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Show APRII ?8. 1987 L. I HOMES ASSUME V. A. LOAN EAST BENCH Rambler white brick, 4 bedroom, Double baths. beautifully garage, 1 $76,800. landscaped Lane Really Connie 298-700- 428-5- 7 295-667- EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF TIME ON YOUR HANDS BASK IN the sun, swim in the pool, play some tennis, stroll through the maintained elegantly s commons-Thi- lifestyle can be yours with this magnificent 4 bedroom condo. You'd love the bonus ot the spacious family room. Newly refurbished with plush neutral carpeting, vinyl flooring, fesh paint. Just move in and enjoy your new life of leisure. Unbelievably priced at $79,900. Payments as, low as $400 per month or owners may carry contract with $10,000 down. Call Lorraine at NO QUALIFYING VA ASSUMABLE loan on this 2 story. Formal entryway with room $147,500. Call Lorraine BEDROOMS MAINTENANCE and brick this for borhood family. $81,500. SHIRLEY Perfect PRESTIGOUS ft. 364-- clean. or offer $94,500 BTL -- 295-679- TERR IRC BUY BOUNTIFUL IN 1700 sq. ft. for $60,470. This one won't last. 4 bdrms., 2 baths. Large family room. Lance 292-830Lee 292-777Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342, OVER STARTER. Room to expand. Brick rambler, GREAT central Bountiful location. Priced to sell Lance 292-830$59,900. Lee Realtors Oaks Canyon BUY in TERRIFIC Bountiful. Over 1700 sq. ft. for $60,470. This one won't last, 4 bdrms, 2 baths. Large family room. Lance 292-830Lee 292-777Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-3424 LISTING. Large home or duplex, possibilities. Lots of 5 bedrooms, storage, NEW family double garage, last won't Lucie workshop, $78,000. Oaks Canyon 292-166- room to brgk rambler, Bountiful Priced to sell $59,900. Lance location. 292-777- Realtors FOR real LOOKING 298-011- 4 class? bench. High on east Beautiful interior, crown 2 car garage. moulding, Listed for quick sale at $86,900. Rick or Bambi 295-572- Phyllis Realtors 298-342- Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342- Bountiful Hills 6 Large bedroom, 4 bath contemporary. Lots of oaks. Cathedral ceilings. Great buy at $124,900. Geo CHOICE NEW LISTING, large family home or duplex, Lots of possibilities. 5 bedrooms, storage, double garage, last won't workshop, Lucie $78,000. 292-166- bench. High on east Beautiful interior. Crown moulding, 2 car garage. Listed for quick sale at $86,900. Rick or Bambi 6y bedroom, 4 bath contemporary. Lots of Oaks, cathedral ceilings. Great Geo Buy at $124,900. Phyllis Realtorts Oaks Canyon 29o8-3424 BRICK NICE quiet rambler in neighborhood. Energy efficient furnace, close to all services. $79,500. Don 295-052- Lynda 298-424- Oaks Canyon 2908-342- Realtors 4 RIGHT for a 5 bdrms, family, baths, 2 fireplaces view. neighborhood. East Don Bench 3 -- Choice Bntfl. $78,500. 292-717- Phyllis Canyon Oaks 295-572- Realtors 298-342- . 298-342- 1 property acre in horse South 4 bdrm. Farmington. home, new inside and out. Lots of extras. Geo Lance 292-830Oaks Canyon BOUNTIFUL -- REOUCEO EAST SIDE, upgraded home, nice kitchen with tile floor, 3 bedrooms, nice inside, value $59,500, owner moving. view, NICELY LOCATED IMMACULATE condition, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths,, lovely view, 2 family rooms, three-sevent- four-sevent- 10-1- con- venient, $99,950. Jake Simmons, Packard money available when new Realtors 421- - Deadline For News Copy Thurs. 4:30 ongoing pulmonary rehabilitation program at Humana Hospital Davis North. Guiding Jeanne through the test is staff member Sid Hess. uni- DATED: April cords of Davis County, Utah and encumbers certain real property 1080, of Zkms First National Bank NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS . Sealed proposals will be received by the Utah Department of Transportation UDOTDPS Buidilng (2nd Floor), 4501 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84119, until 2 oclock p.m. Tuesday, May 19, 1987, and at that time Elder, Davis and Weber Counties the same being that section of SR-10- formation may be secured at the office of the Utah Department of Transportation. Dated this 25th day of April, 1987. Utah Department of Transportation E. H. Findlay, CAP, Director Published in the Davis Reflex Journal on April 28, 1987 Issue No. 14 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE 84133 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 28, 1987 All of Lot 39, Last publication May 12, 1987 The following Issue No. HOL- desitu- scribed property ated in Davis County, State of Utah, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the front steps of the Davis County Courthouse, Farming-toUtah, on May 26, 1987 at the hour of 12:00 oclock noon, for n, the purpose of foreclosing a TRUST Deed executed by JOHN R. TORRENS R-6- 9 Building Salt Lake City, Utah and JOANN TORRENS, LOW, PLAT B, according to the official plat thereof, Office. Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances. R-6- 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS and ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPOINTMENT Probate No. P3496 on file and of record in the Davis County Recorders 14 Personal Representa- tive of the estate of the above named fied to present their claims to the above Personal Representa- tive or to the Clerk of the Court within three months after the date of the first publication of this notice or be forever barred. Date of first publication: April 7, 1987. Fred D. Essig, Attorney DATED: 6 March, 1987. Dennis E. Faneuf Personal Representative Fred D. Essiq 330 So. 300 East Salt Lake City, UT 84111-259- Estate of Earl E. Faneuf, Deceased. Dennis E. Faneuf, whose address is 760 So. 36th West, Mountain Home, ID 83647, has been appointed dece- dent. Creditors of the estate are hereby noti- 9 Published in the Davis Reflex Journal First publication April 21, 1987 Last publication May 5, 1987 Issue No. 14 8 R-6- NOTICE OF PROPOSED BUDGET INCREASE Notice is hereby given according to section Utah Code annotated, as amended. The Davis County Commission will consider a proposed budget increase for the Davis County Health Fund at their regularly scheduled commission meeting on Wednesday April 29, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. The meeting is held in room 126 County Courthouse, Farmington, Utah. Ruth M. Kennington Davis County Auditor Published in the Davis County Clipper on April 23, 1987 Issue No. 13 C-1- Published in the Davis Reflex Journal on April 28, 1987 1 Issue No. 14 at milepost at 4000 8 12.7, in- By Richard H. Nebeker, Attorney 800 Kennecott re- located in Davis County, Utah which is more particularly described as follows: T Any additional the official 17, 1987. Beneficiary, recorded December 30, 1983, as Entry No. 661162 in Yonr Right To Enow SR-12- 7 West 9 South Wi7 at Inllard, tersection of SR-8- SR-10- SR-11- 0 and tion SR-3- 7 SR-9- 8 at Intersecidentified as IVlaveriks Maintenance Project No. The principal items of work are approximately as follows: Reinforced 18 Prices effective April 29, 30, May 1 and 2 ONLY Concrete Pipe 606 lin. ft. Concrete Small (AE) 13 Granular Backfill Backfill Borrow 1050 ton The project is to be completed in 25 working days. Proposal forms, plans, and specifications are on file in the office of the Utah Department of Transportation, Salt Lake City, and the office of its District Director at Ogden, Utah where they may be reviewed by prospective bidders. Specifications, proposal forms, and plans may be obtained only at the Department Offices at Salt Lake City, upon application and payment of a fee of $15.00, none of which will be refunded. Each bidder must submit a bid bond from an approved surety company on forms provided by the Department; or in lieu thereof, cash, certified check, or cashiers check for not less than 5 of the total amount of the bid, made payable to the Utah Department of Transportation, as evidence of good faith and a guarantee that if awarded the contract, the bidder will execute the contract and fur- nish the contract bonds as required. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Hot News Tips For North Davis? Call this offer cuyds. 298-342- 430 Jeanne Healey, left, takes a final treadmill test as part of the Book 973, at Page 4 CEILINGS CATHEDRAL with a view, 5 bedroom, 2 fireplaces. 2 bath, Owner $110,900. Realtors RIGHT for a large 3 5 bdrms, family, baths, 2 fireplaces. Good view. Choice neighborhood, Bntfl. East Bench $78,500. Don Phyliss 295-572Oaks Canyon Realtors 298-342BRICK rambler CUTEST $58,900. Full basement, room, family large oversize double garage. ' acre. Won't last. 292-166Geo. Lucie Canyon Oaks Realtors 298-342OWNER HAS relocated out of state and very anxious for an offer. Large trilevel. Nice quiet neighborhood. $72,500. Don Lynda 298-424Oaks Canyon Realtors CHOICE JUST good Oaks JUST 4 Large 295-052- 298-424- Canyon CHOICE BOUNTIFUL Hills location. Don 298-342- Oaks 298-342- in neighborhood. $79,500. Lynda Phyllis Canyon rambler BRICK Energy efficient furnace, close to all services. FOR read class? Realtors 298-342- qu'et 2908-011- Oaks Canyon Realtors NICE 295-552- Phyllis 4 . LOOKING location. 292-700- Lynda 2908-424Oaks Realtors Canyon 1 trees, apartment, needs some work $93,500. Public Notice Advertising Protects Structure Class AA 298-424- Lynda 298-342- Oaks 6 bedrooms, 4 baths, almost acre, horse property, view, fruit 4 publicly opened for. District One Culvert Installation in Box 421-43- 0 298-342- Lee FARMINGTON ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, as 1 main. family air, 422-5- 6 Canyon school district. To help the schools accumulate their portion, the board imposed a $20 per student use fee. This money will be placed in a special account for purchase of new band uniforms. At present, the district uses a and a district formula to purchase uniforms. According to Associate Superintendent Gayle Stevenson the life of a band uniform is 2 years. Each uniform costs about $260. By charging a student use fee, this cost can be collected over a period of several years so there is husband and wife, as Trustor, in favor of Village) Days condition, Prowswood Realtor central two-sevent- New roomfireplace. Rentable studio apt. off family room. One bedroom apt. under garage. Great to help out with house Excellent payment. Circle 1147 E. 600 4 bedroom - 3 baths, formal dining, country kitchen - two fireplaces -- ' acre on stream wooded lot - $132,500 Bob Duffin expand, five-sevent- 295-563- bdrm., bedrooms Basement 422-51- 4 GREAT STARTER, sprinkling system. forms are needed. BOUNTIFUL EAST BENCH BY OWNER homerental property. Live in home with two basement apts. Brick, two car garage, 2 9 295-252- 2 room, 6 bedrooms, R.v. parking. Fully automatic 421-42- 9 421-51- 4 central vac. Whirlpool bath with home office. Big family kitchen area, asxing $139,000. Call owneragent 3 wood cabinets, new kit. floor, 2 yr. roof and furnace, garage, fenced. Come see it .oday. Only 881, eve. AREA, UNIQUE & SPECIAL i garage, $57,900. and for central garage, Dr., fireplace, landscaping, cooler. 772 W. 1325 No. HOME FARMINGTON, Orchard FARMINGTON BY OWNER 8 MONTHS OLD, 3 bdrm. (no basement) garage, by 428-2- PRICE REDUCED CHOICE, LARGE, 3800 sq. ft. Many extras. 2 family rooms, game room, kitchens, formal dining 421-51- 4 Office: 268-466- FARMINGTON Starting in the fall, it will cost high school students more to wear uniforms and march with the band. At the last meeting of the Davis County Board of Education it was decided by unanimous vote that the formula used to purchase new band uniforms would be participation by the schools and participation by the landscaping being installed. 751 W. 1325 No. (Lupine Village) $62,400 eve. days indoor or outdoor enMarvelous tertaining. circular deck over-look- s peaceful stream. Priced at Call $187,000. Lorraine at 292-029LORRAINE Underwood REMAX Professionals. 292-029- 295-920- 421-52- 0 NO. 2 basement, woodland Secluded of 2 -- neutral colors. by district fireplace, VA bath, full manificent bedroom contemp. Private. BUY OF THE YEAR LOCATED ON the East side 5 family room, living room, fruit room, garage, (Lupine Home: 295-445- bedrooms, OWNER fees raised 5 bedroom, 3 bath, custom oak kitchen, terrific family home or income Light, airy, properly. 6 $149,000 yes you can do sweat equity for part of your down payment. Call Chad 292-968- 9 421-43- 0 broker. HOMES, home., TRY 6 splendor. 422-5- . Bountiful. BY someone till up its emptiness. Warm neutral tones add grace and style to the spacious rooms. Priced at $59,000 it is a superb value. Call Lorraine at glorious On Packard Inc. sq. SWIMMING POOL BOUNTIFUL BENCH LARGE RAMBLER young PHILLIPS, Duffin NEW HOMES MANY LOCATIONS to choose from starting as low as $59,900 up to alum, garage, FARMINGTON. y Surrounded Realtor Double family room. Good neighhome. Band uniform Prowswood 295-252- rambler. Generous size rooms with main floor and family laundry rooms. Custom kitchen, easy care yard, 3 car )e. $164,500. LOW Bob 4 READY & WAITING! THIS VACANT 2 bedroom condo is longing to have THIS Bountiful. 292-934- Efficient ESCAPE? forma! dining, family custom built -room many extras. 6 years old 305 Wst 800 North, Centerville. $99,900. EXCLUSIVE CHELSEA COVE BUILT colonial QUALITY patio, 1500 $56,500. Custom home! with garden, fenced, swamp, equipped with walk-ou- t level entrance. Mom doesn't a need home? Enjoy the extra space with your family. Awesome throughout-Energ- TWO STORY BEAUTY! NEW LISTING $105,800 3 baths, 4 bedroms, burning stove. wood HOMES FOR SALE 423-43- 0 grand staircase, parquet floors, formal dining, STARTER mother-in-la- Ouality CENTERVILLE $65,900. bath, carpets. 422-5- APPRECIATE THE SURPRISING CHARMS OF THIS incredible home. Situated in a frendly neighborhood you'll find 2 homes in one! Totally Great neighborhood, Beautiful 4 bedroom 2Vi bath, 2 car garage wopeners, fenced yard, sprinklers, fireplace, wood stove. Must see! Assume 10 low down, FHA loan, CENTERVILLE LOCATION BEAUTFULLY remodeled brick bungalow in county setting. Over 1200 sq. ft. on mam. New kitchen, owner-agen- LIKE TO D HOMES FOR SALE FOft SALE 544-913- 3 not "ood" after may 31 gasoline coupon lino MEnHf! 2)(ff OF GAS R-6- |