built at the farm at 14(X) North 1600 West, Farmington The decision to charge a building inspection fee that is tax exempt is a change in policy The commission made By ROSELYN KIRK Five storm control projects, toFARMINGTON - taling about $500,000, have been approved by the Davis County storm control com mittee or are reaching final approval stages, according to County Surveyor Glenn Austin, a member of the committee sessed by the county in 1977 The money has not been By ROSELYN KIRK FARMINGTON - Final legal documents for the sale of $1 9 million in fax anticipation notes will be signed by Davis County Commissioners when they meet officials from Zions First National Bank on Friday commission authorized the sale of the THE notes last week but officially agreed on the format of the sale Tuesday The county will pay a rate of 4 24 percent interest over the eight month period that the money will be borrowed to finance county expenses until property taxes are due on Nov 30 Last year the county paid 2 97 percent interest on the $900,000 borrowed to meet county expenses Robert Tel- ford, county treasurer said that money appeared to be tight now which might explain why Zions First National Bank was the only lending agency to bid on the notes C E. COMMISSIONER Moss said this is the earliest the county has ever had to borrow money Earlier Rod ney Walker, county clerk, had said the additional money would be needed for con- addition to the struction county courthouse and jail The county follows the same procedure specified each year by law, placing the tax anticipation notes up for bid Kent Michie, municipal financing officer of Zions First National Bank, said the bank had also received the bid to finance Weber and Utah County through the sale of their tax anticipation notes UTAH County received a slightly lower interest rate on the $2 6 million sale of their bonds since they sold the notes earlier Weber County sold $4 million, paying a slightly higher interest rate than the percentage paid by Davis County, Mr Michie said According to Commissioner Moss, the county will pay about $49,970 in interest to borrow the money over the eight month period but will recoup some of the interest cost by reinvesting the money in short term notes of deposit Mr Michie said the county should be able to invest at rates over 6 percent, thus offsetting the interest rate of the LAST year it cost the cuun'v about $9,000 in interest to borrow the money until taxes were paid State statutes prohibit the county from carrying over more than 10 percent of money in the general fund from the previous year Thus the county is always placed m a position of having to borrow money to finance spending until property tax is collected LUDEEN Gibbons, deputy county auditor, said projected spent until this year when the figures show that the countv will have a surplus of only $8,000 by the end of the year She told department heads at an earlier meeting that all departments should get their revenues in so money is available to neet expenditures Only money which is earmarked in special funds such as flood control levies can be carried over in the budget for the following year, Mr Walker said enuntv and cities developed priorities and set up the committee to evaluate storm con trol needs ACCORDING to Mr Austin,' the mill levy assessment will be a continual tax As the county continues to expand, storm drainage problems will continue to grow, he said County Attorney Milton J Hess explained that even when completed, the cost of maintamirg the storm control system will be extensive TWO STORM control projects are currentlv under construction at 500 South tn Layton Chamber of Com merce president Gary Spick nail announced that on Wed nesday, April 5, Utahs Lt Governor David Monson, wilt address a joint Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club luncheoh at the Valiev View Restaurant at 12 13 p m THE Chamber of Commerce is host for the luncheon, guests are wel come This luncheon is a good opportunity for all Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club members to become better acquainted We encourage all who would like to attend, to come out and meet with us, and meet the members of these two service organizations and Lt Gov David Monson West Bountiful and 2600 South in Bountiful The West Bountiful project will cost $13,000 for installa lion of pipe supplied by Phillips Petroleum The 2600 South project is being built by Whitaker Construction HL NOTED that a frontage road will be built this summer and the cuv will participate in the develop ment and paving of the road picking up the cost on half of MR. AUSTIN said that ad ditional projects being considered for funding would total about $1)00.000 Nearly $1 million in funding will be available to the county by the end of the year through a two mill property tax levy as- $.150,000 THE REMAINDER of the money was raised through the non profit organization head edbv chairman Coy Hayward The land for the complex was donated by Bountiful city as long as the building remams a Senior Citizens' Center Commissioner Moss said the lease agreement, signed Sept 23, 1976, called for a 50 year lease with the option to renew for four ten year periods If the property should cease to be used for a senior citizens center, it would revert to the city Commissioner Moss said that all cities had paid their proportionate cost, based on population Prior to Control Projects Are Giuen Approval Com- pany at a cost of $115,000 THE COUNTY has estimated the cost of the project at 400 North and 200 West in Eountiful at $112,000, Mr Austin said That project has not been bid since the Utah Department of Transportation is the project The county had approved the project and has the plans and specifications ready to go to bid, Mr Austin said Bids have been awarded on another storm water project in Clearfield where 1710 feet of concrete pipe will be installed on the south side of Antelope Drive and connect to the Lavton storm drain system Claude Nix Construction The developers will pav for curbing and gutters "Also, the citv will par ticipate in the removal of an 8 inch waler line which runs through the mall propertv and will pav for the difference of installing a new 12 inch l.ne which will be needed (or lu ture development of the area," said Mavor Shields One fitops Company was awarded that Bay For THE FIFTH project planned is a piping and reservoir project in Clinton, which will cost about $187,000, Mr Austin said The county has approved the project in concept, but final plans have not been approved or the bid Deg bid two weeks ago for $28,670 let Other projects under consideration, but not approved are a storm water control on Lindsay Drive which would be tied into a detention pond near Fairfield Drive in Lay-to- n RIGHT OF way problems have not been resolved Mr Austin said the county ts also negotiating for the construction of a retention pond which would contain the south fork of Holmes Creek An additional project, estimated to cost about $130,000 has been proposed by Kays-vill- e and Fruit Heights to control flooding on Bair Creek THE FLOOD control committee made up of the three Davis County Commissioners, Mr Austin and engineers Gene Nielsen and Rolf Nelson, have asked Kaysville and Fruit Heights officials to present formal plans for that project The committee meets monthly to make decisions on storm water priorities, which must be let for bids by the county commission tears FARMINGTON Dog owners in Davis (our.lv have onlv one more dav ( F ndav ) to get their animals licensed foi the new year tost for obtaining a license and the unmeor porated area of the countv except Bountiful is $lh for unaltered dogs and $5 for spaced female and neutered male dogs A certificite of alteration mast be shown Beginning Saturdav, there will be a $5 late charge, plus regular licensing fee, tc in all cities -- license a dog DOGS MLST also receive their rabies shots before a license can be obtained So hurry, Friday is the last dav grb DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL 197 B" North Main St., Layton PHONE 376-913- 3 Published Weekly by CUPPER PUBLISHING C8. John Stable Jr . PuMiher Second Cleti Poetape Paid At Layton. Utah SUBSCRIPTION 4.50 per year Out el Slaw Subscription S5.50 Oman Subtcnpdoa ttS 00 (Payable In Advance) |